
Starting Dual Cultivation Sect

on pause, (while this work goes on hiatus read - Starting With The Ancient Refinement Body) "On the Martial Dao path, everyone strives to reach the martial pinnacle. After buying a dragon jade, I transmigrated to the Cultivation World, cool, right? The good thing is that I'm in my original body and have a lineage of the Primordial Dragon. Upon arriving in this world, a man who is actually a woman recommended me to a dual cultivation sect."

MyLittleSleepy · Fantasy
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11 Chs


This chapter presents the construction of the World


When Long Yu said this, Jian Hong's expression turned sad.

"Do you really not know about the world?"

"No, I lived in an isolated area," Long Yu replied, curiosity and apprehension in his gaze.

Jian Hong sighed deeply, pain evident in his eyes. "I see." His voice was cold, but there was underlying sadness.

Long Yu was curious. What could be so terrible to evoke this reaction from Jian Hong? "What happened to this world to make you react like this?" Long Yu asked, his curiosity now tinged with concern.

After a moment of silence, Jian Hong responded, "Our world is a prison."

"??? What do you mean?" At this point, Long Yu's expression grew serious, concern spreading across his face.

"A hundred thousand years ago, our world was situated in the Realm of Nine Heavens, one of the seven realms of the Black Hole Universe," Jian Hong began, his voice heavy with memory. "The seven realms are:

1. Eternal Realm

2. Realm of Nine Heavens

3. Immortal Realm

4. Realm of Magic

5. Realm of Monsters

6. Realm of Martial Spirits

7. Desolate Realm

But a hundred thousand years ago, the Nine Heavens were displaced into the void. No one can enter or leave our realm."

Jian Hong paused, looking towards the horizon as if he could see the distant past. "The strongest beings tried everything, even merging all the worlds of the Nine Heavens to try to escape, but it was impossible. After 80,000 years with no results, everyone gave up. The Realm of Nine Heavens no longer exists, the laws were altered, and now all that exists is a vast world we call the Great Void."

Listening to this, Long Yu was in doubt. "How did the jade manage to bring me to this world? What happened? Is Earth part of any realm?"


From a place in the cosmos, you can see a realm. This realm has its location within a white hole with dark energy, called the Desolate Realm.

Desolate Realm - A realm divided into four planes: Mortal Plane, Lower Plane, Upper Plane, and Immortal Plane.

Mortal Plane - Earth

If Long Yu saw Earth, he would be shocked: there are simply no humans left. All that remains on this planet is green vegetation; the cities and technology that humans built have disappeared.

At this moment, in the center, a spatial rift appeared. From that rift emerged...


In the Great Void World, Long Yu was still immersed in his thoughts, always pondering everything he had learned.

"How is the Great Void World divided?"

Jian Hong shook his head. "I don't know its extent or how large it is. The only thing I know is that we are on a continent called the Human Continent. Our sect's location is in the Green Cobra Forest, in the Celestial Turtle Empire."

"Understood. And cultivation, what comes after the first step?"

Jian Hong took a deep breath before answering. "After completing the three realms and four mini-realms in the first step, comes the second step, where the goal is to transform the human body, divided into four realms."

He began to explain, his voice gaining an almost ritualistic cadence as he described each transformation:

1. Bone Transformation - Refine your bones:

- Mortal Bone

- Resilient Bones

- Metal Bones

- Titanium Bones

2. Blood Transformation - Remove impurities from your blood:

- Purity from 0 to 100:

- Initial: 0 to 25

- Intermediate: 26 to 50

- Advanced: 51 to 90

- Peak: 91 to 100

3. Skin Transformation - Refine your skin to something more resistant:

- Bronze

- Iron

- Gold

- Platinum

- Diamond

4. Mental Transformation - Transform the area of your brain. Humans can only use 10% of the brain. Transform your mind and evolve in intelligence and reasoning ability:

- 11 to 20: Low Mental Strength

- 21 to 30: Medium Mental Strength

- 31 to 40: High Mental Strength

- 41 to 50: Advanced Mental Strength

"After reaching 50, it is impossible to continue evolving at least in the second step."

5. Qi Transformation - Transform your Qi into spiritual energy:

- Initial

- Intermediate

- Advanced

- Peak

"The third step, spiritual energy, will be revealed in the future."


Long Yu absorbed this information, his heart beating fast with excitement and fear of the unknown.

After gathering the information, Long Yu left Jian Hong's room and went to an isolated place to study the Primordial Dragon Breathing Technique.

[The technique allows the practitioner to channel the strength and lineage of the Primordial Dragon, granting them extraordinary powers. Divided into nine seals.]

Instructions: Inhale deeply through the nose. Inhalation should be slow and controlled, lasting about 8 to 10 seconds.

For Long Yu, who had already reached the final stage of foundation, now what was lacking was Qi.

[Visualization: Imagine an emerald light, representing the essence of the dragon, flowing into the body.]

Long Yu began to imagine. For him, who had the dragon lineage, it was not difficult. He felt the emerald energy flowing into his body, filling each cell with vibrant power. The air around him seemed to vibrate, and he could hear the distant sound of dragon roars, as if echoing from an ancient and forgotten time.

His body began to emit an emerald glow, and a sensation of warmth ran through his veins. Long Yu felt as if he were about to burst with energy. Finally, a condensed stream of energy emerged from his hands, transforming into an emerald flame that danced and pulsed with a life of its own. He had achieved Qi Condensation, feeling deep satisfaction and a renewed connection with his Dragon lineage.


**Three months later**

During these three months, Long Yu dedicated himself completely to his training.

He was often asked about what it was like to cultivate alongside an elder like Jian Hong, and he would only respond with a smile, a smile worth more than a thousand words.

Every day, he practiced the Primordial Dragon Breathing Technique, feeling his strength gradually increase. He reached the Peak of True Qi, but he knew he still had a long way to go.

The relationship between Long Yu and Jian Hong also deepened further. They continued to practice dual cultivation, strengthening not only their skills but also the bond between them. Their dual cultivation sessions were intense, their energies intertwining harmoniously, creating a powerful synergy that elevated them to new levels of strength and intimacy.

In addition to cultivation, Long Yu and Jian Hong began to share more about their lives and hopes for the future. There were moments of lightness, laughter, and even tears, making their connection even deeper.

Despite the progress, Long Yu knew that the path ahead was still long. He was determined to unravel the mysteries of his own existence and the vast universe that surrounded him.


To be continued...

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