
Stellaris: The Sojourner's Logs

Stellaris: The Sojourner's Logs is a science fanfiction of the video game, Stellaris. Set in the 22nd century, the story follows the enigmatic narrator aboard the UNS Sojourner, a starship at the forefront of humanity's interstellar exploration. As the ship traverses distant star systems, the narrator unveils mysteries that unfold before their eyes. From the discovery of alien life forms to the remnants of failed colonization attempts, each encounter reveals glimpses into the vastness of space. Amidst the exploration, the narrator's own personal musings add somewhat of a human relief from the cosmos. Read the Foreword at the Auxillary chapters, and give me tips how to write well please!

EdgelordEdgie · Video Games
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13 Chs

Infiltration - Collodor I

I stood on one of the glaciers of Collodor I, a world yet untouched by the knowledge of extraterrestrial life, a surge of anticipation coursed through my veins.

"This marks the foundation of the UN's first spy network within a world still unaware of alien life," I mused silently.

The opportunity to study a civilization different from us Humans was a privilege that could not be taken lightly.

We had to tread cautiously, ensuring we did not expose our true nature prematurely and risk destabilizing their society.

The Sirgogg, a race of massive, hydra-like Molluscoids, had adapted to their arctic world of Collodor I. Their sheer size and unique physiology made them a fascinating subject of observation. Delving deeper, it became apparent that they had reached the Machine Age.

To immerse ourselves in their society, we employed a variety of techniques, from advanced holographic disguises that mimicked their appearance to the intricacies of their unique communication patterns.

We had to become one of them, seamlessly blending in while discreetly gathering information that would aid our mission.

Navigating their arctic cities was a challenge in itself. The harsh environment posed physical obstacles, but it also provided us with opportunities to showcase our adaptability.

We endured the biting cold and adapted our technology to withstand the frigid temperatures. It was an arduous process, but we persevered, driven by the desire to unravel the secrets of this remarkable civilization.

Our agents ventured deeper into Sirgogg society and observed their intricate social hierarchies and customs.

We learned their language, their gestures, and their societal norms, all while remaining vigilant to avoid arousing suspicion. Every interaction, every conversation, was a delicate process, yet we carefully wove ourselves into the fabric of their daily lives.


Yelena Dragomirova, an agent of the UNE is in a bustling government office within a Sirgogg city. Compared to the city districts of Earth, the typical Sirgogg city is twice as large in size.

The female spy activates an advanced cloaking field, blending seamlessly into her surroundings. It shimmers around her, as she presses a couple of keys on her datapad.

"Enable Realistic Holograph: Sirgogg."

She quickly projects a vivid holographic image of one of the massive local Sirgogg.

"Cloaking field engaged, holographic projection active. Let's make this convincing."

With her disguise in place, Yelena confidently strides towards the Sirgogg official behind a desk, catching their attention.

She manipulates the holograph to bow all of its heads.

"G'hornera, esteemed official. My name is Y'elena. I come seeking an opportunity to serve our esteemed government."

Remembering recent intel, the Sirgogg highly prize their authoritarian regime.

"G'hornera, Y'elena of Gog Police Academy. What brings you here? Seeking a position within our esteemed ranks?" The official with green scales and a hat on its main head replies.

Yelena smiles, her voice projecting confidence through the hologram. She discreetly alters her voice to match the deep, resonant tones of the Sirgogg species.

"I have observed the remarkable workings of our government from my studies and felt a deep desire to contribute my skills and expertise. It is an honor to stand before you today."

The official's eyes narrow as they scrutinize Yelena, their gaze lingering on her holographic projection.

Leaning forward, suspicion evident in their voice. "Tell me more about you, Y'elena. Explain yourself."

"Esteemed official, I bring with me unique talents that can greatly benefit our society." The spy maintains her composure and responds smoothly.

"My expertise lies in fortifying our systems against external threats and ensuring the integrity of our classified information."

The official leans back in their chair, their eyes searching Yelena's holographic projection for any signs of deception.

"Information security is indeed a crucial aspect of governance. But how can I be sure of your qualifications, Y'elena?"

The hologram smirks and taps one of their heads that's holding a holographic datapad.

"I assure you, esteemed official, my abilities speak for themselves. By analyzing complex protocols and employing cutting-edge encryption techniques, I can fortify our defenses against even the most sophisticated adversaries."

Yelena's hologram subtly accesses the Sirgogg government network on the made-up datapad, briefly displaying encrypted codes and intricate security measures.

The same intel is also displayed on Yelena's own datapad on her wrist.

The official leans back, their expression softening, impressed by Yelena's confidence and display of skill. Their heads nod approvingly.

"Your dedication and ambitions align with our society's core values, Y'elena. I shall consider your application for a government position. For now please wait until tomorrow for me to consult with my superiors. May your passion contribute to the progress of our beloved Sirgogg civilization."


It was through Yelena that we earned our place in their society, providing us with privileged access to their inner workings. As our agents delved deeper into the heart of Sirgogg cities, we marveled at their technological prowess.

Their efficient infrastructures and energy grids showcased a level of sophistication that belied their pre-FTL status. We observed their advanced manufacturing techniques and studied their innovations, all while carefully documenting our findings.

It was a treasure trove of knowledge, waiting to be shared with the wider universe when the time was right.

Our findings were invaluable, providing crucial insights for future technologies to develop on Earth.

But the weight of our mission hung heavy on our shoulders in this intricate dance of shadows.

I would like to thank Amon_Weight for being the first to contribute Power Stones!

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