
Made Puppet (293 words)

Blinking open my eyes, I take in the view of the dark room in which I found myself in.

From the many haphazardly strewn out papers completely filled with neat lines of text, the rows of bookshelves and many strange devices placed through out the big room I come to the conclusion that I was in some kind of laboratory.

Changing my focus away from my surroundings onto myself I quickly notice a great many changes to my body.

For one I seem to have gained quite a number of additional limbs, arms to be specific.

Resting softly on my lap are a total of eight hands, translating to eight arms and four pair of limbs where normally only one should be.

Also, all of them are of a pale blue color with ball joints that immediately remind me of a puppet or doll.

Frowning a bit about the drastic changes I felt relived to feel how my brows wrinkle at the action, indicating that even if my limbs seem to be the ones of a puppet, my face still had life.

Deciding that just continuing to sit on the wooden chair I awoke on was not going to do much I stand up with surprising ease.

After another quick look around the room making sure that everything was safe for now, I proceed to familiarize myself with my new body.

Having so many limbs to focus on should be pretty confusing or at least take a while to get used to, but to my surprise this was not the case for me.

Each of the eight arms did exactly what I wanted them to do with flawless coordination as they not once bump into each other if I did not wish so.