
Stolen Bride

In a world of normal Humans, where Dragons are just fantasy or mythical creatures. There lived a human girl named Aurora Russell, a young, beautiful, and elegant girl. She was loved by all her family and friends and had all in her hands like a princess. She was not a rich girl but still, she loved her life. Hidden from humans, higher up in the sky a thunderous castle floats, in which a ruthless King of Dragons Tharros resides. His name only speaks of fear and brutality. Love has never crossed his path but when he saw Aurora, her beauty caught his attention. He wanted her more than anything. On Aurora's wedding day, Tharros Kidnapped her and forcefully marries her. What happens when their marriage brings chaos to the realm of Dragons? ****** “You dare to defy my orders,” Tharros growled, his eyes blazing red with furry. “I…I'm not your servant who should always obey your commands,” I replied, trying to steady my voice despite the fear that threatened to overwhelm me. “Even though you've forced me to marry you, I'm still your wife Tharros” He stepped closer, his eyes flashing with anger and lust evident. “You dare call my name now, huh?” he hissed, his breath hit against my skin. “I… I didn't mean to call you by name, I'm sorry” I stuttered, closing my eyes with fear. “Don't” he whispered, breathing in from my neck. “ Don't apologize, my love, I want you to scream my name for mercy..… or with pleasure” “You're a monster,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “ Oh, I'm worse than that sweetheart” His lips curled with an evil smirk. “And you'll soon discover how true that is”

EleanorXondox · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Prophecy

In the village of Firedrake tribe, a ritual was about to begin for the prosperous wedding of another girl. But this time there was something different, the air of the sky felt different than normal days. The ritual was for the blessing of a happy marriage from Dragons.

Higher up from the land of beautiful earth hidden from humans, higher up in the sky a thunderous castle floats, in which a ruthless King of Dragons Tharros resides. His name only speaks of fear and brutality. The only thing that the King loved was his brutality and terror among all the beings who reside higher up in the sky.

In the evening when Tharros was sitting on his throne enjoying the dance of beautiful girls in front of him along with his exclusive wine. It was a normal evening for him enjoying his normal life when a thunder roared above his palace that almost shook his throne and his wine splashed from the glass. Tharros wasn't scared of this tremble but this trembling never happened before in all his life.

"My king, there's Carlos outside the palace" a soldier said running in with sweat on his face.

Sweat on his soldier made Tharros angry. He stood up, throwing the glass of his wine. Walked with his full speed towards the soldier holding him by his throat.

"Are you sure you're my soldier?" He said his voice sending shivers all through the body of the soldier.

"My soldiers don't sweat with fear of that bloody forbidden soul Carlos" Tharros voice roared through the whole palace.

"King, it's raining outside. I'm not sweating with his fear." The soldier said in a low voice.

After hearing that he went out of the palace and In Front of his palace doors he saw Carlos. He clenched his fist and walked straight towards him.

"How dare you return to my abode, Carlos?" Tharros' voice thundered.

"My blood brother Tharros, won't you welcome me into the palace? After all it's been seven years since we met" Carlos said as if nothing was wrong about his arrival.

"You should be thankful enough to be able to stand here in front of me after what you did seven years ago." Tharros roared, his voice sounding like a thunderous fire.

"Aaah come on brother, leave that past behind. We shouldn't be worried about a worthless human, just a mere mortal" Carlos said coming towards Tharros

Those words sent anger boiling up in all Tharros body, his eyes raging with fury. He jumped and held Carlos by his throat.

"You dare to speak of my wife as a worthless human. She was my wife, my love , my queen. How dare you say that she was worthless" He threw Carlos on the ground , the palace walls shaking with the majestic force of the Dragon king.

"Oh yeah, you remember I took her away from you," Carlos said, gripping Tharros hands as if wants Tharros to make a mistake.

"You bloody traitor.." he was saying something when the palace doors burst open.

"Stop, Tharros don't make a mistake you would regret later" a beautiful woman came out panting like she ran a marathon, she was Tharros sister.

"Stay out of this Lyra, this traitor will pay for his mistake," Tharros said, tightening his grip on Carlos' neck.

"Tharros, you're the king don't meddle with traitors. Let the Council soldiers handle it, "Lyra said, coming a little closer.

"Fuck the council, he's not council's traitor. He's my traitor, he killed my wife when she trusted him the most" Tharros roared again thinking about how ruthlessly Carlos killed his wife.

"You were blinded by pain seven years ago, and still, you're blinded. You can't see the truth even now," Carlos said, smirking, his eyes gleaming like a maniac.

"Enough of this fierce battle" an old looking woman came to the palace front. Her voice shows power and a Royal aura around her. The woman who entered was their mother, She was a majestic figure, commanding attention. Her long silver hair cascaded down her back like a flowing river of moonlight. Her dark presence was gathering dark clouds above the Firedrake Palace grounds. Her hairs were contrasted with her beautiful gleaming silver eyes.

Her features were chiseled with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. Despite her advanced age, her eyes gleamed with fierce intensity. Her presence excuses a powerful energy showing that she was a queen who ruled with power for centuries.

"Mom," Tharros and Lyra Called.

"Let go of him, he's not here for trouble." Their mother said.

As soon as Tharros released his grip, Carlos shot up, his body transforming into his majestic and magnificent dragon. His scales glimmered like polished gold, reflecting the light of the setting sun. His wingspan was breathtaking, The dragon's beauty was matched by its majestic presence that not only shows awestruck beauty but also the fear in Humans heart. He roared, making a circle of fire above the palace.

"Listen clearly without speaking a single word. A prophecy has been foretold, a human bride shall come, and she shall marry a powerful dragon. This union will alter the fate of all the dragon realms, forever changing the very fate and destiny's of all the dragons." Carlos' dragon said.

"What do you mean by a human bride Carlos?" His mother asked.

Hearing her words Carlos landed down transforming back to his human form. He took a few steps closer towards his mother but stopped midway seeing the aggressive Carlos.

"Whatever, I'm not stopping you from greeting our mother," Tharros said, going opposite of Carlos towards Lyra.

Carlos approached his mother, his eyes cast downward in a gesture of respect. He gracefully descended into a reverent pose, his right knee touching the ground. With his head bowed, he stretched out his neck, his hands extended before him, palms down, in a traditional royal greeting. His mother's eyes shone with pride as she gazed upon her son, acknowledging his show of respect.

She raised a hand, and with a gentle touch, she stroked Carlos's hair, accepting his greeting. "Rise, my son," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "Speak your mind, and let us know what's the weight of this prophecy together." Carlos rose, his movements fluid and graceful, his eyes locked onto his mother's, filled with a deep respect and love.

"Mother, I guess Tharros needs to know more than any of us about this prophecy." Carlos said, looking at Tharros.

"I'm all ears, speak," Tharros said, gritting his teeths.

"That bride shown in the prophecy, is your bride Tharros" Carlos said, making him shocked along with others.

"What, I'm not marrying anyone" Tharros roared

"Before you say anything you should look at the ritual happening in your beloved village of Firedrake tribe. Mother the portal." Carlos said,and gestured towards his mother to open the portal towards the Firedrake Village to which she complied. As soon as the Portal opened Tharros was pulled towards the portal by an invisible force. There through the portal he saw a girl in a traditional red gown, standing in the Middle of the village for the marriage blessings. Looking at that woman Tharros felt a strange kind of attraction as if he didn't want to ever look away from her. Her beauty was really captivating.

"She doesn't believe in dragons," Carlos interrupted, pointing towards the woman.

"But she's beautiful," Tharros said, unaware of what he was saying was not normal for a dragon to say about a human girl.

"Brother, you're unaware of the fact that she's getting married in two days. This ritual was done by forcing her, and if she doesn't believe in dragons, how are you gonna get married to her."

"Exactly the same way I did with Maya," Tharros said, never removing his eyes from the woman.

"It's not gonna be easy with her. Not only about her believing that dragons are just myth but also a problem that, Demons also know about this prophecy so they might not let her get to you"

"Then we'll abduct her before the eyes of her parents"