
Start making Honkai Impact III, my boss is Da Bronya.

Su Mu, who just graduated from college, suddenly traveled to the world of Honkai Impact III. It's just that this world is completely different from what he expected. Otto, the president of the Schicksal Foundation, announced his entry into the idol industry to contribute to his granddaughter's career. Anti-Entropy Entertainments newly released Homu movie has become the No. 1 box office hit worldwide. World Snake Security Company has launched a new funeral service. The highest standard service will have six gray snakes carrying the coffin. In response, the weak, pitiful and helpless Su Mu could only hug his big duck tightly. If you want to leave your own traces in this world, then start by making games! Honkai Impact III, Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Legend of Sword and Fairy, Resident Evil, Elden's Ring ... That day, Su Mu looked at the game list dominated by a certain yellow-skinned rabbit and secretly swore. One day, he will break the world's obsession with yellow-skinned rabbits and let them know that beautiful girls are the right ones! This is a MTL, I will try to touch up a little. Like names gender etc. OG: 开局制作崩坏三,我的老板是鸭鸭

Mobius_5trip · Video Games
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145 Chs

Chapter 118 Senti and Ellie’s first experience with post-Honkai

" Brothers, I have officially entered the game now. "

Senti moved her body. Now she was controlling the protagonist named Adam instead of her own body, which made her feel a little awkward.

So in order to get familiar with this body as quickly as possible, Senti simply started doing warm-up exercises on the spot.

[This is the post-Honkai saga. Has the anchor become a man? ]

[It seems that this is the character we are going to control in the game. Needless to say, this protagonist is quite handsome. ]

[Guigui, isn't this game too realistic? This light, this wall, and this character are all exactly the same as in reality. ]

The audience immediately launched a barrage of excitement.

The game has been promoted for so long, and now they can finally see the true face of APHO after the Honkai Impact 3rd. How can they not be excited?

While Senti was doing warm-up exercises, a familiar voice sounded from behind her.

" Team player, are you ... doing warm-up exercises? "

" Eh? Yes, yes, I haven't moved my body for too long, and I feel a little stiff. "

Senti turned around, and the mature Mei from the post-Honkai period appeared in front of her.

To be honest, Senti's feeling was very strange when she saw Mei in the game who was almost the same as in reality.

After all, they are still good friends in real life, but in the game, her role is that of a member of Mei's team.

And when the audience in the live broadcast room saw the mature charm of Mature Meiyi like a big sister, they immediately let out wolf howls in excitement.

Of course, I don't even bother to pay attention to these barrage tips.

While responding to Mei, she explained to the audience in the live broadcast room,

" Brothers, let me remind you, Su Mu told me that the characters in the post-Honkai books are all using very advanced artificial intelligence . Do not treat them as NPCs in other games , otherwise if you say something If you say something bad or make bad actions, you will be treated differently. "

" If it's serious, it will even affect the subsequent plot and have to be restarted. "

[Here, sister Mei in this game is still such an advanced AI ? So, wouldn't it be possible for me to chat with Sister Mei in the game? ]

[Although, brother, you have to buy a virtual device first. ]

[Hey guys, this is the real virtual game! No wonder Mei's first sentence was to ask the anchor why he was doing warm-up exercises. ]

After hearing Senti's prompt, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became more excited.

You must know that in other games, when everyone interacts with the game character, the other person only repeats a few sentences over and over, which are already pre-set responses.

But the characters in the post-Honkai books can actually be like humans, and the sense of immersion in this virtual game comes instantly.

In order to demonstrate to the audience the powerful AI of the post-Honkai , Senti deliberately chatted with Mei about some life matters, and Mei also responded.

After chatting for a while, Mei handed a document to Senti.

" Let's stop chatting here. Now I have a simple thing for you. "

" what is this? "

Senti took it subconsciously and asked curiously.

" I leave it to you to write this mission report. "

" Huh? Isn't that right ... I also have to write a report in the game? "

Senti suddenly turned into a bitter face. You know what she hates most is writing. She didn't expect to have to write in the game! This is a bit much.

Mei, on the other hand, seemed not to hear what Senti said, because once it involves breaking the fourth wall, the game will automatically block it. This is also to facilitate players to communicate with others while playing the game, such as Senti It's the same as the barrage chat in the live broadcast room.

" By the way, remember to sign here after writing the report. You can give yourself a code name. If you don't remember it, you can use your original name. "

Meiyi continued.

" Code name? "

Senti was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this should be the time when the player takes the ID in the game . If the player does not want to take the ID, the system will default to the protagonist's original name Adam.

" Let me think about it ... how about calling it the Armstrong Swing Jet Armstrong Cannon. "

" Uh ... Are you sure you want to use this code name? Although I don't care, you will use this when signing in the future. If you don't mind the trouble, just use it. "

Hearing Senti's exaggerated code name, Mei had a helpless expression on her face.

" Then forget it. "

Senti shook her head decisively, then glanced at Meiyi, thought about it, and said with a bit of a smirk,

" Then let's call him Thunder Meal Zero. "

"... Team member, are you sure you want to use this code name? "

Mei silently put her hand on the handle of the knife at her waist.

" Ahem, I'm just kidding, just call me Senti. "

Although Senti is not afraid of a fight with Mei, it will be troublesome if she loses her favorability.

Seeing how Senti could do so many things with just one name, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

[Hahaha! I now believe that post-Honkai Shu characters have advanced artificial intelligence AI , and they can even complain about the names players give themselves. ]

[Brothers, I suddenly had a bold idea. If I took 'my husband' codename, would Sister Mei call me that? ]

[Brothers, put aside your bold ideas. Judging from your performance just now, if you really dare to do this, I don't know whether Sister Mei will really kill you, and your favorability will probably drop a lot. ]

[Players please be more like a human being when choosing a name. ]

The live broadcast room was suddenly filled with a lively atmosphere.

After Senti confirmed her code name, Mei also took her hand away from the handle of the knife and said helplessly,

" When I read your profile before, I thought you were a kid with a calm personality. I didn't expect you to be as out of character as the kid in the second team. "

" Second team? "

Senti blinked curiously.

However, Mei did not continue on this topic with her, but instead turned her attention to the floating objects in the sky in the distance.

" What on earth is that? There is obviously no such thing in the satellite image. "

" Castle in the Sky? "

Senti said.

" Oh? Have you seen that movie too? But at this time, its name is quite appropriate to describe this UFO. It is indeed the top student of St. Freya Academy. "

Mei crossed her arms, cast a look of admiration at Senti, and then said,

" This thing floating in the air, my intuition tells me that it must be related to the disappearance of Mr. Welt. "

" Welt Yang? Missing? "

Hearing this, Senti suddenly became more curious.

" This is not the place to talk. Let's go back and talk first. "

With that said, Mei turned around and walked into an abandoned building, and Senti quickly followed.

" On April 13, that is, fourteen days ago, Mr. Welt Yang came here at the invitation of the Saint-Fontaine government. It was said to be a ' business trip ' . "

" Schicksal's satellite captured a man suspected of him getting off the train at Saad Station, and then he disappeared ..."

" The mission of our third team is to find Welt Yang and safely return him to the Schicksal Headquarters. "

After explaining the current situation in detail, Mei looked at the person in front of her and asked with a smile,

" This is the current situation. Do you have any questions? Ellie. "

" Of course, there are some things I still don't understand, and I need you to answer them, Captain ... "

Elysia looked at the mature and beautiful Mei with a smile, and the lesbian heart in her body was already stirring.

If this wasn't a virtual game and the character she controlled was a man, she would have posted it by now.

[After working on it for a long time, it turns out that our main plot this time is to find Mr Yang. ]

[By the way, Welt Yang is actually still alive? I thought he would die fighting against Honkai, but that's fine. ]

[Fuck, the name Ellie gave herself was too ridiculous. Although it was a very normal name, it was really weird to see Mei sister calling a male protagonist that. ]

[No, why did you bring Welt Yang back to Schicksal Headquarters? Have Anti-Entropy and Schicksal reconciled? But didn't Otto kill Yang's father? What happened after Honkai! ]

[Sister Ellie, can you ask about Mr Yang to Mei? ]

" Don't worry, everyone, let's ask questions one by one. "

Seeing the urging from the commentators in the live broadcast room, Elysia thought for a while and then asked Mei Yi,

" Captain, I want to ask about Mr. Welt Yang . "

" He is the second Herrscher of Reason and the former leader of the Anti-Entropy Organization. After the Great Honkai, he retired and is now a producer and original animation designer at the animation company E·T·Studio . "

" Speaking of which, I haven't seen him for several years, but the doctor will often mention him. "

Mei said with a smile.

" PhD? "

" It's Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein. "

" Eh? Are they also in Schicksal now? "

Elysia suddenly wondered.

" Of course, they are all scientists of Schicksal now. After the Great Honkai, Anti-Entropy and Schicksal merged. "

" Then, who is the Archbishop of Schicksal now? "

" Ellie, are you kidding me? Besides Bishop Teresa, who else can be the Archbishop of Schicksal? "

" Uh-huh ..."

Mei's answer surprised everyone. The archbishop of Schicksal was not Otto, but Teresa!

No wonder Anti-Entropy can merge with Schicksal.

But where was Otto?

" Captain, what about the former Bishop of Destiny? "

Although she knew it was strange for her to ask this, Elysia still couldn't restrain her curiosity.

Not only her, but everyone in the live broadcast room also wanted to know where Otto had gone and what his ending would be.

" That man ... he left this world a long time ago and fulfilled his long-cherished wish. "

When Otto was mentioned, the expression on Mei's face became a little strange. It wasn't happiness ,sadness or anger, but ... it was complicated.

Elysia is so smart. Seeing Mei's expression, she instantly understood Otto's ending.

There is no doubt that Otto is dead, but before he died, he also achieved his wish.

[Is Otto dead? What a death! Open the champagne! ]

[Hey, although I had expected it for a long time, I am still very happy to hear the news of Otto's death. This annoying guy finally died! ]

[I knew this guy was going to die, but before he died, he actually fulfilled his wish. It seems that the old thief was quite gentle to Otto. ]

Upon hearing the news that Otto was dead, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately became excited.

Some opened champagne, some laughed, and some felt sorry.

In short, the live broadcast room is quite lively now.

But at this time, they probably never imagined that when they really saw Otto leaving, they would shed tears and be sad for him.

After Elysia chatted with Mei for a while, she also learned about the current situation of Saint Fontaine. Then Mei proposed to separate operations with her, focusing on collecting intelligence and using a Honkai energy communicator to maintain contact.

Although Elysia didn't want to be separated from Mei, she also knew that it was necessary for the plot, so she followed the map's instructions and walked towards the train station.

" Boom—— ! "

Suddenly, just when Elysia had taken a few steps, there was a violent roar in the distance, and even the ground beneath her feet shook.

The display card next to it suddenly fell to the ground, almost hitting Elysia's body.

" Phew, you scared me! "

Elysia breathed out with lingering fear, and then looked in the direction of the roar, but the tall buildings blocked her sight, making it difficult for her to see clearly what was happening over there.

[Is this an earthquake or an explosion? Is the vibration too strong? ]

[I have a hunch that there will be danger ahead! ]

" You don't need to tell me that I know there will be danger, but it doesn't matter, I will take action. "

Elysia said confidently, then called up the system menu and silently adjusted the pain level to 1%.

[? ? ? ]

[Hahaa, Elysia, why do you say it's okay, but your body is still very honest and minimizes the pain? ]

Seeing Elysia's operation, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

The default pain level of the game is 10%, and the highest is 20%. In this case, even if someone stabs the body with a knife, it will feel like a cut on the finger.

In fact, it was not that Su Mu couldn't set the pain level higher, but he was afraid that some players who liked to seek death would like to challenge the limit and kill themselves, which would be troublesome.

After all, there are always such people.

" Ahem, one code equals one code. Although I am not afraid of monsters, it will still hurt if I am accidentally injured. Can you bear to see the lovely Elysia get hurt? "

Elysia continued walking forward as she spoke.

Soon, she came to a bridge and jumped off without hesitation.

[Fuck! ]

This sudden moment shocked the audience in the live broadcast room.

You must know that their current perspective is also Elysia's first-person perspective.

Seeing Elysia jumping off a bridge more than ten meters high at once, coupled with the extremely real scene, they couldn't help but scream, and some even closed their eyes subconsciously!

But fortunately, the scene that everyone was afraid of did not happen, and Elysia landed firmly on the ground.

Then she said with a smile,

" Hey, were you scared just now? Don't worry, this is just a game, and because of the Icarus device, you can jump up to a height of twenty-five meters without getting hurt. "

[Fuck ... Sister Ai Li, could you please stop being so sudden? I was really scared to death just now! ]

[Made, shouldn't this game always have to jump around like this? What should I do if I'm afraid of heights? Not to mention jumping down, my legs will tremble just by looking at it. ]

[There's nothing you can do about it, brother, if you're afraid of heights, you really have to send it. ]

Hearing Elysia's words, the audience was either happy or worried.

Those who are happy are naturally those who like excitement and challenges, while those who are worried are those who are afraid of heights.

There was nothing Su Mu could do about this. After all, the game was like this, and he couldn't take care of everyone.

Elysia then continued to move forward. After walking for a few minutes, she came to a circular square with a wide view.

There are red crystals everywhere, and some places are even blocked by these crystals.

' Crunch—— '

Just when Elysia was carefully looking at the illusion around her, a faint sound suddenly came from the front.

She quickly looked up and saw the monster codenamed The Fool jumping out from behind the building in the center.

The background music also became urgent at this time.

Everyone knows that the battle in this game is about to begin.

Elysia quickly pulled out the big sword behind her and looked at the monster in front of her with excitement.

She was already familiar with this kind of monster.

She had been defeated many times in Su Mu's test before, so now she is not afraid at all.

At this moment, the picture in front of her suddenly paused, and the system options appeared immediately.

There are three options in total, namely [Beginner], [Expert], and [Master].

" Have you seen these three options? This is the choice of game difficulty ..."

Elysia told the audience in the live broadcast room the differences and differences between the three difficulties according to Su Mu.

[I see, I was worried about how a nerd like me would be able to pick up a sword and fight. The old thief is still very considerate. ]

[However, although the operation is simple for beginners and there is system assistance, obviously if they want to truly experience the charm of virtual games, they must choose the master option. ]

[It also depends on each person's talent. I think she chose the master level, which is the most difficult level. She defeated the monster easily without even using a sword. It was simply amazing. ]

The audience was very interested in this difficulty option and praised the old thief for his thoughtful design.

After all, this is not a computer game. They only need to control the keyboard, mouse, and game controller.

Instead, they have to fight monsters in person. If they don't have some skills, most people really can't play.

Elysia then chose the veteran difficulty level.

After all, she had participated in the " CB " on the inside , so she had the basics of operation and knew how to play, so she chose the veteran difficulty with greater freedom and system assistance.

" Uh huh huh ~~ ♫ , then, let's do something fun ~~"

Elysia smiled slightly, then held the big sword with both hands, and at the moment when the monster was about to charge forward, she made a direct upward slash, flying the monster into the air, and she herself also came into the air.

Subsequently, with the assistance of the Icarus device, every time she slashed the monster, she would extend the time she stayed in the air.

Just like that, Elysia slashed the monster more than a dozen times in the air!

The black-red sword was as light as anything in Elysia's hand. Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned to see Elysia's smooth operation.

Finally, the Ult brought a dim light of fire across the monster's head, killing it completely!

In the light of the monster's explosion, Elysia landed quietly, then with a flick of her wrist, she inserted the sword back behind her.

This whole set of smooth operations left people stunned.

Although they had already expected it, when they saw Elysia actually doing all kinds of cool moves like in the movie, they couldn't help but feel indescribable shock.

" Hmm ~~ How do you feel? Isn't the operation I just performed very cool? "

Elysia asked the audience in the live broadcast room with some pride.

[Handsome, handsome! ! Sister Aili is so handsome! How is this done? ]

[Good guy, Elysia can become a master, so can we too ... ]

[Made, the more I watch it, the more I want to play it! I really want to experience the feeling of fighting monsters myself! ]

The audience's eyes turned red with envy.

I wonder which young man has never dreamed of wielding a sword across the world?

Now that they see Elysia performing such cool combos, how could they not be tempted?

" Don't be impatient, you can do these operations as well, as long as you practice hard ~~"

As Elysia said, she defeated several more enemies, which made the audience extremely excited.

On the other side, Senti, who chose the highest difficulty level, defeated the invading enemy after using all her skills.

At the highest difficulty, although players can gain the highest degree of freedom, the intensity of enemies will also increase. Their attack methods will no longer be rigid, and they will even avoid attacks and join forces to attack .

Just now, Senti encountered some trouble because she was surrounded by four enemies.

After all the enemies were dealt with, Mei's voice came from the communicator she carried.

" Senti, your Honkai energy has experienced abnormal wear and tear. Did you encounter any accident? "

" Hey, some monsters just came out of nowhere and had a fight with them. "

Senti said casually.

" Have you met an enemy? Honkai Beast? Or something else? "

Hearing that Senti was in danger, Meiyi's voice suddenly became serious and she quickly asked.

" I don't know what they are. Anyway, they are not Honkai Beasts, nor do they look like living creatures. They look a bit like machines. "

Senti replied truthfully.

" Is it a creature never seen before ... It seems that this mission is really not easy. "

Mei frowned immediately.