
Stolen Bride

In a world of normal Humans, where Dragons are just fantasy or mythical creatures. There lived a human girl named Aurora Russell, a young, beautiful, and elegant girl. She was loved by all her family and friends and had all in her hands like a princess. She was not a rich girl but still, she loved her life. Hidden from humans, higher up in the sky a thunderous castle floats, in which a ruthless King of Dragons Tharros resides. His name only speaks of fear and brutality. Love has never crossed his path but when he saw Aurora, her beauty caught his attention. He wanted her more than anything. On Aurora's wedding day, Tharros Kidnapped her and forcefully marries her. What happens when their marriage brings chaos to the realm of Dragons? ****** “You dare to defy my orders,” Tharros growled, his eyes blazing red with furry. “I…I'm not your servant who should always obey your commands,” I replied, trying to steady my voice despite the fear that threatened to overwhelm me. “Even though you've forced me to marry you, I'm still your wife Tharros” He stepped closer, his eyes flashing with anger and lust evident. “You dare call my name now, huh?” he hissed, his breath hit against my skin. “I… I didn't mean to call you by name, I'm sorry” I stuttered, closing my eyes with fear. “Don't” he whispered, breathing in from my neck. “ Don't apologize, my love, I want you to scream my name for mercy..… or with pleasure” “You're a monster,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “ Oh, I'm worse than that sweetheart” His lips curled with an evil smirk. “And you'll soon discover how true that is”

EleanorXondox · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Dragon Ritual

I was standing on the edge of the small hill that was located in our village firedrake. Firedrake was a village of tribes that believed that honoring the Dragons would help them in prosperity, love, and happiness. My husband was chosen by my elders and I would soon get married to a man I've never known. But I was sure that my parents would never choose bad for me.

I didn't know what my future holds for me or what my husband would be like, whether he would love me or not. But I've seen my elder sister being married with the same arrangements of marriage made by our parents. I was tense and nervous at the same time, the cool breeze of the evening brought the relaxing feeling with itself, as if nature wanted me to believe in it and let fate decide for me.

"Aurora" a voice called from behind.

As I looked back, I saw a girl who was putting a hand in front of her face to avoid the strong wind. People from my village say that strong winds are a sign of dragons being around this hill and my parents always told me to stay away from this hill. But stubborn me never listened to them and always came here.

"Aurora, it's time. You've to come down, your mother is calling you to get ready for the rituals" the girl said this time her hands away from her face. She was the shaman's daughter who always performed rituals along with her father.

"Go away Olivia, I don't need any rituals," I said sitting down on the edge of the hill.

"Aurora, I don't think it's a wise decision. If you want the ritual or not it's not my problem. Your mother is calling you so you need to get back to her before she comes here with an angry look" she said, making me realize that my mother's anger is one of the most dangerous in Firedrake.

"You should have told me earlier about mom." I said and ran down from the hill straight to the village. When I reached the big mansion I composed my posture as mom always says that the tribe leaders women should maintain their good image. If I don't agree with them Father would be angry with me and I swear no one wants to see my Father angry. Reaching my mother's room I saw her looking at a red traditional gown.

"Mom, you called me" I asked looking at her with a soft smile.

"Oh, Aurora my child, come here. I've prepared the dress for your ritual." She said showing me the red gown

"What Ritual mom, as long as I remember the rituals of wedding have the time of two days" I asked confused

"Aurora, you remember the prayers we did to dragon when your sister was married. You need to do the same prayer do the dragons for your happy marriage." She explained

"Mom, why do you completely believe on something that doesn't exist." I asked

"Aurora mind your words" mom shouted

"Mom I'll mind my words but you should know that the so called dragons don't exist and even if they exist why do we have to pray dragons when we can pray to Gods"

"Aurora believe it or not, but our tribe believes in the dragons for centuries. Even if we haven't seen a dragon ourselves but our ancestors have seen them, so prying for happiness is never wrong for us, we give honor to dragons and they give us the happiest marriage life" she explained making me sit down on the bed

"Mom this is insane, dragons are just a myth"

"Aurora no matter you believe in it or not, you've to do this ritual like all the girls did before you" she said putting the dress in my hands

"What about my choices, why don't anyone cares about what I want" I asked with tears in my eyes.

Hearing my words she sighed and put a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"My young daughter has grown up in a beautiful girl, but remember mom and dad never wishes anything bad for you. Believe in us and if you don't like the ritual just go through it because it not gonna last for your whole life, it's only for a few minutes. Get ready you've got an hour before the ritual starts" saying that she disappeared out of the room.

I sighed thinking that it was all in Vain to make my mother understand that she believes in fantasy. Soon I got ready and waited for someone to take me to ritual and in a few moments my elder sister came with my mother.

"Aurora it's time for the ritual let's go." My sister said.

I nodded and went withe them out of the Mansion.The sun began to set over our small village, casting a warm orange glow over the gathered crowd. The air was thick with anticipation as our tribe prepared for the ancient ritual of the Dragon's Blessing.

"Don't open your eyes until you're told to do so" my sister warned.

"Chat later girls, let's go Aurora" Mother said interrupting my thoughts.

My mother led me to the center of the village, where a grand altar stood adorned with intricate carvings of the fire dragons. The villagers formed a circle around us, their eyes gleaming with excitement and reverence.

The Shaman, a wise and aged member of our tribe, began to chant and dance around the altar, invoking the spirits of the dragons. The air grew thick with the scent of incense and smoke, and I felt a strange energy building inside me.

My mother placed a small, delicate statue of a dragon in my hands, and I felt a surge of resistance. But the Shaman's words echoed in my mind: "The dragons' power is real, Aurora. Embrace it, and you shall be blessed with a happy and prosperous marriage."

With a deep breath, I raised the statue to the sky, and the villagers erupted into a chorus of chanting and singing. The Shaman sprinkled sacred water over me, and I felt a sudden jolt of electricity run through my body.

The ritual reached its climax as the villagers began to dance around me, their movements wild and abandoned. I felt myself getting lost in the rhythm, my doubts and fears melting away with each step.

As the music reached a fever pitch, I closed my eyes and let the energy consume me. And in that moment, I felt it – a strange, tingling sensation that seemed to emanate from the dragon statue itself.

The ritual ended with a final, triumphant cry from the Shaman, and the villagers cheered and embraced me. My mother beamed with pride, and even I couldn't deny the strange, exhilarating feeling that lingered within me.

Had I truly felt the dragons' power, or was it just my imagination? I couldn't be sure, because I never know what was a dragon and what are it's powers. I don't even believe in them , then what was I feeling.

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