
starting a new in a fantasy world

1. **Introduction to Sam**: Sam is introduced as a young man living in a small apartment, repairing phones for a living. He reflects on modern technology and the impact of VR sets. 2. **Tragic Accident**: While watching the news about a tragic lightning accident, Sam himself is struck by lightning on his balcony. He experiences immense pain and then everything goes dark. 3. **Reflections in Darkness**: Sam finds himself in a blank, dark space where he reflects on his life, thinking about his family, especially his girlfriend Pooja, and regrets he had. 4. **Transition to Reincarnation**: Sam feels a pull towards a dim light and panics, fearing judgment or punishment. He feels sensations that confuse him until he realizes he's being born again. He perceives being wrapped in a white cloth and placed in the arms of a woman, suggesting he might have reincarnated. 5. **Uncertainty and New Beginning**: The story ends with Sam pondering if he has indeed reincarnated, leaving the question open. The narrative mixes themes of mortality, reflection on life choices, and the possibility of an afterlife or reincarnation. It explores Sam's emotional turmoil and his final moments before potentially transitioning to a new life.

red_skull225 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

chapter 15

The bandit leader engaged in a fierce duel with the village chief. Despite their evenly matched skills, the tide turned when one of the two archers on the bandit's side fell. Sensing the vulnerability of losing their ranged support, the bandit leader knew they would have to navigate the fight while dodging arrows from kids. In a moment of reflection, he regretted not setting a trap earlier, especially knowing there was a D-ranker among their adversaries.

Infuriated by the loss, the bandit leader intensified his attacks. He engulfed his axe in flames and swung ferociously, aiming to overpower the village chief. However, the village chief deftly sidestepped the fiery assault and retaliated with an earth spike, thrusting it towards the bandit's feet.

Reacting swiftly, the bandit managed to evade the spike but not without a scratch from the village chief's sphere. This brief distraction proved costly as an arrow, guided by the skilled hands of a Alex, found its mark and embedded itself in the bandit's kidney. Stunned and wounded, the bandit leader faltered, leaving him open to a decisive strike from the village chief. With a swift thrust, the chief's sphere pierced the bandit's chest, ending the confrontation.

Witnessing their leader's defeat, the remaining twelve bandits attempted to flee, desperate to escape the onslaught of arrows unleashed by the villagers. Despite their efforts, only four bandits managed to evade capture, while the others succumbed to the relentless pursuit.

After the skirmish, the villagers solemnly conducted funeral rites for the fallen, burning their bodies as per tradition before continuing their journey. The toll of the battle was evident; three out of the fifteen adults had lost their lives, and many of the teenagers bore wounds from arrows in their shoulders or chests, though none were life-threatening.

"You fought bravely back there. I didn't realize we had such a talented archer in our midst," remarked the village chief, his voice tinged with pride and gratitude.

"We all did what we had to survive, Uncle," replied Alex humbly, reflecting on the intense battle they had just endured.

Curious about the tactics employed by the bandits, Alex posed a question to the village chief. "Why did they ambushed us using arrows?"

The village chief chuckled softly. "Hahaha, Alex, you have to understand. While we do teach basic archery to our youth, very few continue to practice it seriously. Those children you saw wielding bows earlier? Most will eventually abandon them in favor of swords or spheres. Once they become accustomed to combat, they prefer weapons that allow for quicker engagements. They reserve their arrows for stationary targets or strategic moments."

"But using a bow doesn't seem that difficult," Alex mused aloud.

The village chief nodded knowingly. "True, but consider this: how many times did you strike your target today? Perhaps 10 to 12 times? You managed to kill three bandits, one of whom was an archer. How many arrows did you expend? Around twenty. In contrast, look at Sam; he emptied his quiver haphazardly, firing at random. After the bandit leader fell, he even took Roy's remaining arrows, as Roy was momentarily stunned after being grazed by an arrow. Sam managed to eliminate one fleeing bandit, demonstrating the difference between a skilled archer and those who merely use a bow as a secondary weapon."

"The arrows fired by our teenagers served more as a distraction than lethal shots," the village chief continued, his tone thoughtful. "They haven't been trained as dedicated archers. Instead, they've learned to hunt prey from a distance. If they miss their mark, they quickly switch to close-range weapons or retreat. They lack the discipline to draw a second arrow under fire, unlike you."

Through his conversation with the village chief, Alex gained insight into the villagers' mindset. Most preferred a peaceful life, only taking up arms when necessary. Many would not pursue formal education in combat arts, opting instead to learn basic skills for self-defense.

The following day, the group arrived near the town of Navis. Even from a distance, the grandeur of its towering walls and majestic buildings captivated their attention. Upon entering the town, they were greeted by the sight of vigilant soldiers patrolling its streets, a testament to its strategic importance.

Seeking accommodation, they settled for the town's most affordable hotel. Alex, Sam, and Roy shared a modest room, unpacking their belongings before setting out on their next task. Guided by the village chief, they visited a warehouse-like building where they presented their grain samples to the staff. After negotiating a price of 6 coppers per kg, which after taxes amounted to 4.5 coppers per kg, they offloaded their cargo.

With their earnings, they bought commodities that are not readily available in their village, such as different types of oil and potions. Recognizing the efforts of those who had defended their community, the village chief generously distributed rewards. Each teenager received 5 coppers, while those who had personally slain at least one bandit were awarded 15 coins. Among the recipients were Alex, Sam, and another brave youth who had stood valiantly in battle.

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