
starting a new in a fantasy world

1. **Introduction to Sam**: Sam is introduced as a young man living in a small apartment, repairing phones for a living. He reflects on modern technology and the impact of VR sets. 2. **Tragic Accident**: While watching the news about a tragic lightning accident, Sam himself is struck by lightning on his balcony. He experiences immense pain and then everything goes dark. 3. **Reflections in Darkness**: Sam finds himself in a blank, dark space where he reflects on his life, thinking about his family, especially his girlfriend Pooja, and regrets he had. 4. **Transition to Reincarnation**: Sam feels a pull towards a dim light and panics, fearing judgment or punishment. He feels sensations that confuse him until he realizes he's being born again. He perceives being wrapped in a white cloth and placed in the arms of a woman, suggesting he might have reincarnated. 5. **Uncertainty and New Beginning**: The story ends with Sam pondering if he has indeed reincarnated, leaving the question open. The narrative mixes themes of mortality, reflection on life choices, and the possibility of an afterlife or reincarnation. It explores Sam's emotional turmoil and his final moments before potentially transitioning to a new life.

red_skull225 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

chapter 14

Several days passed with Alex immersed in training, balancing chores, and attending school.

One morning, Alex eagerly walked towards the smithy to collect his newly crafted armor. Excitement bubbled within him as he approached the familiar workshop. Pushing open the heavy wooden door, he was greeted by the sight of his armor, gleaming under the skilled hands of Gia. She was meticulously adding finer details to the armor, her focus intense.

Spotting Alex, Gia beckoned him inside with a warm smile. The smithy was sweltering with heat from the forge. "Try it on," she said, nodding towards the armor.

Quickly shedding his shirt, Alex slipped into the armor. Initially loose, it hugged his frame snugly once he channeled mana into it, activating its enchantments. The armor, at his request, had been painted black, but with a touch of mana, it shimmered with a subtle green glow under the enchantment, invisible in daylight but strikingly visible in darkness.

Expressing his gratitude to Uncle and Auntie, as Gia was fondly known, Alex left the smithy, his heart swelling with pride in his new armor. Returning home, he eagerly showed it to his family and friends before carefully stowing it away with his other belongings.

Years flew by, and Alex found himself on a cart laden with sacks of grain, accompanied by two boys and a middle-aged man driving the cart. Six similar carts, carrying other villagers, dotted the road behind them. Among the passengers, Alex recognized Roy and his older brother Sam, both sons of the village chief. Roy, who was also Alex's classmate, struck up a conversation.

"Hey Alex, why are you so quiet?" Sam asked, curiosity in his voice.

"Yeah, and you always stick with Brook only" Roy chimed in.

Alex shrugged, a faint smile on his lips. "I just prefer to listen more than talk."

The boys exchanged glances, unconvinced by Alex's simple explanation.

Later that day, their journey was abruptly halted by a large tree fallen across the road. Tension gripped the air as the group of carts came to a stop, suddenly surrounded by twenty or so armed men emerging from the surrounding forest.

A bald-headed man with a white beard stepped forward, his voice carrying authority. "Listen, everyone. We don't want bloodshed. Just give us three carts, and we'll be on our way."

The villagers bristled with unease. They knew these men were of lower and middle E ranks, with their leader boasting the first level of D rank. The village chief, sensing the danger, rallied fifteen adults to stand guard while the children prepared to defend themselves with whatever means they could muster, arrows at the ready.

Reacting swiftly, Alex positioned sacks of grain at the front of his cart, providing cover as he fired arrows at the advancing bandits. The sturdy carts shielded them from attacks on the sides and rear, but the lack of experienced archers among the villagers posed a significant challenge as the kids didn't had the experience in Bow.

Amidst the skirmish, Alex's keen eyes spotted the bandit leader engaging the village chief in a fierce battle. The chief wielded a magical sphere while the bandit leader swung a menacing waraxe. Sparks flew as spells and weapons clashed, the villagers struggling with their limited magical knowledge.

After several minutes of intense combat, casualties mounted on both sides. Despite the villagers' numerical advantage, their lack of archery prowess made every arrow count. Alex, seizing a critical moment, took aim at the sole remaining archer among the bandits. However, his attention was diverted when he saw the bandit leader showing a opening

Not willing to miss the opportunity, Alex swiftly changed his target, adjusted his aim and released the enchanted arrow.