
Combat Medic Robot (300 Words)

„Haa.. finally finished. "Says a man in his early twenty's.

This young man's name is Matthew Flint, he is an office worker and lives a quiet life.

He is very satisfied with his life and doesn't wish for it to change.

"Time to go home and sleep, all these over time work hours will finally pay off." He mutters as he packs his stuff and leaves the building in which he worked for the last five years.

The way home was short and nothing bad happened, exhausted and tired Matthew took a short shower and went to bed.

Once in his bed he fell asleep immediately and never awoke again.

Pov Matthew



´Huh?! What is that sound? ´ I ask myself.

Awoken by the loud sounds of seemingly explosions and gunfire I try and open my eyes only to fail.

´What?! Why cant I open my eyes? ´ I start to panic and want to move my arms to reach for my face but once again I fail.

´I cant move! ´ My panic gets replaced by a desperate fear as the darkness and the sounds of gunfire and explosions start to tear at my mind.

After an unknown amount of time a change finally occurred.

[Starting system check.]

[Sensor check;

Optic (offline), Sound (online), Touch (offline)

Modul check;

Tactical map (offline), Cloaking module (offline), High-speed processing unit (offline), Self-repair module (offline), All-purpose energy replenish module (offline), Reinforced transmitter/retriever (offline), Emergency unit-adapter (offline), Personality-matrix (online)

Databank check;

Medical data-pack complete (Version 3.5)

Combat data-pack complete (Version 2.0)

Engineering data-pack (Version 1.5)

Equipment check;

1x Medic-Package, 1x 9mm Standard Unit Handgun, 10x 9mm Magazine, 1x Combat knife.

Mission Program Offline]

´What is that? ´I ask as I look at the transparent window that is floating in front of me.