
Start making Honkai Impact III, my boss is Da Bronya.

Su Mu, who just graduated from college, suddenly traveled to the world of Honkai Impact III. It's just that this world is completely different from what he expected. Otto, the president of the Schicksal Foundation, announced his entry into the idol industry to contribute to his granddaughter's career. Anti-Entropy Entertainments newly released Homu movie has become the No. 1 box office hit worldwide. World Snake Security Company has launched a new funeral service. The highest standard service will have six gray snakes carrying the coffin. In response, the weak, pitiful and helpless Su Mu could only hug his big duck tightly. If you want to leave your own traces in this world, then start by making games! Honkai Impact III, Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Legend of Sword and Fairy, Resident Evil, Elden's Ring ... That day, Su Mu looked at the game list dominated by a certain yellow-skinned rabbit and secretly swore. One day, he will break the world's obsession with yellow-skinned rabbits and let them know that beautiful girls are the right ones! This is a MTL, I will try to touch up a little. Like names gender etc. OG: 开局制作崩坏三,我的老板是鸭鸭

BloodAngel_San · Video Games
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149 Chs

Chapter 077 Bronya's ' Strawberry.

" Su Mu, my teacher will come to Tianqiong City in a few days. You can come with me to see him then. "

When Su Mu and Aponya returned to the Golden Courtyard and then home, they heard Bronya say this to herself.

" What? Your teacher? "

Su Mu was stunned for a moment. Will he meet his in-law's family so soon? But he and Bronya haven't confirmed their relationship yet.

" Well, my teacher, Welt Yang, you should be familiar with him, right? "

Bronya said.

" It's not a stranger, it's not a stranger. But when your teacher comes over, why do you want me to go with you to see him? "

Su Mu said doubtfully.

The last time I met Seele, it was because Seele was Bronya's sister, and she was staying at Bronya's house when she came to play for a few days, so she would definitely know Su Mu.

But Welt Yang won't come to the Golden Courtyard. As an elder, he naturally doesn't need Bronya to take him around to play or anything like that. At most, he just wants to meet and talk about old times. What would he do in such an occasion? ?

" Teacher, he came here this time mainly to discuss peripheral cooperation matters, so as the chief game planner of MiHoYo Company, you have an obligation to come with me to participate in this negotiation and cooperation. "

As Bronya said this, she placed the brewed black tea in front of Su Mu.

" Peripheral cooperation? No, what's there to discuss? Isn't it just a matter of left hand and right hand for you? Can't you just sign the contract casually? "

Su Mu said speechlessly.

Although Bronya has left CounterEntropy Entertainment now, it does not mean that she has nothing to do with CounterEntropy Entertainment. Sooner or later, the position of successor to CounterEntropy Entertainment will belong to Bronya. The only difference is that she has an additional MiHoYo president identity.

So for insignificant cooperation like peripherals, whether MiHoYo makes money or Anti-Entropy Entertainment makes money, it all belongs to Bronya in the end. Is there any difference?

" Well, it's actually the teacher who just found a reason to see me, and because he is very interested in you, he also wants to meet you. "

Seeing that Su Mu was not fooled, Bronya could only tell him the real reason.

" Huh? Old Yang is interested in me? "

" What do mean Old Yang, please call him Mr. Welt. "

Bronya punched Su Mu lightly and scolded.

" You can call her whatever you want. Is it because of the game? "

Su Mu drank the red tea and asked casually.

" Well, that should be it. I often mention you to him, so he wants to come and meet you. "

Bronya nodded.

" Oh, that's it ... Then I won't go. "

Su Mu was about to agree smoothly, but suddenly he seemed to remember something, rolled his eyes, and changed his mind to refuse.

" Eh? Why? "

Bronya suddenly turned into beet-eyed, obviously not expecting Su Mu to refuse.

" If it's for other reasons, I'd be happy to meet your teacher, Bronya, but if it's just about the game ... then forget it. "

" Well ... you guy ..."

Hearing this, Bronya suddenly blushed and glared at Su Mu angrily.

Of course she knew what the other reasons Su Mu meant.

Apart from work, what other reason could there be for going with a girl to meet her elders?

" Stop talking so much nonsense, are you going? "

" Not going. "

" Really? "

Bronya frowned immediately, then quickly turned over from the sofa and sat directly on Su Mu's body unceremoniously. Then he crossed his arms and looked down at him condescendingly.

" Now, in the name of your boss, I inform you that you must accompany me to see my teacher tomorrow. "

" Then what if I don't agree? "

Su Mu curved his mouth and naturally put his hands on Bronya's waist, seeming to be kind-hearted to help her stabilize her body.

" Don't agree? Then you should know the consequences of rejecting your boss. "

Feeling Su Mu's hot hands roaming around her waist, Bronya's face became more and more rosy, but she did not stop him, but continued the verbal pressure.

" Like working overtime? "

Su Mu said with a evil smile.

It's a pity that Bronya doesn't understand what working overtime is, but seeing Su Mu's malicious smile, she also knew that what this guy said was not a good thing.

" No, if you don't come, you won't be able to enter my house for a week. "

Bronya stretched out his index finger and gently lifted Su Mu's chin. Under the slightly messy hair, there was Bronya's meaningful smile.

" Uh ... This doesn't seem to be a punishment between the boss and the employees, right? "

Su Mu complained helplessly.

" That's how it is here, so what's your choice? "

Bronya said confidently.

" Okay, I can go with you to see Welt Yang's, but in return, I hope you can agree to a small personal request of mine, how about that? "

Su Mu stopped pretending now and showed off his fox tail.

" Any request? "

Bronya suddenly wondered.

" It's not a big deal, I'm just looking for inspiration from the game, and then I asked Sister Eden to make some clothes. I hope you can wear this clothes by then. "

Su Mu tried his best to act upright, as if he was really looking for inspiration for the game, but he obviously underestimated the level of tacit understanding between himself and Bronya.

With how much Bronya knew about him, how could she not be aware of his tricks.

" This outfit you are talking about ... is it decent? "

Bronya said quietly.

" Ahem, of course. Not only is it serious, but it's also good-looking. I guarantee you'll like it after just one look. "

".... Okay, if that's the case, it's not impossible for me to wear it. "

Looking at Su Mu's expectant eyes, Bronya finally relented and decided to give him a benefit.

Of course, the premise is that the clothes cannot be too ' excessive ' .

" Then we've settled it now! "

" Um. "

Bronya responded, and immediately prepared to get off Su Mu, but then she realized that Su Mu's hand was still on her waist, and the grip was still a little tight.

".... your hands. "

Bronya's face turned slightly red, and his voice rose slightly.

" Oh, sorry, I almost forgot. "

Su Mu looked innocent and was about to let go of his hand as he spoke. However, just when his hand was about to move away from Bronya's waist, he seemed to pinch it accidentally.

The girl's waist was already very sensitive, and the Bronya had been touched by him for so long, and her body had already become a little weak. Now that Su Mu pinched her like this, she suddenly felt an electric current running through her body, and it was tight. Then the whole person fell softly into Su Mu's arms.

In an instant, the warm nephrite aroma is fragrant.

Bronya's head rested on Su Mu's chin. Su Mu could smell the fresh shampoo on Bronya's hair just by lowering his head slightly.

Strange to say, he obviously used the same shampoo as Bronya, but the smell was much better on Bronya than on himself.

Maybe, girls really are made of sugar , spices , and something beautiful.

" You ..."

Bronya raised his head, her beautiful face already covered with red clouds.

She stared at Su Mu with shame and annoyance, as if she was blaming him for not practicing martial ethics and sneaking up on her, a twenty-five-year-old duck.

" Sorry, sorry, my hand slipped accidentally just now. "

Su Mu expressed his apology sincerely.

But who is the Bronya who can bear this humiliating loss?

She immediately opened her small mouth, bit Su Mu's neck in one bite, and then sucked hard.

" Wow ....."

Su Mu didn't expect that Bronya would give him such a sudden blow. It felt hot, numb, and slightly tingling, and it immediately made his whole body tense up.

" Humph .... Just go out like this tomorrow. "

While Su Mu's body was stiff, the Bronya jumped off him, and then looked at the conspicuous " strawberry " on his neck , and suddenly showed a smile that was not bad.

She could already imagine how embarrassed Su Mu would be if someone saw this mark when he went to work tomorrow.

After all, it's summer now, and everyone is wearing low-collared clothes. Even if he wants to cover his neck with high-collared clothes, it will be more conspicuous.

"... Bronya, are you an idiot? "

Taking out his mobile phone, Su Mu saw the conspicuous hickey on his neck through the reflective screen of the mobile phone, and immediately looked at Bronya with an indescribable look.

"..... What's wrong? "

Bronya frowned, suddenly feeling that she seemed to have missed something important. She was still a little gloating, but suddenly felt uneasy.

" Think about it, in everyone's eyes, which girl do I usually have the most contact with? "

Su Mu said quietly,

" Do you think, if Carol and the others saw the mark on my neck, they would think who left it? Could it be Griseo? "

" ….."

Bronya finally realized what she had overlooked.

Yes, Su Mu was with her all day long and had no chance to contact other girls. So if others saw the mark on his neck, who else would be the first to think of besides herself?

" quick ...."

" huh? "

" Wipe it off! "

Bronya blushed and quickly pulled Su Mu to the bathroom. Then she picked up a towel and rubbed his neck hard.

But unfortunately, the hickey is not a graffiti, so how can it disappear after being rubbed a few times?

Bronya worked hard for a long time, but it only made the skin on Su Mu's neck turn red, and the strawberry mark was still so clear and obvious.

Bronya immediately became desperate.

" Hey, give up Bronya, but you don't have to worry. At worst, if someone asks tomorrow, I will tell you that it wasn't Bronya. "

Looking at Bronya who looked desperate, Su Mu smiled.

" You are not allowed to go to the company tomorrow! I will give you a leave! "

" Then what if someone in the Golden Courtyard sees it? "

" Well ... then don't go out of the house tomorrow, just stay at home! "

" Bronya, do you want to play prison paly with me ? "

Su Mu immediately couldn't help be excited.

" In short! You must not let others see the marks on your neck! "

Bronya finally knew what it meant to shoot oneself in the foot.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine available in this world.

Finally, Su Mu went to work the next day.

Because Bronya racked her brains and came up with a solution, which was to put a band-aid on his neck.

Although there is a tendency to cover one's ears and steal the others' bells, it is still better than covering nothing at all.

As for whether this was hidden from Carol and the others, it's not Su Mu's need to worry.


Changkong City.

Sirin's live broadcast room.

" Good morning everyone. You're here so early. It seems that you are all looking forward to today's Honkai Impact 3 main plot. "

Seeing the large number of viewers who flocked to the live broadcast room as soon as she started broadcasting, Sirin said with a smile.

[Didn't Ms. Pufferfish get up very early too? I remember that you used to live broadcast all night long, but now your biological clock has become normal. ]

[Haha, after all, the time for unlocking the plot of Honkai Impact III is ten o'clock in the morning. If you want to play the plot as soon as possible, you naturally have to go to bed early and get up early. ]

[By the way, the plot of this event is really interesting. I was still unsatisfied after finishing the battle. I didn't expect that the final big boss Aponian Beast would be Seele. ]

[It's really fun, with all kinds of jokes and famous scenes, I couldn't stop laughing. The most important thing is that the ending is also very good. Now that we have these two living treasures, Vodka Sister, I feel that no matter what the old thief writes, I can't even describe how sad it feels, it's so good. ]

" The plot of this event is really interesting, and the skins given away are also super good-looking. "

Sirin smiled and clicked on the interface of her Valkyrie, and then let the audience in the live broadcast room see the skin she had worked so hard to develop, the Empress of Winter.

[Let me go, is Ms. Pufferfish so capable? It's only been a few days and she already got the skin? I still lack half of the mats. ]

[Just kidding, Miss Blowfish's high-intensity live broadcast is twelve hours a day. The day before yesterday, I watched her play with a villain for six hours! ]

[By the way, why didn't the anchor get Teacher Himeko's clothes first? ]

" Actually, I also wanted to get Teacher Himeko's clothes, but I couldn't help it. During the event story, the queen's back really poked me, it was so beautiful, so I got the queen's clothes first. "

Seeing the question on the barrage, Sirin answered simply.

She has the looks of a greedy queen!

She even set the original painting of the Queen as the desktop background.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted unanimous approval from the audience.

" That's it for the queen. Anyway, I plan to get Teacher Himeko's clothes first. "

Sirin put her hands on her hips, showing that she was a staunch Himeko Party member.

And her speech also caused another part of the audience to echo.

But no matter which skin you cget first, as long as you insist on completing the daily tasks every day, the materials you get will be able to buy both skins before the end of the event plot.

Therefore, this time Su Mu was rarely praised by the players for his conscience.

It's just that the audience didn't know it at this time, and they were praising a bit too early.