
Starting Dual Cultivation Sect

on pause, (while this work goes on hiatus read - Starting With The Ancient Refinement Body) "On the Martial Dao path, everyone strives to reach the martial pinnacle. After buying a dragon jade, I transmigrated to the Cultivation World, cool, right? The good thing is that I'm in my original body and have a lineage of the Primordial Dragon. Upon arriving in this world, a man who is actually a woman recommended me to a dual cultivation sect."

MyLittleSleepy · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Long Yu's Decision

The dawn's light floods Jian Hong's room, painting the walls with golden hues and rousing Long Yu from his deep slumber. He slowly opens his eyes, feeling the gentle warmth of the sun caress his face. For a moment, he basks in the tranquility of waking up, allowing himself to savor the peaceful transition between the world of dreams and reality.

Every movement is slow and deliberate as Long Yu stretches, reaching his arms upward and feeling his muscles elongate after a night of rest. He savors the sensation of comfort and contentment that surrounds him, allowing himself a few precious moments before facing the approaching day.

With sharpened senses, Long Yu begins to reflect on the events of the previous night. Every detail is revisited in his mind, from the warmth of Jian Hong's lips against his own to the electricity that coursed through his body during their shared cultivation. He relives each moment with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief.

Sensations and emotions flow freely through Long Yu as he delves deeper into his memories. Since arriving in this world of cultivation, his life had been a succession of challenges and discoveries. He vividly remembers the early days when everything was still new and he felt like a stranger in a foreign land, and his excitement when he saw the immortal.

Or Mei Lin, the first person he spoke to and who directed him to this sect, remembering what he did to find out if the romances were real: he removed her disguise. Remembering this, Long Yu began to laugh, to be honest, he didn't even know what he thought at that moment.

Another vivid memory surfaced in his mind: the transformation at the lake. He remembers the moment he dripped his blood on the dragon jade, the sensation of pain he felt. And his transformation, a metamorphosis that forever changed the course of his life. Up to now, he has questions.

"What is this dragon jade?"

Did the seller know that item was a supernatural item?

What did the jade do to his body?

"Is this going to change me?" He remembered the strong pride he felt before, Long Yu is afraid, afraid of losing his true self.

Then, Long Yu began to think about his arrival at the Yin Tang sect, remembering the feeling of anticipation as he walked through the imposing gates, his eyes capturing every detail of the landscape around him. It was a place of mystery and wonder, where the promise of power and knowledge hung in the air.

As Long Yu reflected on his past experiences, a mixture of emotions enveloped him. There were moments of joy and triumph, but also of doubt and fear. He wondered if he was on the right path, if his choices would lead him to success or ruin.

But there was one question that plagued him more than any other: dual cultivation. Since arriving at the Yin Tang sect and discovering about this practice, he couldn't get it out of his head. What did it really mean to practice dual cultivation? Was it an opportunity to achieve unprecedented power or a trap for the unwary?

Long Yu pondered these questions as he prepared to face the day. He knew he didn't have all the answers, but he was determined to find out for himself.

So Long Yu set a reason for himself to become stronger. Only by being strong will the questions be answered.

As Long Yu's mind calmed down, the dragon jade vibrated and sent a cultivation technique [Primordial Dragon Breathing Technique] to Long Yu. Long Yu was shocked, he never expected that this jade would bring him more surprises, after this Long Yu felt even more eager to be stronger and discover the secret of this dragon jade.

When Long Yu was about to check the technique Jian Hong arrived.

She arrived Happy, It seems that yesterday was her best day.

Seeing Long Yu at the door, she ran towards him and gave him a hug.

Long Yu did not recoil and accepted her hug, after a long hug.

Then she asked, "Why are you here at the door, did you miss me?" She spoke with a sweet expression.

"Yes," Long Yu. Replied Hearing this she was happy but the next words caught him off guard

"I'm leaving the sect for a while" Long Yu wants to explore the world and discover the secret of the dragon jade, staying in the sect now will not be good for him, but if there is something Long Yu does and holds kindness he will always be grateful to the sect and Jian Hong.

"?? You didn't enter yesterday" Jian Hong was shocked

"Yes, but yesterday when we practiced I don't know if you noticed but I changed" After hearing this Jian Hong remembered before Long Yu was an innocent, inexperienced boy, but after something happened he turned into someone dominated she didn't think much at the time, but now seeing Long Yu talking and really strange.

"What are you going to do?" She asked

"I'm going to travel the world and investigate some things, relax, I'll be back" Said Jian Hong

Jian Hong felt lonely to be honest if before she accepted Long Yu as her partner for his appearance and his desires, but after spending time with him, she accepts to be his partner in heart, she doesn't want to lose him, really doesn't want it unconsciously she releases her aura. The aura begins to destroy everything around.

"Jian Hong control yourself" Long Yu shouted and released the dragon aura

But Jian Hong didn't listen and seemed immense in her thoughts

"JIAN HONG" This time Long Yu spoke with authority instantly waking up Jian Hong she was shocked by Long Yu's aura.

"I don't know if I will come back, I can't promise, after all, unexpected things always happen, but something I will try to tell you I will try to come back to visit you, it may take 1 year 5 years I don't know but I will try to come back" Said Long Yu.

Jian Hong felt a pain in her heart the moment Long Yu released his aura she realized this boy will be someone in the future who will achieve great feats, a small Yin Yang sect cannot occupy a dragon.

Long Yu, seeing her expression, approached and kissed her. After finishing the kiss, he spoke

"Thank you, for accepting to be my partner, I don't understand why an elder like you accepted my request and I don't care about the reason, just know that this moment I spent with you was one of the most important moments of my life" For Long Yu, who never experienced paternal love or love someone these moments were a dream.

"I can't say that I love you after all I met you yesterday, but something I can affirm I will never forget the woman who took my virginity" He said smiling and then joked.

"Even if in the future I continue to follow the path of dual cultivation, I will not forget you"

"Are you going to continue the path of dual cultivation?" Jian Hong asked

"Yes, double cultivation allows you to cultivate quickly, look, yesterday I was mortal, after practicing with you I reached advanced foundation" Long Yu said jokingly.

"Who cultivates for you to break through the foundation?" Jian Hong asked

"Is this your wish? I don't want you to do something you don't want to do" Long Yu replied

"Yes, it's my wish" After Jian Hong says this, Long Yu grabbed her and went to the room, they both cultivated until dawn.

Awakened Long Yu, he asked a question that he should have been asking from the beginning.

"Jian Hong explain to me about the world"