

Our story bigen to a small old city in Japan long is form Tokyo

In, The Mid Night city was very quiet air passing by every where is very peaceful

After about some time passby every thing same ,

But All of a sudden very loudly many cars sounds can be Hurd

In the fornt a red Sport car 🚗 very fast runing & in the car a man can be seen

( Man looks he in his 60'tes

wear only blue Pant & a white was rapet in his aram like bandage

seens he is nijude

Boiled was poring from the cloth also have a Gun in his pants pocket )

& This person is a very dengeres genster who brake his jell & now runing into car wile police was chessing him & shooting

Gunfire at His car

After chess for some time when car about to exit from the city a river an brige came &

car was about to crossed the bridge

However, at that moment when car Medel in the bridge police gunfire hit car and fire brackout into the car & car coudnot menten direct fell from the bridge go to river &

Boom, boom, boom

sound be Be Hurd

the man in the car only remember that he was fell from the bridge with in the car & every was went blank

Real Story Start From Here

I don't know how much time had passed

a day, mouth , year or but now I find my self in strange place Finley my conches ness has return to me I feel now again

what happened to my saraunding .

But something fele wrong here why came I opened my eyes yet

I can feel that I have my body but yet I can't open my eyes & can't even move my body

what the hell is going on here

after many times of try I finally managed to open my eyes 👀 to see what happens to me

But what I see I can't believe myself how on earth 🌎 this can even possible

because I find myself in a child body

I looked into my small hands and feet tach my small face

believe it or not but I am really became a newborn baby

But , then it hit me now I understand what happened to me I the bridge I die & reborn as a baby boy

I think then suddenly I heard some one voice I look forward saw a nurse was tooking to a Woman who was beside me

to my understanding this person must be this body or my mother from now on .

when I was thinking to myself the weman was all of as sudden picked me up then hug me then after a wele Brock the huge

then I saw nerce left the room & A man enter the room wear a bifrent type of clothes that I never seen

the man then take me from the woman

pick me up man was looking at me

and I also was looking at him then he smiled at me and hugs me

I was curious to know what this peoples

Then something happens It clack in my mind This tow people faces femalior to me

then I try to remember where I seen these people

After about one or two minutes has passed now I remember who this peoples are I can't believe this was this possible I can't believe in my eyes opened wide

This woman Mikoto Uchiha

& this man Fugaku Uchiha

Now I have try to understand what they are taking to each other

Mikoto: no this name for baby not for pet

Fugaku: but this name is good

Mikoto:but I don't think he will like the name you give him

Fugaku:wel then what about Itachi

Mikoto: wel ok ITACHI UCHIHA sounds good I think,

Fugaku & Mikoto both: Baby from today you called Uchiha Itachi

Both of them smile 😁

when I heard that name Itachi I was shoke I am Itachi 😶

But then thinking about Itachi life & my previous life I am not gona live my new life like Itachi did in real story & die

If I really reborn as ITACHI UCHIHA I know every thing about the life of Itachi & The world of Naruto

So even I have to change the story Naruto World the I know for my new live & survival so Beit I can do it not matter what it takes I will like til the end of the old of this life it does not matter what price I have to pay