
Smoke Predator (359 Words)

I fall, strong winds which can only exist at the farthest reaches of the sky lash at my dissipating form.

Breaching the barrier surrounding this world was hard to the point I had to sacrifice most of my power to protect the core containing my soul, but it would be worth it.

Compressing the gray smoke around me into the shape of a spear I pierce through the sky and head straight down.

Small adjustments to my path lead me to one of the continents and to a big plain in the core of it.

Just before I hit the ground I release my form and instead of loud explosion of a spear crashing into the ground a cloud of gray smoke smacked against the solid ground forming a big cloud before pulling itself back together.

My landing went by flawlessly but now that I was so close to the worlds core I could feel the hostile energy in the air attacking the smoke making up my body.

The timer has started.

A blazing orb that serves as my eye scans the area for a second before locking onto my first target.

It is black bird that had flow over out of curiosity at the sudden appearance and disappearance of the smoke cloud.

I once again compress my form into a spear, but this time I made it much tinner that it was more like a needle than a spear.

Without noticing the thin line of compressed gray smoke on the ground the black bird circles around the area until it passed right above me.

It is then I shoot out and soundlessly pierce into the small body of the bird.

A single squeal escaped the animals throat before its lungs were flooded by gray smoke as I funneled myself into the bird.

In mere second all the gray smoke disappeared into the small body of the black bird and the once black eyes suddenly blaze with amber light.

All of this happened over the span of a few seconds and the bird catches its tilting form quickly before rushing off into the distance.

More prey awaited me there.