
Started Out With A Glider!

What happens when a transmigrator is awakened in a Marvel A.U. & disgruntled about it?! In his anger & confusion what will he do with his comprehensive knowledge of marvel? His path all started out with a glider! ------------------------------------------ Warning: I'm a amateur writer & this fanfic is updated irregularly, if at all. All copyright belong to Marvel, except for my original characters and plot. Cover photo is taken from Google if owner wants, I'll change it.

aloudtntcode · Others
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On a large tv screen, a generically created, heavy trumpet jingle plays & shows image graphics fades with audio swishes before switching to zoom in on two people in a news studio, behind a desk:

"Hello & Welcome To Eyewitness News;  here's your top story for this evening:

"Unfortunately, It's day 10 since the vanishing of CEO & majority owner of OSCORP industry's Norman Osborns' disappearance from the publics' eye.

"The federal bureau of investigators & local police have reevaluated their prior assessment, & are fearful of the worst!"

Here's a post from the FBI official website, the statement was released earlier today:

"As in most cases featuring wealthy & high-profile individuals; abduction for ransom would usually be the cause.

However, The initially thought to be a kidnapping scenario seems less likely to be the case as time goes on." Said the Fbi investigators spokesman.

Here is a press conference statement from local police yesterday from the caseworker NYPD Detective & CSI investigator Carlie Cooper:

".. After a 48-hour missing report was filed, we searched for such a high profile figure with no results to disclose until now..."

Said the beautiful but impartial expression-faced woman, having long blond-haired wrapped in a ponytail cascading behind her back.

Before continuing, Officer Cooper pushed up her invisible frameless glasses & adjusted her casual female pants suit with the matching jacket; where she's worn were her credentials and law enforcement badge hung from, displayed in clear view of the news cameras before her:

"In an incredibly densely populated big city such as New York, & for the victim subject Norman Osborn, to not have once been seen at all, even once by a passerby is disheartening, to say the least."

"We, the NYPD, felt it's reaching the realm of foul play & so as such, we have been executing investigation tactics promptly since after the 72 hours Mark!"

"Therefore, after no sightings, no demands or contacts at all has been made or confirmed since Norman Osborn's disappearance estimated to be 9 nights ago!"

She paused before continuing:

-A criminal investigation is now ongoing as all indication lead us to believe that the recovery of the missing man, Norman Osborn, being found and intact is increasingly doubtful!"

The woman said some other relative things then passed them to a prepared video screen.

"Here we have a statement from the family of the missing; his son Harry Osborn at this mornings press conference:




"...So in conclusion, Please if you have any information in regards to my father or his whereabouts, call this specifically made hotline number!


"Also, the amount now is upped to a 3 Million Dollars in cash rewards for any substantial tip leading to his recovery, of my F-father...*sniffle* Alive...or D-dead!"

"T-Thank you!"

Harry Osborn Hurriedly leaves the podium wiping away tears.

Back in the news studio...

The Female news anchor shakes her head:

"Wow, what a truly saddening turn of events!"

The male news anchor nods thoughtfully:

" Yes, it is."

"Norman Osborne's disappearance created ripples in the city, which is also felt by the company he's left behind."

"Today when the markets opened, Oscorp stocks plummeted; as speculation on the future of Oscorp Industries increases as the main creator & visionary, may no longer be involved moving forward!"

"The stock owners are second-guessing & pulling out fast."

"Especially since confidence in holding the falling stock back to a steady cost has proven very difficult for the company."

"This turn of events has led to a large groundswell of selling Osborne Corporation stocks!" said the male anchor.

The Female anchor nods & picks it up from there:

"Oscorp Board members are not wasting time either to voluntarily quell investor concerns & used emergency powers to wage a challenge to the 21-year-old new majority owner, the heir apparent, Harry Osborn; who's now serving provisionally as chairman of Oscorp!"

"It's rumored that at the emergency gathering for investors & management, a motion to remove this "Controversial Successor" in favor of a well known in the industry & an experienced company insider & business veteran to take the helm of the now sinking ship & help overturn their investors' doubts.

 They are hopefully expecting the leveling out of the sharp decline in the stock shares prices."

With that in mind, a "No-confidence vote" is expected in this company closed-door meeting, scheduled on this Friday morning."

We will of course update you at that time, with any additional breaking news and changes regarding this report."

The female anchor says facing another camera angle:

"Now In Other News;

"There is backlash ongoing for the incident involving egregious gunfire towards ambassadors from the small African country of Wakanda's motorcade!

The Wakanda Embassy is demanding answers!

The male anchor picks up the dialogue from there:

" that's correct, that motorcade was under a fury of heavy gunfire, as an assault ambush carried out by an adequately equipped faction of heavily armed masked assailants!

With blatant disregard for life, the beginning of the open fire gun battle took place on the usually busy local New York City traffic lanes in midtown Manhattan!" 

The Wakanda forces were outgunned & were forced to withdraw; as the veiled men seem to have had everything in their arsenal!

 A cache of weapons from grenades, mounted machine gun turrets, to even RPG shoulder rockets; which caused the motorcade to escape while suffering heavy losses!

The flee & chase eventually led to a gunfight standoff on the streets of New York; until backup from local law enforcement had arrived in swat & riot gear!

Most of the masked gunmen however got away after blasting RPG rockets at tailing helicopters & dropping smoke bombs & IED explosives behind them toward police vehicles as they fled towards the interstate highway!

The Wakonda ambassador had strong statements about US diplomat security policies, after his near assassination by what he believes to be terrorist separatists-


The monitor was shut off.

A figure sits in a dimly lit room behind a desk...

They Plopped the television remote on the desk.

The figure is sitting motionless in an expensive pure leather office chair, while twirl spinning a pen in his hand with gradually increasing rotation & speed showcasing great dexterity; 

Suddenly they halt the spinning fountain pen, as they sit back in the office chair in a deeper contemplation posture;

Before turning their gaze at a corner of the desk.

On that corner, where they gazed at, laid a vary badly damaged green aerodynamic flight helmet, with yellow eyes & fierce sharp fang on the sides of the face mask!

The voice of the individual then said out loud as if rhetorically talking to themselves:

"They are certainly looking hard for you huh... Norman!?"

"Ha ha ha, I wonder much of Osborn stock I can seize when it completely plummets in the future?!"

The sound of a younger man's voice echoed in the nearly vacant room as the man opens a box & lit a premium cigar.

The cigar smoke exhaled from his mouth in ring form!

 He then lifted up the fractured helmet in his free hand, gazing eye to eye with the fierce-looking masked helmet; he began blowing cigar smoke in the green helmet mask face before settling it aside roughly on his desk.

* Clank clang as the helmet fell & tumbled on the desk.

Rising from his desk seat, he takes on a more deep drag of the cigar; then snuffs it out on the damaged demon-faced green helmet.

Grabbing a long leather coat he exits the office while whistling an upbeat tune, to a song not found anywhere in this world...
