
Starting as a Jumper on Marvel Multiverse

After watching the film "Jumper," Leo developed the ability to teleport. It was, unbeknownst to him, simply the beginning of a much bigger adventure. He traveled to the Marvel Multiverse, where the Avengers exist, after his power grew out of control. But the Avengers were merely the beginning of his journey through the MCU's Multiverses.

AurelionSoul · Movies
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Anomalous Sebastian Shaw

"How can I die without getting revenge for your sneak attack on me? And today is the time for my revenge." Leo said bitterly. He recalled what happened that night and couldn't help but feel angry.

"I have to regretfully tell you that you are too confident. The current me contains the energy of a nuclear bomb. If you want to escape, I can't do anything to you, but if you want to kill me, you are still far away!"

Shaw could sense the tremendous amount of energy in his body. He was confident that no one here could withstand his full power, not even himself.

"Alex, Hank, find a way to delay the Red Devil. Darwin, Angel, you distract tornado boy. Erik, Leo, find a way to remove the helmet from Shaw's head. I'll be able to control his body then.' The professor made a plan for everyone.

He then turned around and said to Mystique and the female agent, 'Find a place to hide. You can't participate in this battle.'

Despite their reluctance, the Mystique and the female agent could only listen to the professor and nod.

"Be careful!"

'Let me ask you something else. Is there anyone among you who wants to join my great plan? It's not too late to come over now.'

Shaw was indeed a qualified leader. He was still in the mood to poach the other party when the battle was about to start.

The others didn't say anything, but Angel's eyes flickered, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"Stop talking nonsense, die, Shaw." Erik, on the other hand, couldn't help but attack first. The battle was about to begin.

Erik tore through the metal shell of the submarine and smashed it at Shaw.

At the same time, Alex activated his ability, and a red energy shot out of the special metal piece on his chest.

After a week of training, Alex was very accurate. His attacks were aimed at Riptide, because he wasn't confident he could hit the other two.

Riptide indeed didn't react to such a sudden attack, but Shaw directly reached out and took Alex's attack, absorbing it into his body.

At the same time, he shot a stream of energy at the metal that Erik was controlling and melted it.

Azazel behind Shaw also disappeared, leaving behind only the red energy that bloomed like a red flower.

The next time he appeared, he was behind Alex. He grabbed Alex and was about to disappear, but Hank grabbed Azazel, who had yet to vanish, and disappeared with him.

They appeared in the sky together. Azazel let go of Alex and wanted him to fall to his death, but Beast stabbed one claw into his body and grabbed Alex with the other.

'Let's die together.'

As he fell faster, the beast shouted. Of course, he didn't want to die, so he believed that Red Devil didn't want to die either.

Sure enough, when they were more than ten meters from the ground, Azazel took them to a battleship.

At this time, the battle on the coast is getting more heated. Magneto is constantly controlling the metal to smash at Shaw, but there is too much energy in Shaw's body right now. He is desperately releasing it, and there is no sign of drying up. He has even attacked Erik many times.

Leo could only carry Erik with her as he continued to teleport to avoid Shaw's energy attacks. He didn't have a chance to take off the helmet on Shaw's head.

The professor could only watch, but couldn't do anything. He was very anxious.

On the other side, Riptide also turned into a tornado. For a moment, sand and stones were sent flying, and a large cloud of dust was kicked up.

Darwin was standing in the center of the tornado, but no matter how hard the wind increased, he didn't move. It turned out that David's legs had turned into tree roots and plunged deep into the earth.

His skin also turned into rock, and he wasn't afraid of the sand and rocks that were blown away by the wind.

Angel was flying in the sky, waiting for an opportunity. The tornado couldn't turn into a tornado for long, and he needed to rest.

At that moment, the battle was entering its climaz; it now depended on which side couldn't hold on.

The soldiers on the Battleship looked at the battle on the coast in shock. With a series of explosions, dazzling flames soared into the sky.

Not far away, a hurricane dozens of meters high whistled, sending sand and stones flying. In the sky, a woman with wings like a dragonfly could be seen circling.

The officers didn't know what to do. It was unbelievable that human beings could have such powerful abilities.

They could only report the situation to their superiors and wait for their orders.

On a battleship, Azazel suddenly appeared with Alex and Beast.

Alex fired an energy beam at Azazel. It had to be said that his attack was really deadly.

However, it didn't hit the Red Devil accurately. Instead, it left a line of burn marks on the hull.

Seeing that things weren't looking good, Azazel was about to escape, but the beast unexpectedly jumped at him again and brought the beast back to the submarine.

The beast directly threw Azazel at the submarine.

Azazel hurriedly teleported to avoid being in close contact with the sunmarine's metal shell. However, he subconsciously teleported behind the beast to ambush him.

He didn't expect that the beast might have expected it, or maybe it was because he was innately sensitive, hit him in the head.

Azazel's head was punched, and he passed out.

Shaw happened to see this. In a hurry, he fired an energy bomb at the beast.

In a panic, the beast couldn't dodge in time. At this critical moment, Leo appeared in front of the beast and blocked the energy.


In a hurry, the beast couldn't help but roar in shock.

But the next scene dumbfounded him. Leo was hit by the energy, and as if nothing had happened, he grabbed the hand of Beast and the unconscious Azazel on the ground. Then, he didn't forget to look back at the shocked Shaw, before he grinned and disappeared.

Shaw was almost maddened at Leo smile, and he was extremely shocked. He had just seen with his own eyes that his energy had hit Leo's body, but he didn't seem to be injured at all.

This situation is similar to his own. Does he have the same ability as himself? Shaw was shocked by this idea and found it unbelievable.

However, he remembered that the last night was exactly the same as this time. Even after being hit by his attack, Leo still appeared in front of him unharmed.

At that moment, Leo didn't know how shocked he was.

He appeared in front of Mystique not far away, he put Azazel down, and let go of Beast. Before they could say anything, he disappeared.

Leo was afraid that if he was late, he could only collect Erik's body.

Sure enough, Erik didn't have Leo to dodge the attack. He could only control the metal to block in front of him, while Shaw showed no mercy towards Magneto, who could only passively defend, and fully released the tremendous energy in his body. Balls of energy hit the metal controlled by Magneto, pushing him back.

Leo was about to go over and help, when the professor's voice suddenly rang out in her head.

"Leo. Can you hear me?"

"Professor, I thought you couldn't enter my mind? Why are you…"

"I'm not in your head. I'm just talking to you with my mental waves," the professor explained.

"Leo, we can't go on like this. Shaw has absorbed the energy of an entire reactor, and it won't dry up at all. We'll be the first to be exhausted."

"Then what should we do? We can't approach him at all, let alone take off his helmet." Leo was a little depressed. He didn't think that this Shaw was so difficult to deal with when he watched the movie, and Magneto easily removed his helmet after distracting him.

But now that he was on the scene, he realized that Sebastian Shaw was truly abnormal.

Well, damn. How would the X-Men fare in this kind of situation?

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