
Starvoid [Haitus]

An author finds himself being forced by gods to reincarnate into the Star Wars Universe. Forced for time and resources can he build up his own empire for his people and survive through the events that would happen to the universe? (Inspiration for my novel taken from [The Wound In The Stars] by jkjkodath) It has a similar overall plot as his novel but I decided to go with a different approach. Tech-wise still a WIP and I will do my best to stick with Canon. For those harem lovers, this story is not for you. NOVEL IS STILL A DRAFT (Still in the works and will not be updated until I finish my other novel first) (2nd fanfic I wrote)

Suuper · TV
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

006 Sera


"Master, no" Selena muttered in her sleep "Don't go"

Her eyes opened and she got up in a panic.

"Master!" She called out as she searched all the rooms on the ship.

Unable to find Yandi, she staggered back to her room. She curled up on her bed feeling a little lost and lonely.

A blue light flashed in the corner of her eyes. She looked and saw her helmet flashing a blue light from under it. She hesitantly picked it up and it revealed a piece of paper.

Her hand shook as she picked it up.

To Selena,

I am no longer able to keep you by my side. For the past five years I have realized that you have started to develop feeling for me. I was hesitant to send you back to the order but I can no longer keep you by me. I have chosen my own path 7 years ago. It will be a long and difficult path, we need time and time is what we don't have. I have already started my plans long ago, but I let the gears of fate move by themselves and I've done very little to change it. War is coming Selena. The time of turmoil is coming near. I will leave you this warning for you to prepare yourself for the future. It almost here, and my final warning to you is to never trust anyone except for me or Yoda, not even the other Jedi or the republic. They have their people everywhere, I do not wish for you to be dragged into their schemes and plans. I only hope for you to survive until we meet again.

P.S. I made some changes to your armor and you will find it when you put on your helmet


As she finished reading the letter and dropped it suddenly went up in flames. She was not surprised as he had done the same to all letters he have written. Shen she asked why he simply smiled and didn't answer.

"Stinky master, you know that I liked you and you didn't accept or deny my feeling for you" She muttered

Soon tears came sliding down her cheeks

"You should've taken me with you" she whispered "What's the point of going back to the order if you aren't there with me"

After wiping her tears, she put on the helmet and an interface came up. She noticed that there were things added and updated on her interface.

[Scanning Iris]

A light reflected into my eyes

[Identity Confirmed]


The screen went dark and a video popped up. A familiar face was seen in the video.

"Master" she called out

"Selena" he looked conflicted

"Master I-"

"Selena, I am imagining that you have plenty of questions right now. Unfortunately, I cannot answer them. This a recording from a week ago. If you see this it means I have left you on Corusant. I'm only here to teach you how the armor works so listen carefully" He paused

"Master" she wanted to touch the screen

"There is a function for this armor to retract. Do you remember when I had you take a couple medicines and injections on one of our travels?" he asked

"yes" she whispered even though she knows it will not be heard

"One of them was for this armor. Although I was hesitant to do so I wanted something that you could protect you but not visible to public eyes. This armor could be transformed into a pendent if you wish for it to be gone and doesn't need it" He smiled "Your helmet would change into a headband. I also left an AI for you to communicate with. She is you own personal AI that would communicate with you via the helmet or headband. There are a lot of functions that she could teach you. I don't need to explain all of them. All you have to do is say System AI initiate and it will add her into your system"

She wanted to speak but he continued

"I also wish to talk to you but this is only a recording. As for how I know you would try to talk to me, I'm your master and watched you for five years. How can I not predict your actions?" He chuckled "Alright, I know you will be sad but it's too dangerous to take you with me. The order can keep you safe for now. Remember this I am no longer your master anymore since I have left. Do not be upset. Maybe one day we may see each other again, goodbye Selena"

The screen cut off and it returned to the normal interface.

She trembled as she took off her helmet "Don't cry" She told herself. "Master said that we will meet each other again one day"

After calming down she put her helmet back on and spoke "System AI Initiate"

[Initiating System AI-Sera]

[System AI-Sera has been added]



Soon the screen blackened once more for the update and finally came back online after 2 minutes.

[Hello Miss Selena, I am your personal AI, Sera]

"Sera, do you know how to contact..."

[The lord cannot be contacted, he will contact you, but I can send help send him a message instead]

"ok" she said disappointedly "Teach me the functions then"

[System Shop will contact and find the nearest shop the lord has set up in the area you are at and will be available to buy the products from those shops]

[System Map will show you location of the nearest star systems and planets including danger zones]

[There are integrated radar and antidetection systems as well as a back up system incase of EMP attacks]

[Helmet can be changed into a mask or changed according to your preferences]

[There are also safehouses and bases for you if necessary but you do not have access to them until you are in a dire situation]

"Oh" she spoke in frustration "He left noting for me to contact him with"

[Miss Selena, if I may]

"Go ahead" she said in confusion

[The lord has spent some connections and effort to remove you from the bounty lists, you no longer need to fear bounty hunters coming after you]