
A Veteran Protagonist (298 Words)

In the middle of a forest you can see young man in his twenties with black hair bounded into a short ponytail laying on a patch of soft grass sleeping peacefully.

After some minutes he finally shows singes of waking up.

His eyelids snap open and reveal a pair of very old eyes that look at the world as if he has already seen everything and nothing is going to surprise him anymore.

But this look begins to shatter after some seconds and the young man gives a shout of purr joy.

Sitting up from his lying position he takes a long and deep breath.

I think it's time to introduce this young man that look like he finally got rid of a big burden.

This is Me.

Joshua Funk and I'm someone you can call a veteran protagonist.

What I mean by this?

I have experienced around twenty reincarnations and trough all of them I had a heavy Plot Armor which kept me alive, but it was also thanks to this same Armor that I even got in these situations.

But that should end now.

In my last live I found a world which I call ,,The eternal World´´.

Why? Because it is a world which can't be Destroyed or End.

It is heaven for someone like me who has a Plot Armor that tries to ship all the responsibilities on my back. Like ,,You are the chosen one and only you can safe this world´´ or ,,You are the son of the King of gods and now you must take your rightful place´´.

By the way these two scenarios have already happened multiplied times.

Back to the ,,Eternal World´´. In this world it doesn't matter if I ignore what happens around and only care for myself.