
Starvoid [Haitus]

An author finds himself being forced by gods to reincarnate into the Star Wars Universe. Forced for time and resources can he build up his own empire for his people and survive through the events that would happen to the universe? (Inspiration for my novel taken from [The Wound In The Stars] by jkjkodath) It has a similar overall plot as his novel but I decided to go with a different approach. Tech-wise still a WIP and I will do my best to stick with Canon. For those harem lovers, this story is not for you. NOVEL IS STILL A DRAFT (Still in the works and will not be updated until I finish my other novel first) (2nd fanfic I wrote)

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005 Hidden Base

One year before the Invasion of Naboo, I have created a group consisting of fellow Mandalorians while I was working as a Bounty Hunter. We had quickly became friends and would constantly group up together on missions. I used all my system points that I have accumulated from doing missions to purchase intel, resources, machines, and blueprints.

After looking through historical records from the intel that I bought, I managed to find a pretty decent hideout and base that was abandoned during the last great galactic war between the Sith Empire and Republic. I quickly arrived in the place that was hidden deep into the Unknown region. This was an unnamed planet that was rich in resources and habitable too.

It took me a month before I found the base. It was hidden in the walls of a mountain. The only reason I was able to find it was due to luck mostly. I found that the base could still be functional and all I needed to do was fix the wiring in the place. The place was abandoned long ago by the Sith and later the Republic took it over but because of the distance to their territory, it was quickly abandoned and forgotten.

I spent two more months before I could fully operate the base. The droids had to be reactivated and the base have to be fixed and cleaned. There were several ships and weapons we could use but they were worn down and had to be scrapped. I spent the 4th month buying blueprints for construction bots and miner bots. Using the last of my credits, I bought a blueprint for security droids, an AI blueprint, and a cloning facility blueprint. After spending some time thinking, I asked for the blueprint for E3N from one of the games in COD.

I managed so salvage several data chips and holocrons from both the Sith Empire and Old Republic. Through the data chips I managed to lock down the location of the Star Forge and copied several blueprints for weapons, ships, and droids. The holocrons gave additional techniques for those that were lost when the Old Republic fell.

On my sixth month I had to finish the cloning facilities and ask for Fett's DNA from Jango Fett himself. He asked me why and I brought the entire group to the hidden base. Jango Fett was in awe and immediately understood why we needed his DNA. He agreed to give me his DNA sample and I gained their complete loyalty for sharing a big secret to them. I also told them the future plans I have in store.

The rest of the year was fruitful. I managed to find the Star Forge and it was two systems away but heavily defended by extraterrestrial monsters or unknown monsters that float around in space. I decided to build shipyards on the dead planets next to us and build droid factories as well as weapon factories. I also built companies that sells hyperdrives and all sorts of tech including droids. We sold every type of droid there is except for ones meant for battle. They were popular for their quality and quantity.

Unknowingly for them. All of our tech have untraceable viruses in them. They would go and infiltrate into systems to steal data and intel. The droids themselves would send information over to us. After screening and determining their loyalty and conviction for us. We recruited several more people to sort out the intel we collected.

Six years later I finally returned.

"I'm back" I whispered as I landed on the planet.

We eventually named the planet Yansil.

"Welcome back Yandi" A man greeted as soon as I came out from the ship.

"Hey Rofel" I smiled.

Rofel was the mechanic of our group. There were two others that work with him, Sik and Hari. They are the engineer team of our group. The repaired and redesign our ships to what we want. There were not many in our group, only 20-30 people including me Jango, Rofel and his team.

"Where's everyone?" I asked seeing that the base was nearly empty

"They just went out. Probably not coming back until tomorrow" He replied

"Oh" I blinked "How's my ship going?"

"It's been done for a long time" He snickered "You been with that girl for so long and didn't return. The boys nearly thought you abandoned us"

"You know why I had to stay with her for the past 5 years" I rolled my eyes

"Exactly, 5 years" He pointed out

"Can't do anything about it since she has grown too attached to me" I shrugged

"She has grown into a fine young lady" he murmured "If it wasn't for the fact that she fancied you we would've taken her"

"I know" I sighed "I also liked her but we just can't be together. We're master and student"

"Oh. You bastard just dumped her there like that huh?" He snorted

"I don't really have any choice. Yoda would let me go but not her" I shook my head "and I will have to leave eventually. Better end it there than let it continue"

"I really want to beat you, you know?" he spoke "She's beautiful, powerful, and into you, yet you dumped her"

"Oh. C'mon I wouldn't push it if I were you" I slapped him in the back

"Do you think I have a chance?" he asked suddenly

I looked at him dead in the eye and spoke flatly "No"

"awww, would you look at that. Our dear Yandi has grown into someone jealous" he grinned

"As my student, she would break your balls before you got close to her" I chuckled

"You bugged her armor didn't you?" he asked all of a sudden

I froze

"I still remember you asking for some beskar and other special materials. I thought you wanted them for something but who knew you decided to create an armor for her" He muttered "You wasted quite some resources on someone you dumped"

"In the end, I don't know" I sighed admittedly

"Why not chase after her until it's too late?" He asked

"Five years" I spoke


"Five years until we need to have our plans completed" I told him "We could not be distracted during this time"

He turned grim "You're right. The moment we started, we are doomed to never stop our plans"

"I already have all the pieces into place. We just needed the bait and the fish" I looked into the sky above

He didn't speak and also looked into space.