
I became a Monster Chapter 1 ( became a Official story)

I open my eyes and the only thing that greets me is the darkness and a feeling of floating in a liquid. The time flies by and I begin to feel my body grow and taking on a more defined form. Sometime later I can feel the finished form of my body which is clearly not human, its more like that of a cat pared with a lizard. Now I begin to feel like the air is running low so I begin to struggle and hammer, scratch and ram against the walls that hold me in. A crack, and then blinding light.

I push my head trough the opening that I managed to create and take a deep breath of the fresh air in my lungs. Then I take a look around and the best thing that would describe my location would be ,,A laboratory,,.

After a short moment of confusion and shock I begin to free the rest of my body which is clothed in a combination of scales and fur. My legs/arms are agile and have rater long claws on them if you compare them to my body size. I also have a tail which is more of a tentacle than a tail because it doesn't have any bones but only muscles, also is it has some spike like things on it that are clinging flat to the tail but I know that I can unfold them if I want to. My head or snout has rows of sharp teethes and a long and flexible tongue in its mouth, a wet nose like a dog and big ears like a bat and cat combined. I dont know how my eyes look like but the are much better than a humans because I can see the dust particles and the vibration of the ground, but as if not enough I also see the heat of my surrounding.

As Im already on it. I can see humanoid form of heat behind a mirror like wall. Most likely a one way window for the researcher to observe me.

like on command a little door opened and a row of bowl are being pushed out.

In the first of the right is a dead fish while in the second is a carrot, in the third is a uncooked steak and in the last is a salad.

They want to test what I eat. Good timing I can feel my body needing food to strength its structures like the bones, muscles, scales and fur.

Without wasting any more time I begin to eat without a care which bowl I take first because I know by instinct that I can eat any of these and it would only differ by its taste.

After finishing all the bowls I look at the humanoid heat signature and see how it write something down on a clip board if had to guess. Then it looked up and pushed most likely some buttons on the control panel to which in respond a new door opens and reveals a snake.

The snake slithers out of the door and made its way to me.

Taking the snake as a comparison I finally know how big I am. My size would be 40cm in length without the tail and 80cm with tail, my height is around 20-25cm if I dont hold my head up.

The snake is now half a meter before me and is trying to intimidate me with its raised up head and opened mouth that hold two sharp fangs that after there look arent poisons.

I look at the snake and crouch deeper to the ground while tightening my leg muscles so that they are ready for a short burst of speed. At the same time I unfolded my spikes on my tail so that its ready for a deadly strike.

The snake slithers slowly closer and as soon it was only twenty centimeters away I dashed forward. With my claws I had a strong grip on the floor and was able to change my direction mid dash as the snake lungs at me from the front. As I pass the snake on the left I rammed my spiked tail in the face of the snake and killing it instantly.

The enemy is killed and it is time to get the reward. I stand over the dead snake and began to tear it apart and then devour it till not even a single scale is left of it.

Once again I look at the heat signature of the researcher which is starring at me as if waiting for something. I took it as a hint and began to concentrate on my body which has devoured the snake and realized that there is a new energy within my body. A energy that wants to strength and change my body but doesn't know what to strength or change.

It looks like I can use this energy to strength or mutant my body to grow in power. With the confirmation of my instincts I willed the energy to upgrade my size because Im way to small right now to really have a chance to escape from here.

Instantly after I told the energy what I wanted I feel a burning sensation trough my whole body as if it is going to burst, I resist the burning and tearing with ease as I feet much worse before even tough Im not sure what it was. After around five minutes the pain stops and with it my bodies change.

My new size is around 60cm without tail and 140cm with tail, my height is 30-35cm without holding my head up. My fur and scales are now harder and my muscle mass is also bigger with the change in size.

(I wrote more than five chapters for this story so I made it an official story than let it be here, so if interested in the story then search ,,I became a Monster,, thanks for reading XD)