
Story: Fate/ Against Fight

A person died and reincarnated the medieval era of Arthurian legend with Chastiefol. Note: If you are looking for a super action-packed and op mc, please leave immediately. This fic will be story-oriented than action or adventure. English is not my mother language and I don’t own anything. Constructive criticism is welcomed but you start BS like pushing your own logic of fate verse or other BS then I will delete any kind of review. Last, just enjoy this story. I may or may not add harem or 18+ scenes. For more advanced chapters, must visit: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 39: Lion cub 2

(Einar's POV)


A cute cry could be heard from a lion cub playing with Artoria on the sofa.

"Leo, don't cry here. Einar is working for our sake." Artoria was scolding the cub who listened to her and nodded with a low cry. Yeah, she gave him the name Leo.

"You two…" I shook my head with a helpless smile seeing two cute lions happily playing with each other.

It has been a month since we adopted the cub. He used to live with Artoria whether in her room or camp when we were on any kind of expedition.

Although the little cub was away from his mother, Artoria was taking good care of the animal whenever she got spare time.

The spare time was when I have to sacrifice myself for paperwork for her sake by the way.

Anyway, I was happy that she started to get a little relax over the passage of time.


The cub whined again with a sorrowful look.

"Einar, I think he it is time to send him to his mother…." Artoria reluctantly suggested. She knew that the cub needs his mother and we were too busy to take care of the baby lion. In the other 10 days, another war was being held against Saxons so we couldn't spare time for the cub.

"Yeah… How about King Arthur's little expedition?" I raised my brow.

She didn't get at first but then realized that I was suggesting a holiday for the two of us. We were freaking busy with tons of work and no one was either willing or incapable to take care of work of this level.

Only Artoria or I could execute orders since we were the strongest knight/mage in her army. Yeah, I became stronger than Merlin even he said that himself- no it would be wise to say that I was way stronger than anyone, even Artoria now that I have unlocked all forms of Chastiefol.

After thinking that we indeed needed a break, she nodded with the determination of a king.

We then gathered all Knights of the Round Table at the entrance of the forest.

Her horse Ito could be seen were as I and Artoria were standing to announce the reason for our short departure with a lion cub in her arms.

"Attention everyone! We have an announcement!"

I decided to spoke instead of her.

"As you know our King is taking care of a cub for this past month. However, as the current situation suggests, it is time for our honorable King to return the future king of the jungle to his rightful place."

"You just want a vacation." It was Brother Kay making a smug face.

Other knights wanted to agree with him but they knew that the moment they spoke to mock me, their career might be at stake.

"Doesn't really matter, the king is assisting another king here. We shall now leave. Sir Gawain, you will be in charge of the settlement. Does anyone have any question?" I made Gawain head of the knight in absence of King Arthur since he was 3rd strongest and wisest knight.

"When will-"

"So there is none. You are the knight of the round table capable of even withstanding storms so take care while we are away." It was Gawain who wanted to ask but I was not gonna answer.

I then nodded at Artoria who was King Arthur in other's eyes and she nodded. She then climbed on her horse and placed the lion cub on her front while I also climbed and sat on her back and grabbing her waist with a smiling face.

I was so excited to spend some alone time with her more than finding the lioness.

She pulled the halter and we took our leave.


(3rd person POV)

"Is my brother… gay?" Lancelot asked Kay after seeing his little brother so close and clingy to King Arthur.

"Ask them," Kay smirked and pointed other knights of the round table.

None of them even want to the question or answer since Lancelot was asking about Einar, the little demon of round table and if by any chance he got the wind that they were spreading this kind of rumor behind his back, Einar knew what exactly more horrifying than death for each knight.

"It is love between a night poet and moon. Poet could only admire and sing for the moon but moon could only shine." It was Tristan. "Which is sad."

Lancelot also decided to train rather than listing to Tristan's sad poetry.


(Einar's POV)

"Einar, y-your hand?" Artoria said while looking in front and holding a halter. Although her face didn't show any reactions, I could see her ahoge swinging and her ears being rosy.

"Hehe, it is my time to flirt with you. I can't let this chance away." I smirked and licked her ear taking full advantage of her occupied attention of controlling the horse, looking after the cub as well as the way towards the jungle.

I was holding her waist while also rubbing her naval.

"If it makes you happy…" She just smiled.

She didn't mind my action and just let me do whatever I want.

"Boo…" I snorted since she stopped giving embarrassing reactions.

We then roam around the forest before entering the jungle.

When it was getting dark, she made a camp while I gathered the wood to cook.

After eating our meals, we just sat in front of the camp while gazing at the stars. I also placed a bounded field to stop any uninvited guests.

I noticed that she still was not using a bun on her hair but a single pony.

"Artoria, mind if I set your hair?" I asked her.

"Yes, please do." She nodded with a smile.

I then took a blue ribbon that had magic sealed on it and then start making her trademark hair bun. I used the ribbon that I prepared especially for her but didn't get time to give it to her.

After finished making the bun, I showed her the mirror.

"It is so beautiful~. Thank you, Einar." She beamed a smile.

She then lied down with one arm extended indicating that I should use her arm as a pillow.

"Isn't that a man's job to offer his arms to his lover?" I raised a brow.

"I am doing it." She also smirked.

"Kya~ Arthur-san, sugoi~" I beamed like a girl and lie on her arms. I also didn't forget to wrap my arms around her body and burying my face in her lemons.

I then closed my eyes hoping that we stay in that way forever.


(Artoria's POV)

'Einar, I love you so much but I can't express my feelings for you yet. I know that I can never pay for your kindness in my life and painting it with colors but I want to be a king that you should be proud of and unify my country where we could leave peacefully.

Just wait a little longer…'

I smiled while ruffling his soft hair. I wished I could just stop using this fake persona of King Arthur and marry Einar but only I could make this country peaceful and do justice to my people, all for the people and Einar.

Whenever he was on my side, I felt grateful for this life.

With my pray to marry him and give him happiness- no attain our happiness, I also closed my eyes hoping that we stay that way forever.


(Einar's POV)

For the next two days, we continued to search Leo's mother and finally able to find the lioness with her pride.

Due to me being fay and Artoria having dragon essence, pride didn't dare to attack, only gazing from afar.

"Artoria, it's time." I placed a hand on her shoulder.

She was sad that she had to let Leo go. Even I was the same since we shared a unique bond with little cub.

She nodded and placed the lion cub down.

"Go Leo, live a life of a prideful lion." She said patting Leo's head.

Leo also cuddled with her before running back to his mother.

We then waved our hand to the pride that went away from our sight soon.

Artoria then looked at me with affections in her eyes and wrapped her arms to my neck staring into my eyes.

I also didn't question her intention and our faces closed distance and our lips met.

(AN: At some point in her life before the siege on Camelot, Artoria came across a lion cub which she took care of for a month. I have to put that in the story so here it is. This chapter also shows why Artoria was reserving herself from him. I hope you continue to read the twist and turn in their life.)


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