
Starting as a Jumper on Marvel Multiverse

After watching the film "Jumper," Leo developed the ability to teleport. It was, unbeknownst to him, simply the beginning of a much bigger adventure. He traveled to the Marvel Multiverse, where the Avengers exist, after his power grew out of control. But the Avengers were merely the beginning of his journey through the MCU's Multiverses.

AurelionSoul · Movies
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74 Chs


A few minutes ago, a huge yellow-skinned monster suddenly appeared on Harlem Street in New York.

The monster was more than two meters tall and made of muscles and bones. Its chest looked like a skeleton, and there were rows of bones on its back, like fins.

As it wreaked havoc on the streets, the car was like a toy in its hands which was easily thrown out.

"Roger. General, something just rushed into the street!"

On the plane, General Ross was happy to be able to catch Dr. Banner easily. Suddenly, the soldier with the headset in front turned around and said, "General, there's something that needs your attention."

General Ross didn't think too much about it. He went over to pick up the phone, and only heard the rumble of a car and the voice of an anxious soldier.

"Hulk is on the street! I repeat, Hulk is on the street!"

Hearing the soldier's words, General Ross looked puzzled and turned to look at Bruce Banner. He was just sitting on the plane. Why is there another Hulk on the ground?

"That's impossible. Get a grip, soldier. Where are you now?"

General Ross asked.

"121st Street, heading north along Broadway!"

Listening to the report from the soldiers, General Ross ordered the pilot of the plane to turn around and said to the soldier on the other end of the phone, "What's happening in there?."

"Why did you turn around?" Bruce Banner was a little puzzled.

At that moment, the soldiers on the ground finally caught up with the huge monster and found it wreaking havoc on the street, with some panicked citizens running for their lives. Explosions, screams, and car alarms rang throughout the street.

Everybody on the plane was surprised to see what was going on.

"Is this also a product of your military experiments?" Banner looked at General Ross with contempt.

"God, what have you done?!" Ross's daughter, Betty, directly accused General Ross with a disbelieving face.

General Ross was also speechless. How would he know that such an ugly monster had suddenly appeared out of nowhere? Not only was it powerful, it also specialized in destroying large numbers of people.

The police officers fired wildly at the monster with their guns, but the bullets didn't leave any marks on it, not even a tickle. The police officers were instead sent flying by the angry monster, either dead or crippled.

The two soldiers were horrified by what happened to the police officers.

"You think rifles are useful against it?"

"Come, let's get the big guy!"

The soldier took out an RPG from the compartment and fired it at the yellow monster. The missile whistled and charged at the monster, but the monster turned around and caught it.

The violent explosion only set a small fire in it, and didn't cause it any damage at all, but drew its attention!


The soldiers hurriedly drove back and tried to evacuate, but the monster had its eye on them and was chasing them. Anything that blocked the monster on the road was casually thrown out.

In the end, the soldiers' car still couldn't escape. It was stuck in a place and couldn't retreat. The monster ran directly in front of them and lifted its foot to step on a car that was charging at it. Its hands effortlessly lifted the car and smashed it down at them.

On the plane, everybody fell silent as the feed turned into snow.

Looking at the little insects who dared to attack him, Abomination roared as it was crushed to death!

"Give me a good one…"

Suddenly, a figure in casual clothes appeared in front of it, and he was holding something in his hand, but a fragrance could be smelled even from the distance. It seemed that he was about to deliver the food to his mouth.

Abomination was very angry that its posturing was interrupted. It immediately clenched its fist and smashed it at the small figure. It was going to smash the person into a pulp to vent its anger.

At that moment, the moment Leo opened his eyes, he saw a sh * tty yellow fist coming at him. He hurriedly dropped the skewer he was holding with his right hand, and the palm of his right hand changed into a silver-white round shield. That was right; it was Captain America's shield.


The fist landed on the shield with a deafening sound. The invisible shock wave rushed around like a gale and blew away some damaged cars.

The yellow monster remained on its position but the huge power knocked Leo backwards for a few meters, leaving two deep scars on the ground.

"F*ck, you're incredibly powerful!"

Leo drew back his right hand, which had become a shield. His arm was back to normal in the blink of an eye.

"You've manage to irritated me, puny human! I'm going to shred you to shreds! "

Abomination, on the other hand, was dissatisfied with the outcome. It clinched its fists and charged at Leo, who had already reverted to his human state.

Leo, on the other hand, no longer confronted his opponent with his fist. He'd only recently transmigrated, and his mind wasn't yet stable. Because he couldn't tell what was going on around him, he had no choice but to face the attack head-on. He wasn't an idiot; therefore he wasn't going to face it head-on.

Just as its fist was about to hit Leo, the Abomination was shocked to see Leo suddenly disappear before its eyes. Before it could move, it felt a stabbing pain in its back. This was the first time it had felt pain in this state.

Leo had no intention of going head-to-head with his opponent. He teleported immediately to Abomination's back, which was only a few millimeters away. With a twist of his right palm, his five fingers transformed into blades resembling Wolverine claws, which he swung at the Abomination's back, inflicting five deep wounds. Slowly, a yellow liquid poured out, making it appear disgusting.

When the Abomination's back was attacked, it subconsciously swung its fist behind it as an experienced soldier would, but it still missed, and there was another burst of pain behind it.

Then Abomination was abused. It couldn't see Leo at all, and its back was getting more injured. It was so painful that it couldn't help but roar.

Abomination came up with a solution and ran toward a building. Then, with its back to the wall, it looked ahead. Leo's figure finally appeared in front of Abomination, but it didn't attack again.

At that moment, the flesh on the back of the Abomination was mangled, and its fin-like spines could no longer be seen. However, the Abomination was indeed worthy of its name; it was still lively even after suffering such heavy damage.

"Dare to fight me head-on? You're just a sneaky bastard!" Abomination shouted at Leo as it leaned against the wall.

"Really, who's afraid of whom?" Leo's right hand turned back into a regular palm while his left hand turned into a round shield, as if waiting for Abomination to attack.

Seeing Leo like this, the Abomination clenched its right fist and used its greatest strength to charge forward. It wanted to kill the human who had hurt it with one punch.

Of course, Leo wasn't so stupid. Just as Abomination's right fist was about to hit his shield, he directly disappeared and reappeared next to the abomination's right arm. Moreover, while he was in mid-air, Leo folded his hands and raised them above his head. His arms visible to the naked eye, turned into a silver-white long sword that was three centimeters wide and almost four feet long. Borrowing the momentum of falling, he slashed at Abomination's right hand.

A silver light flashed, and half of the Abomination's arm hit the ground.


A stream of yellow liquid spurted out of the severed arm several meters away.


A loud roar almost shattered the surrounding glass.

Leo, who had caused so much damage to Abomination, should have been happy, but now he was extremely frightened.

That was because he realized that his recently acquired power has activated, his body was actually evolving towards Abomination!

"Sh't! I don't want to become so ugly!!"

A crisis! Will Leo turn into another Gamma being?

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