
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Birth of a villian R18

An: I'm not good at smut also it's clearly marked.

After I put Meliodas into a coma. I figured it was good time to figure out my plan.

Obviously I need to save the king and kingdom, deafeat the supreme beings, and on a personal note make a harem.

So I guess I need to find a way to take on an army. I now need to find an army. I think I have an idea.

I want to do something first. walking out of the room I headed towards the entrance of the tavern. Walking out I saw Daine Kneeling next to Liz's balcony. This seemed to accent her big butt more.

I'm done playing safe. All it got me was severe depression and almost getting murdered. If thats the case might as well enjoy myself.

With this new resolve I walked over to her without her noticing. Now standing behind her I pulled my hand back and spanked her.


She quickly covered her butt and swung her head around. Her face was now covered in a blush. Liz, seeing Dianes's reaction, leaned over the balcony railing.

"Nash!" Liz yelled in joy. "Give me a moment I'll be right down!"

"Can you wait there!" I yelled back. "I want to talk to Diane for a minute!"

This had Liz confused but being a sweet girl she nodded without asking. This also seemed to brighten Diane up.

With nothing else to say I walked away into the nearby woods. Why is there always a forest nearby?

"Coming!" I heard Diane say followed by loud footsteps.

"So what do you wanna talk about?"She asked now behind me. "If it about the captain I..."

"Diane." I said interrupting her. "Do you love me?"

This caught her off guard. She pulled her hair in front of her face again.

"I don't know." was the answer I got.

'Not great.' If I want my plan to continue I'm going to need more from her. 'Well let tweek her a bit.'

I start by giving her a dash of admiration, a pinch of obsession, a smidge of loyalty and a tad dependence blind

When I finished her expression change. No longer was their a shy blush now their was a large smile.

"I mean of course. I will always love you." Thats better.

"Can you prove it?" I ask

"how?!" She asked jumping on it.




"Can you show me if I make you wet?" I ask.

Her face was Neon Pink when she processed what I said. With some reluctance she reached for the crouch are of her leotard and pulled it aside.

Now in plain sight was her pussy. It was a bright pink color, about my size. At the top stood her erect clitoris. The folds of her vagina were moist from her apparent arousal.

"I got wet when you spanked me." Her timid voice spoke. She then spread open her folds letting me see the inside of her dripping pussy.

As I stared at it a thought came to mind. Walking forward I got close enough to her pussy that I could feel the heat radiating from it. I then leaned forward and kissed her clit Aggressively.

This got her to moan loudly. I quickly finished it and walked back.

"Did you like that?" I teased her. Now using my hands to rub it.

"uhuh" was all she wimpered out.

"Diane I need you to tell me if you like it." I continued letting go of her clitoris. Once I stopped touching her she started to look antsy.

"I like it please keep touching me!" She wailed bring my entire body towards her large vagina. my nose was filled with the smell of her steamy love juice.

As she pushed me against it she started brought her free hand to her bubble butt. She seemed to probe around circling it. she then seemed to about to shive two of her fingers in.

Just as she did it nibble on the clitoris my face was smashed on. Appearently she seemed to be on an hair trigger because with thunderous moan she came, drenching me.

When she finished her orgasm she fell limp and let me go. Now free I moved up her body until I reach the valley between her breasts. With my target found I slipped in between them using her cum as a lubricant.

This seemed to bring her back from her abscent mindedness.

"Are you ok Nash?" She fussed looking down into her clevage.




"I'm fine." I said in reassurance. "I can say now you love me."

"Yea" She replied going back to shy school girl.

"Then can I ask you to do something?" I ask getting to what I wanted.

"What is it?" She asked tilting her head.

"I'm thinking I need a body guard.