
Steam Punked

Tori and Nox were two of the smartest kids in they're college. Tori was the star of her basketball team, but because nobody loved her she always felt hollow. Nox was her only friend, he was the smartest kid in the school and had a passion for creating robots. One day they both find themselves in a world where magic is gone and Steampunk technology is used. Tori falls in love with this world as she wants to live her fantasy of finally being loved. Nox is suddenly antagonistic towards the king and is incredibly skeptical of the world. Will Tori be right and save the country from the the west kingdom? Or will Nox find out that the king is evil and stop him. My question is. What will happen to them at the end. You can also find this book on Royal Road. My username is The Isekai'd Skelton. This is also confirmation that this is my story.

Dementio · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Emotional Problems

Tori sits on a bench and stares onto the basketball court. She had just finished a mock

game with other members of her team. She of course was the star of the game. She had

managed to make six 3 point shots compared to everyone else who had only managed to make

two. For most people, this would make them the star of their school, and Tori was the best

player out of her team and was the pride of her school, but that was hollow pride built on the fact

she was the best.

"You know Tori." The man sitting next to her said shoveling a box of candies into his

mouth. "You should be over with your team celebrating." The man had long, spiky, light brown

hair with the hair on the front left side of his head is fashioned like a horn pointing up. He wore a

blue hoodie over a grey top, dark black jeans, and black and white sneakers.

Tori glanced over at the girls and a feeling of longing washed over her. "Nox, we both

know that you're my only friend." Nox nods his head and hands her his box of candy. She

accepts the box and opens her mouth, dumping the sweet flavored candies into her mouth.


Tori arrives at her house an hour later and walks up to her room. The house was dead

quiet, the only thing she could hear was the sound of her computer playing in her room. She

sighs and quickly takes a shower, washing away everything from the day before getting

changed into black sports shorts, a white crop top, and a black zip-up sweatshirt.

As she finishes brushing her black hair she walks into her room and stares at her

computer. She had been having trouble getting it to turn off for a few days and was debating

buying a new one. After a few seconds of debate, she grabs her phone and calls Nox.

"Hey, Nox." She says trying to turn down her tv's volume. "You're a tech wiz, right? " There is a moment of silence before nox answers. "Tori, you know I'm in the robotics class, right? I've designed 5 robots by myself in one year at this college."

"Ok, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings." Tori chuckles, "My computer is broken, And I mean broken. The volume doesn't work, I can't power it off, and sometimes when I look away it suddenly changes pages."

Nox sits in confusion for a second before murmuring "Yah I can fix that. It's probably just

some virus that's infected your computer, Easy fix. I can be over in 20 minutes."

"Thanks, Nox you're a lifesaver." She says before hanging up and laying down on her

bed. She stares at the ceiling and stays laying there for 20 minutes before hearing the doorbell


"Finally." She mutters to herself as she answers the door to see nox. "20 minutes just as I said." Tori nods and lets him in. "Look at this place." Nox comments as he looks around the room. "I knew your family was rich, but I didn't think you were this rich! Who else shares this house with you?"

"Just me," Tori says as she leads him upstairs. "Man, no friends or family. Your living the dream you know." Nox joked as Tori's face winced. "Heres my computer. It's been doing this for

two days now."

Nox walks over to the computer and takes out of his pocket a flash drive. He plugs it into

the computer and a notification pops up onto the computer. He clicks ok and flops onto the

computer chair. "It'll at most need an hour to load the anti-virus I made onto your computer then

maybe one more to attack whoever sent it. Now, for the meantime."

He turns around and looks at the bookshelf filled with manga and grabs one. "I think ill do a little

snooping." Tori panics and tries to grab the book out of his hands. Nox quickly spins the chair

and looks at the title. "Reincarnated in another world as a grim reaper? Lame." He grabs another one and reads the title again. "The queen's henchman... wait do you only own bad

isekai books?"

"They aren't bad," She cries out pulling the book from his hands. "They explore the mind of

characters who get overwhelming power after dying and going to another world. The writer was

just unable to fully explore his concept as he was learning the art of writing."

Nox nods his head slowly. "Or it's a shit book written by somebody who wanted to write

and thought he had to change the industry standard before he realized that the cliche of dying and having overwhelming power and fame was boring. But because people like isekai they will read anything with the words Reincarnated and martial arts."

"No, definitely my idea," Tori says putting away the books. "What about you Mr. robot man? What do you like to read." Nox shrugs his shoulders before answering, "I like books on


Tori turns around to make fun of him but is surprised by her screen. "Hey, nox. Is my

computer supposed to have that symbol on it?" Nox turned around to see almost a pentagram

on her computer. He tries to move her computer mouse but instead, the computer screen suddenly turned a blinding white, and when the glow calmed down Nox and Tori found

themselves standing in a large open church-like building.

"*Cough* Hero's. I am so glad you heard our calls of summoning." Tori uncovered her eyes to see a short but buff man with short black hair combed back. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye and has claw marks over his right. He wears a black shirt with a royal mantle over it, blue pants, and a pair of black boots. "The man offers his hand to Nox who shakes it hesitantly.

"It is a great honor to meet you heroes. My name is Silver and I am the king and Captain

of the great airship." The man takes a bow and looks up at Tori and Nox. "May I ask what the

hero's names are?"

Nox looks around confused. "H-how did you... how did we get here?" He looks over at

Tori, touching her to see if she is real. "May I ask what's wrong hero?" Silver asks. "Yeah... is

this some prank? How in the world did we get here? Magic?"

Sivers eyes narrow at the word. "Magic... if only that were still around. The only magic

we have curses from the god of trickery. Even if we did have magic we wouldn't be able to

summon you. We used what was left of the god's blood to create a crack between multiverses.

We then pulled you hero's in through that crack to help save our country."

Nox looked flabbergasted at the idea but before he could speak up Tori stepped in front

of him. "You said that we were Hero's right?" The man nods his head causing her to grin. "My

name is Tori and this is my friend Nox and we will happily save your country."