
Starting Dual Cultivation Sect

on pause, (while this work goes on hiatus read - Starting With The Ancient Refinement Body) "On the Martial Dao path, everyone strives to reach the martial pinnacle. After buying a dragon jade, I transmigrated to the Cultivation World, cool, right? The good thing is that I'm in my original body and have a lineage of the Primordial Dragon. Upon arriving in this world, a man who is actually a woman recommended me to a dual cultivation sect."

MyLittleSleepy · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Ruin of Dao

At that moment, Long Yu left the Yin Yang Sect and walked through the forest once more, feeling nostalgic. The gentle breeze caressed his face as he followed the familiar path, reminiscing about the day he arrived in this world and transformed into the lake. He also wondered if he would see Mei Lin again.

Long Yu headed towards the exit of the Green Forest, his goal being the City of Blue Lagoons. He was dressed in a blue Taoist robe, a gift from Jian Hong, his mentor and Dual Cultivation partner, before leaving the sect. The robe, made of fine silk, bore intricate embroideries of clouds and dragons, symbolizing the strength and ascension Jian Hong hoped Long Yu would achieve on his journey.

His long black hair was tied in a ponytail, swaying gently as he walked. The contrast between the darkness of his hair and the vibrancy of the blue robe caught attention, highlighting his slender and graceful figure against the backdrop of the lush green forest.

Long Yu walked calmly until he spotted a large group of people gathered ahead. His ever-alert instincts alerted him to the agitation in the air. He narrowed his eyes, trying to discern the reason behind the crowd.

"What's happening here?" Long Yu thought, curiosity piqued. He approached a woman on the periphery of the group, his approach silent and graceful.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, may I know why there are so many people here?" he asked, his voice soft yet firm.

The woman was startled by the unexpected voice but upon turning and seeing the man behind her, her heart skipped a beat. The man was handsome, with defined features and a serene presence that exuded confidence. Feeling somewhat nervous, she responded to his question.

"The Ruin of Dao is open," she said, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"What is this Ruin of Dao?" Long Yu asked, intrigued.

"We don't know the origin of the ruin, but inside it, you can deepen your Dao if you're already at the fifth step. If not, you can enhance your skills," explained the woman, trying to maintain composure in front of the impressive man.

Hearing this, Long Yu grew curious. He didn't exactly know what Dao was, but the idea of enhancing his skills appealed to him, especially given recent events in his life.

"How can I enter the Ruins of Dao?" he asked, eager to explore this new opportunity.

"Only members of large sects, noble families, and royal family members are allowed to enter," replied the woman, with a resigned tone.

"I see," murmured Long Yu, pondering his options. He needed to find a way to enter, even if it meant facing formidable obstacles.

While Long Yu was lost in thought, contemplating a solution, influential families and sect members began entering the site. The sight of their luxurious attire and powerful auras strengthened his determination. He knew he needed to find a way to infiltrate or persuade someone to let him in.

"If I want to grow, I need to seize every opportunity," Long Yu thought, plotting in his mind. He looked around, seeking an opening. It was then that Long Yu noticed a woman looking at him strangely.

At that moment, Long Yu approached a noblewoman who was staring at him oddly. Despite this going against his initial instincts, a flashback of his Dual Cultivation mentor, Jian Hong, came to mind. Jian Hong had made him promise something before leaving: to use all resources at his disposal to stay alive and return to the Yin Yang Sect. Determined to find a way in, Long Yu recalled his mentor's words and pressed on.

The woman, drawn to Long Yu's beauty, continued to stare at him. She had a distinct and impressive presence. Her eyes were large and expressive, a deep amber that shimmered in the sunlight. Her black, smooth, shiny hair cascaded in soft waves down to her waist, partially held by a jade ornament studded with precious stones, reflecting her high social standing.

Her face was delicate, with flawless, pale skin accentuated by thin, rosy lips. She wore a luxurious purple silk robe with golden details, embroidered with plum blossoms and phoenix patterns, symbols of elegance and nobility. A golden sash cinched her slim waist, accentuating her graceful silhouette. On her wrists, gold and jade bracelets tinkled softly with every movement.

Long Yu, with his incredible charm, began to charm the woman. He approached slowly, maintaining eye contact, and smiled in a captivating manner.

"Lady, your beauty is stunning," he said, his voice as soft as honey. "I couldn't help but notice your imposing and graceful presence. May I have the honor of knowing your name?"

The woman, captivated by Long Yu's magnetic presence, blushed slightly and smiled shyly. "I am Hei Lian, of the Hei Family. And you, sir, who are you?"

"My name is Long Yu," he replied, bowing slightly. "I am here in search of opportunities to enhance my skills. The Ruins of Dao have piqued my curiosity, but I fear I do not have the means to enter."

Hei Lian, fascinated by Long Yu's combination of beauty and humility, felt an unexpected desire to help him. "Perhaps I can assist. My family has access to the ruins. If you accompany me, I can ensure your entry."

Long Yu, feeling that he had achieved what he wanted, smiled gratefully. "Your generosity is immense, Miss Hei Lian. I will be eternally grateful for your help."

The other young masters, observing the interaction, became furious to see Hei Lian paying attention to Long Yu. They murmured among themselves, jealous and resentful. However, Long Yu, proud and confident, completely ignored them, giving a disdainful smile as he walked alongside Hei Lian.

As they walked towards the Ruins of Dao together, Long Yu felt a mixture of satisfaction and determination. He knew this was just another step in his journey and was prepared to face any challenges that lay ahead.

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