
Start making Honkai Impact III, my boss is Da Bronya.

Su Mu, who just graduated from college, suddenly traveled to the world of Honkai Impact III. It's just that this world is completely different from what he expected. Otto, the president of the Schicksal Foundation, announced his entry into the idol industry to contribute to his granddaughter's career. Anti-Entropy Entertainments newly released Homu movie has become the No. 1 box office hit worldwide. World Snake Security Company has launched a new funeral service. The highest standard service will have six gray snakes carrying the coffin. In response, the weak, pitiful and helpless Su Mu could only hug his big duck tightly. If you want to leave your own traces in this world, then start by making games! Honkai Impact III, Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Legend of Sword and Fairy, Resident Evil, Elden's Ring ... That day, Su Mu looked at the game list dominated by a certain yellow-skinned rabbit and secretly swore. One day, he will break the world's obsession with yellow-skinned rabbits and let them know that beautiful girls are the right ones! This is a MTL, I will try to touch up a little. Like names gender etc. OG: 开局制作崩坏三,我的老板是鸭鸭

Mobius_5trip · Video Games
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145 Chs

Chapter 075 Xiao Fuxi: Immortal, times have changed!

" That's right, stupid second sister, if you are really scared, then stop playing games. "

Sirin said with contempt.

" Who said I'm scared! I just don't want to be fooled by Su Mu anymore. "

Kiana quickly defended herself, and she became very angry when she talked about this.

The last time she watched the last lesson, she burst into tears, and everyone in the live broadcast room saw it. It didn't matter, after all, they were all crying quite miserably at that time.

But the problem is that there is something in this world called Clips.

Especially for a big anchor like Sirin, there is no shortage of cips.

So the last time she cried while watching the last lesson, the clips went viral on major websites, and the total number of hits even exceeded 20 million!

It made Kiana embarrassed to appear in the live broadcast room again. If Sirin hadn't forced her to hold her and said that she would share the gifts, she would never come again.

So she was on full alert right now, for fear of being stabbed by Su Mu again.

" Tsk, so you can't do it. If you were as mature as me, you wouldn't worry so much. "

Sirin smiled mockingly, then puffed up her chest, looking proud.

At least she didn't cry out of breath like Kiana in the last lesson.

" Tch, this only shows that you are cold-blooded! "

" Whatever you say. "

Sirin shrugged nonchalantly, and was about to click on the next level of the story, but the system prompted that the next level of the story needs to be unlocked in five days.

" We have to wait another five days. "

Sirin sighed, not surprised by the result. After all, she had been playing for almost two hours, but there was quite a lot of content in the main plot of this chapter, which surprised her a little.

So she exited the main level and prepared to watch the plot of the event.

In Senti's live broadcast room, she was having a great time.

Compared with the serious and heavy main plot, the event plot is undoubtedly much more relaxed, and even non-stop fun.

The beginning of "Shenzhou Xian Xing Ji" is that Kiana had a stomachache after eating too many dumplings. She was in pain and asked Fu Hua to tell her a story to divert her attention.

So Fu Hua told Kiana a story about an immortal beating the Aponian Beast.

As Fu Hua narrated, the scene turned to the story of the Book of Fuxi and Fu Hua who looked like Yun Mo Danxin.

Book of Fuxi, who looks cute and talks interestingly, and the immortal who is serious and old-fashioned, instantly attracted everyone's interest.

Later, when the two entered the village to save humans who were attacked by alien beasts, they staged a famous scene that made everyone burst into laughter.

[ " Come on, let's pick a handy weapon from here first. " ]

[As Fuxi Book spoke, she unfolded the scroll she carried with her and took out several firearms full of technology. ]

[ " I found all the old antiques I dug out from under your bed during the cleaning a few days ago and put them away since they were still usable. " ]

[ " MHIII light machine gun, G666 shotgun, HKII laser launcher ... In short, no matter which one is more destructive than your bare hands. " ]

[ " Why are you showing me these? " the immortal said with a puzzled look. ]

[ " Because if you go all out in this village ... Immortal, I'm afraid you will have to find a good pawn shop and sell me to get enough money to repair the village that you destroyed. " ]

" Hahahaha!!! I'm laughing so hard! This Fuxi Book would rather let the immortal use a gun than let her fight with bare hands. How powerful is this immortal's fighting ability! "

Senti laughed heartily.

[No, you're really amusing me to death. It's clearly painted in the style of an ancient immortal. What does it mean to suddenly pull out a few guns? ]

[Sir, times have changed! ]

[You call these guns antiques? And why were these guns found from under the immortal's bed? Immortal, what did you do before? ]

[It made me laugh so hard. Originally, the image of an immortal in my mind should be that of a person with an air of immortality. If she didn't take action, she would be nothing but earth-shattering. But now all I can think about is the image of an immortal holding 98K in one hand and Gatling in the other, sweeping wildly. ]

[The Book of Fuxi is so cute. If Immortal really wants to sell it, I will lose all my money to buy one! ]

[Yes, especially those little white legs of Fuxi Book, they are so cute, I really want to lick them! ]

[? ? ? ]

[Brother, although people's XP is free, I still recommend that you see a doctor. ]

The audience in the live broadcast room were also moved with joy by the nonsensical gun selection scene between Fuxi Book and Immortal.

None of them expected that the plot of this event could be so funny.

" Hahaha, Old Antique, I suddenly feel that the Book of Fuxi seems to be a more appropriate title for you in the game than Old Antique. "

Senti looked at Fu Hua and said with a smile,

" How about I call you Yu Mutou from now on? "

" You have no respect for your superiors and should be beaten. "

Fu Hua glanced at her, raised his hand and punched Senti on the head, neither lightly nor hard.

Senti didn't care, she continued to laugh and click on the game.

Soon, the game entered the combat interface.

What surprised Senti was that the battle interface this time was not the battle mode of Honkai Impact 3, but a side-scrolling shooting mini-game.

And Fu Hua also turned into the cute Q version, holding a rifle in her hand.

" Haha! It's actually a shooting! This is so interesting! "

Senti was immediately surprised and tried it, and found that this little game was quite fun.

The gameplay is also very simple, just shoot and run at the same time, and you can also dodge. As long as you don't let those monsters get close and pay attention to avoid their attacks, you can pass the level easily.

And you can also throw bombs. Any enemies that can't be eliminated with guns can be solved with bombs!

[I go! The plot of this event is so fun, and there is such a mini-game! ]

[ The Immortal in the Q version is so cute. Looking at her holding a gun, there is no sense of disobedience at all. ]

[Is this the Immortal Technique - the Pyroblast Technique? It's simply amazing! It is indeed an immortal method! (suppressing laughter)]

Seeing Senti controlling the Q version of the immortal to kill, the viewers in the live broadcast room also found it interesting.

Of course, it's not that they haven't played this kind of side-scrolling gun battle game before, it's just that in Honkai Impact 3, this kind of game is very interesting when they see the Red Kite Immortal transform into a cute Q version and shoot with a gun. .

After that, everyone saw some " acquaintances " in the event plot .

For example, Sakura and Seele.

There is also a pair of twin sisters who also appeared in the Cyan Sea chapter. Everyone knows that they are Bronya's sisters in the orphanage.

But in this event plot, they became villagers of Taoyuan Village.

[Seele is indeed so cute, and this cheongsam is so pretty! Damn it, why didn't Seele's skin come out this time? ]

[Indeed, Sakura is also wearing new clothes. This MiHoYo should have skins, right? Otherwise, just painting the original painting without showing the skin would be a big loss, and it still looks so good. ]

[Trivia, I heard that the old thief Su Mu was also responsible for the clothing design of the Honkai characters. ]

[Fuck! No wonder these skins are so beautiful, the old thieves understand us so well! Must like! ]

The audience suddenly became excited when they saw Sakura and Seele appearing later wearing new clothes instead of the Valkyrie armors they were familiar with.

After all, Mijia is really tight-lipped about player XP .

Of course, Su Mu also made some changes in the design of these clothes, and did not completely copy the Honkai Impact III of the previous world.

After all, some clothes are really a bit too revealing, such as Seele's cheongsam. It looks good, but it's a bit too short.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it's shorter, but the problem is that they exist in this world!

Su Mu was really afraid that when Seele saw herself wearing such astringent clothes in the game, she would come over and chop her down in shame and anger.

Well, Hei Seele's kind of action.

Therefore, for the sake of his own safety, Su Mu changed the more exposed Valkyrie armor and skin to be more conservative.

Otherwise, if Bronya was to show off her armor the way she originally did, Bronya would kill him first.

Then as Senti continued the game, the various jokes and jokes in the event's plot made everyone laugh.

For example, the immortal asked Fuxi if she still remembered the dragon-slaying technique she gave her.

The Book of Fuxi confidently stated that the cat was swimming up and Newton was swimming down.

There was also the Northeastern accent that Lilia added when she translated for Beibeilong. That fluent Northeastern flavor really amused everyone.

And later, when they saw Herrscher of the Void standing in the pool, they were even more amazed by the stunning original painting!

That cold figure bathing in the water, with white hair, yellow eyes, and an indifferent profile, grabbed everyone's hearts in just a moment.


What's even more surprising is that I originally thought that the Herrscher of the Void would be a villain in the event plot, but I didn't expect that the Herrscher of the Void would be Theresa's sister in the event plot!

And there was no villain from beginning to end, it was just a misunderstanding.

After a fight with the immortal, the misunderstanding was resolved, and everyone returned to the village happily.

[The plot of this event is so fun. I thought I was going to have a fight to the death with the Herrscher of the Void, but I didn't expect the ending to be so happy! ]

[I'm laughing so hard. Benares's name was actually called Bei Wangcai. Does old thief Su Mu want to laugh me to death and inherit my Honkai Impact 3 account? ]

[It seems that old thief Su Mu has finally found out his conscience. This is called a healthy and sunny, positive game! ]

[It would be great if the main plot could be as enjoyable as the event plot. ]

[The silhouette of the Queen in the pool just now was too beautiful. It made my computer screen wet. ]

Seeing Senti finishing the first chapter, the audience felt extremely happy.

At first, they thought that this event plot might be another scam by the old thief Su Mu. They felt that the main plot was not enough to kill them, so they wanted to find another way to make them cry.

It turned out that they had misunderstood Su Mu. The plot of this event, let alone the sword, was really a prank on everyone. The smiles on their faces never stopped watching.

This is called healing!

" This event plot is so interesting. No, I must let Su Mu appear more in the future. It's so fun. "

Seeing the system prompting that the next chapter's event plot needs to be unlocked in one day, Senti put down the game controller with some unfinished thoughts.

To be honest, although the main plot is very exciting, given her character, she really doesn't like the depressing and tragic atmosphere.

The nonsensical and funny style of the event plot made Senti find it even more fun and interesting.

" Old antique, I think Yunmo Danxin's clothes suit you very well. How about I get you a set of clothes another day and you can try them on? "

Looking at Yun Mo's vertical painting on the game interface, Senti rolled her eyes and said to Fu Hua with a smile.

" Forget it, how can I wear the clothes in the game in reality? "

Fu Hua shook her head, but even though she said that, she was actually a little shaken in her heart.

She didn't know why, but she felt that the clothes would suit her very well.

" Why not? Old antique, do you know that there is a very popular industry now called cosplay ? In fact, there are already many photos of you and Kiana cosplaying on the Internet, but those people can't cosplay your charm at all , or You have to come by yourselves it will be perfect. "

While talking, Senti opened the webpage and randomly found a few cosplay pictures that are very popular on the Internet.

Fu Hua glanced at it for a few times and couldn't help but frown a little.

What are these cosplays ...

Why is there a character named Fu Hua in a cosplay game, but her breasts are so big?

" Look, old antique, isn't it so ordinary? If you were here, you would definitely defeat them! "

Senti continued to confuse him.

[Want to have a real-life version of Fu Hua cosplay as Yun Mo? I'm super! That must be lifted up! ]

Hearing that Fu Hua wanted to cosplay Yun Mo, the audience in the live broadcast room instantly became excited.

After all, Fu Hua in the game is just a two-dimensional character, but Fu Hua in reality is the real deal.

If she were allowed to cosplay herself, wouldn't that be the most perfect cosplay ?

After all, no matter how similar someone else's role may be, it's definitely not as good as the real one in person.

" But I ..."

Seeing that the commentators also supported his cosplay , Fu Hua couldn't help but hesitate.

" Heroes! If you want to see old antique cosplay , hurry up and get some gifts! Let her see our determination! "

Senti took the opportunity to make a fuss, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also very considerate. In an instant, they started buying gifts, and in just a few seconds, the number of gifts exceeded 100,000!

" Haha, look, Old Antique, everyone wants to see you cosplay as Yun Mo. They've spent all the money. You can't let everyone down, right? "

Senti laughed like a fox.

" This ... hey, okay, it's just for wearing it, but don't have high expectations, I ... I don't look good. "

Seeing that Senti had even accepted the money, Fu Hua was too embarrassed to refuse everyone's enthusiasm, so she could only agree.