
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 9

A few hours ago

In an apartment at the Sky Arc building complex. Daphne was still a sobbing mess, and she could feel anger surging through her body. She suddenly stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I sacrificed my entire life for them, how dare they treat me like this? ETHAN," she screamed.

"I hate you, you took my life from me and gave it to Imogen, I moulded myself into the idea of your dream woman, I never complained when you stood me up, yet you still left me, where did I go wrong," Daphne yelled then fell to her knees as her body shook uncontrollably.

"Even my father feels nothing for me, that selfish old man how dare you use me after everything I did to make you love me like you loved Imogen but I was never enough"

Daphne stared at her hand which had started to shake and she felt a strong urge to go back home and strangle Imogen but was distracted from her thoughts as she heard the doorbell ring.

She immediately ran to open the door thinking it was her best friend but soon realized her friend would have unlocked it because she knew the passcode.

"Who is it," she asked immediately wiping the tears off her face and checked the front door camera and was immediately irritated.

"Imogen," the other party responded. Daphne planned to attack her as soon as she opened the door but stopped before her hand could touch the door knob as she stared at herself in the mirror.

When she moved into this apartment she bought a mirror and placed it at the door so any time she was leaving to go on a date with Ethan she would look perfect because Ethan always criticized her appearance. And now the same mirror is mocking her for

the useless sacrifices she made for Ethan. She continued staring at her reflection until there was another bang at the door.

She snapped out of her daze and ran to her room wiping the snot and smudged mascara off her face. She stared at the mirror by the door for four seconds and then finally opened the door.

Her face was blank with no emotion and the only thing that would give away that she was crying would be her slightly puffy eyes.

"You look pale, are you alright?" Imogen asked feigning concern but mocking Daphne's present condition.

Daphne immediately shut the door but it was stopped by Imogen's foot.

She screamed in pain as she grabbed her injured foot staring angrily at Daphne. But she couldn't care less as she proceeded to slam her door.

She sat on her couch trying to calm down but was still shaking, so she went into the bathroom for a nice long bath and when she got out, she realized Mira hadn't shown up

She decided to go for a run to cool off while waiting for her and was relieved to see that Imogen had already left. She took the elevator to the ground floor and was headed for the exit when she spotted Ethan and Imogen talking to Matt Cy and eventually getting into his car to continue their discussion, Matt was Mira's half brother and everyone in Steel City knew that Quinn and Matt were enemies.

She became suspicious and decided to call a cab. She got in, and when Matt's car started moving she asked the cab driver to follow the car. She didn't use her car because Ethan would surely recognize the car. Ethan complimented her car more than he complimented her during the relationship so he would know it was her car at first glance.