
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Deals with a God

"What kind of deal?" I ask looking around the room.

"I want you to make use of your magic boy." The voice answered. "I want you to rid my child of his memories and emotions."

"Are you talking about Meliodas?" I question. Whoever was speaking sent chills down my body.

"Yes he is my traitorous son." It began explaining. "He was the perfect successor to the crown. Then he fell in love with that pesky women. Turning his back on us."

By the end I could feel the rage coming off of him.

It also sounded like something was had been crushed.

"Why do think I would be able to do that?" I was trying to feign Ignorance.

"My child might not be able to tell, But I am familiar with Mental manipulation." The voice continued "I know you used it on that girl and giant."

'Well this isn't good.' The father of the man who almost killed knows one of my secrets.

"Ok" no use lying now. "Why should I help you."

"Of course I will give you a reward. I will allow you to become a demon." He said sounding gracious. "I will also allow you to join the ten commandments."

"The what?" I say confused "Either way you can't just change someones race."

"I am the Demon King one of two supreme beings." He boasted. "The ten commandments are ten elite warriors who are the strongest amongst the Demon Clan. Handpicked by Myself."

"So your the devil?" I said Interrupting him. This seemed to anger him, because now I could feel a glare aimed at me.

"The commandments also share a portion of my power in the form of curses. I will grant you the commandment of Truth." He continued Ignoring what I said.

"What does it do?"

"All who lie in the presence of the wielder would turn to stone."

Honestly I fell like that would work with my power. They would all accidently lie once under my power.

As I thought of accepting it the system chimed in.


Commandment of Truth: All who lie in the user's presence will turned to Stone, Including weilder. Rank SSS'

'The curse effects me!' reading this I throw away the idea to accept.

"Is their anything else i should know about it?" I ask trying to see if he was trying to set me up.

"Nothing you need to bother with boy." He's really condescending.

'So he was trying to set me up.' I figured. Now I need to find a way out of this.

"Why don't I think about it a little your majesty." I say buying myself some time.

"I see that you don't value my offer child." He said in annoyance. Then with a chuckle he continued. "Or is it you figured out my trick?"

Hearing this stopped me 'he knows I know.'

"I see you did see through my trick."

"I did." I gulped.

"For an a wielder of your magic you are bad at controling yourself." He mocked. "I'll leave you be for now child, but know this I will get what I want."

With his piece said his pressence vanished.

'So I need to beat him to become god.' I reasoned.

With that now done I first went to hawk and ate his dream. Taste like left overs.

Magic +5

'A boosts a boost.'

Once I finished I headed to meliodas. Now looming over my attempted murderer I needed to figure out what to do.

I can't just kill him. That would just lead to a bunch of problems. As I stood their I saw the dream floating their.

'Might as well' as I tasted it it felt like a slow cooked meal that melts in your mouth with citrus and a hint of bitter sweet. I really liked this.

Strength +50

I think i have an Idea. Lets see if i can mix my spells. Using Hypno I keep him asleep will I try my hand at his conscious. Finding what I need I cast Hypno with

on his subconscious.

'New Spell:

Deep Sleep-Individuals will be placed asleep with no way of waking up.'

'perfect' I can't kill him but I can keep him in a coma to feed on.

With that done I now had a health supply of stats and a safe space. I think I'll do what I want now.