
Starting As A Top Student, I Get Back 100 Times The Knowledge I Teach

Lin Luo was reborn back when he was still in university. In his previous life, he lived his youth in vain as a rich second generation and squandered his family’s wealth, ultimately resulting in the bankruptcy of his family. Now, he was determined to turn over a new leaf. Thankfully, he awakened the Super Teaching System. He would receive a hundredfold of knowledge whenever others mastered a topic that he taught them. [Ding! You taught your students a German word. In return, you mastered 100 German words.] [Ding! You taught your students quadratic equations. In return, you mastered calculus.] [Ding! You taught your students fluid mechanics. Critical reward unlocked! In return, you solved the P versus NP problem, one of the seven unsolved problems in the world.] Unknowingly, Lin Luo had become one of the most reputable scholars in the world. At the same time, he realized that he had access to countless advanced technologies.

University Top Student · Urban
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40 Chs

Recruitment Notice for the Research Team

Translator: Zayn_

I leaned against the door frame and looked at the three of them, then said unhurriedly, "Call me daddy."




The three of them reacted very quickly. I hadn't even finished speaking when they shouted.

"Oh my, good children. You're so sensible. I'll go buy some food, then. You guys stay here and wait for me to come back," I said with a smile.

The three of them nodded, but their eyes were filled with slyness.

We had a good relationship in the dormitory, and it was normal for us to bring each other food. However, there was always a price to pay. 'Call me dad.'

"Goodbye, Dad. Come back soon!" Liu Fei shouted.

The other two followed suit.

I waved my hand helplessly and turned to leave.

As soon as I left the dormitory, I heard a commotion outside. I couldn't help but wonder, What is going on? Why was it so lively?

When I walked to the dormitory door, I saw a large group of people gathered in front of the dormitory building. They seemed to be looking at something.

I didn't remember there being anything special in our dormitory this afternoon. Why is everyone gathered here today?

However, I still decided to see what had attracted so many people.

I squeezed into the crowd.

"I'm sorry. Please make way," I said as I squeezed.

However, the movements of the people around me were getting louder and louder, and I was not allowed to get close at all.

"Aiya, Make way, make way!" I shouted loudly, hoping to attract the attention of the people around me.

However, my voice was useless. No one moved away.

"Damn, it can't be that serious, right?" I mumbled to myself speechlessly, but I still tried my best to squeeze in.

Finally, I squeezed through the crowd and found a notice on the wall.

It turned out to be a recruitment notice for the study groups in the school.

At this moment, I understood why so many people were joining in the fun.

There were various research groups in the university, and the credits of many subjects were closely related to these research results.

Moreover, these research schools would allocate a certain amount of funds as research expenses and bonuses.

What was more, if they really managed to produce an amazing research result, not only could they easily get a generous research fund, but they could also receive awards from the school. The school might even give an individual a considerable sum of money as an additional reward, and society would also pay wide attention to it.

Who could reject such a temptation?

Therefore, the recruitment notice this time attracted a lot of attention. Many people were trying their best to participate because they could get huge rewards or even soar to the sky in one go.

Looking at the surrounding crowd, I was filled with emotions.

After that, I collected my thoughts and began to look at the various recruitment notices for research groups on the wall. The remuneration given by the higher-ups made me feel somewhat tempted.

I looked at the recruitment notice and found that the content of the recruitment was about the research results of various disciplines. There were also various rewards from the school. These rewards were not only very attractive to students like us, but also greatly helpful to our studies.

However, I took a closer look at the requirements on the notice and found that they were not harsh. It was just that some research teams had some restrictions on the subject.

They couldn't possibly ask a mathematics student to study ancient languages and a liberal arts student to do physics experiments.

I thought about it. I'm a top student now, so I shouldn't worry.

I looked at the recruitment notice for the research group and most of them were for science research groups.

I majored in literature, and there were very few research groups suitable for me.

I patiently looked at the recruitment notice on the wall, slowly looking for a research team that was suitable for me.

Finally, I found a good research group. It was a biology research group, and the topic just so happened to be the HIV Research that I'd explained online before.

I couldn't help but be overjoyed. This was practically a research topic tailored for me.

I thought about it and decided to call the person in charge of the research team.

I started looking for the person-in-charge's contact information on the recruitment notice.

Strange, why can't I find any contact information? I looked around and didn't see any contact information.

At this moment, the fatty standing beside me suddenly said, "What's wrong? Student, are you interested in this topic too?"

I raised my head to look at him and smiled. "Yeah, why? Are you interested too?"

"I'm the person in charge of this HIV Research Group." The fatty said with a smile.

It was obvious that he was very happy that someone was interested in his research project.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were the person in charge of this research project." I was a little surprised. I didn't expect the person in charge of the HIV Research Group to be right next to me.

"You're too kind. But, student, do you know about HIV?"

Fatty looked me up and down, as if he didn't trust me.

I shook my head and awkwardly replied, "Actually, I don't have much understanding of this research project, so I'm not very clear about the specific situation of the project."

"Oh? You don't have much understanding of this topic? No wonder. After all, ordinary college students like you rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with this research topic. However, student, the university we are at is not a famous one. There are very few researchers working on a more profound topic like HIV because there are no corresponding cases and resources. There is also no virus reserve. Student, do you know about this?" The fatty asked.

I really didn't know about this, so I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"I'm not too sure about that." I replied awkwardly.

"Hehe, student, you don't know how dangerous this research topic is, especially for us graduate students. Once we get infected, we might not even be able to keep our lives." The fatty said seriously.

After I heard Fatty's words, my heart thumped and I had a bad feeling.

This fatty seems to be looking down on me?

No, I can't let him look down on me like this.

I looked at the fatty and said seriously, "Of course I know."

Fatty looked at me and frowned. "You know how difficult this research project is. Are you really willing to participate?"