
Start making Honkai Impact III, my boss is Da Bronya.

Su Mu, who just graduated from college, suddenly traveled to the world of Honkai Impact III. It's just that this world is completely different from what he expected. Otto, the president of the Schicksal Foundation, announced his entry into the idol industry to contribute to his granddaughter's career. Anti-Entropy Entertainments newly released Homu movie has become the No. 1 box office hit worldwide. World Snake Security Company has launched a new funeral service. The highest standard service will have six gray snakes carrying the coffin. In response, the weak, pitiful and helpless Su Mu could only hug his big duck tightly. If you want to leave your own traces in this world, then start by making games! Honkai Impact III, Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Legend of Sword and Fairy, Resident Evil, Elden's Ring ... That day, Su Mu looked at the game list dominated by a certain yellow-skinned rabbit and secretly swore. One day, he will break the world's obsession with yellow-skinned rabbits and let them know that beautiful girls are the right ones! This is a MTL, I will try to touch up a little. Like names gender etc. OG: 开局制作崩坏三,我的老板是鸭鸭

Mobius_5trip · Video Games
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145 Chs

Chapter 072 Mebius' laboratory


This is a name that is familiar to all Honkai players.

And she also has many labels.

Like Snake, Miss Green Goblin, the toughest Tsundare in the entire ER... etc.

Players also like her very much.

It's just that Su Mu hasn't seen Mebius since he came to the Golden Courtyard.

Because she either stays in her underground laboratory or in her research institute outside all day long.

Even the time at home is not as much as the time spent in the institute.

In addition, this guy's biological clock is completely messed up, so it is naturally rare for Su Mu to see a snake.

But what he didn't expect was that she would actually come for Griseo during a parent-teacher conference.

The Mobius in front of him was exactly the same as in the game, with a petite figure, a cute and charming face, and he was wearing a white coat.

(Don't ask why it's a small snake instead of a big snake, just ask because we like small snakes!)

" You ... who is Griseo's parent? "

Looking at the two people who appeared at the door, the teacher was also a little confused.

Originally, Mebius had held several parent-teacher conferences for Griseo before, but Griseo's class had a new teacher last semester, so she naturally didn't know Mebius.

And to be honest, looking at Mebius' petite and cute appearance, people who don't know would think that she is also an elementary school student.

" I am. "

" I am. "

Su Mu and Mebius spoke at the same time, and then looked at each other. Mebius frowned and said,

" Who are you? "

" I am Su Mu, who recently moved into Golden Courtyard. Sister Eden entrusted me to hold a parent-teacher conference for Griseo today. "

" ah? "

Mebius was stunned for a moment, then searched hard in her mind and found that there did seem to be such an impression.

This is a bit embarrassing.

A few days ago, Blanca asked her if she had time to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Griseo. She was busy with an experiment at the time, so she casually refused.

But the experiment happened to be completed yesterday, so after thinking that Griseo was going to hold a parent-teacher meeting today, she directly threw the rest of the work to her good assistant Klein, and she returned to the Golden Courtyard and wanted to give Gracie holds a parent-teacher meeting.

But when she returned to the Golden Courtyard, she couldn't find Griseo. She asked Elysia who happened to be passing by and found out that Griseo had gone to school, so she hurried back to school.

Elysia seemed to have something to say at that time, but she was in a hurry and ran away when she heard that Gracie had already gone to school.

Thinking about it now, Elysia probably wanted to say that someone had already come to help Griseo hold a parent-teacher meeting.

Thinking of this, Mebius couldn't help but hit her head helplessly.

If she had known that someone would come to help, why would she be anxious?

Is it because she has had so little sleep recently that her brain is not very clear? Or was she also infected by Nuwa Fuxi's carelessness?

It seems that four hours of sleep a day is still too little. Let's increase it by half an hour in the future.

" Since Dr. Mebius is here, let's hold a parent-teacher meeting for Griseo. "

Although I don't know why Mebius suddenly appeared here, but since we are here, let's get together.

Mebius could only nod.

" Aunt Mebius, long time no see. "

After saying hello to the teacher, Su Mu and Mebius came to sit next to Griseo one after another.

Griseo also greeted Mebius very obediently.

" It's Sister Mebius, Griseo. "

Mebius rubbed Griseo's head, and a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

She only shows her true emotions in front of people she cares about, and Griseo is one of them.

" Dr. Mebius, I have known you for a long time, but today I can see you in person. "

Su Mu smiled and stretched out his hand towards Mebius.

In this way, he finally saw all the thirteen heroes in the Golden Garden.

This is really not easy.

".... Hello. "

Mebius hesitated for a moment, but for Griseo's sake, he shook hands with Su Mu, but his attitude was very calm.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Su Mu was more pleasing to her eyes and had an inexplicable liking for him, she wouldn't even bother to talk to him, let alone shake his hand.

However, Su Mu didn't care about Mebius' cold attitude and started to find various topics to chat with Mebius.

Of course, he didn't have any special thoughts about Mebius, after all, he already had a big duck.

It's just that he originally liked Snake in the game, and now that we have finally met, he will definitely have to say a few more words.

Is there anyone who doesn't like snakes?

Mebius felt a little strange. She was a little impatient at first, but while chatting with Su Mu, this feeling of impatience disappeared unconsciously.

She felt as if Su Mu knew her very well, and the topics she talked to were all of interest to her, making her feel as if she was chatting with Klein.

Why would someone I just met know so much about my preferences?

" Su Mu, have we met before? "

Mebius asked with some confusion.

" That's not true, but I know the name of Dr. Mebius quite well. "

Su Mu said with a smile.

" This is even more strange. If you know me well, you should know that my reputation is not very good, right? Then why do you dare to get so close to me? Aren't you afraid that I will catch you on the operating table? Little White rat. "

Mebius was even more confused.

You must know that Mebius is not a good man. To some people who know her, she is a complete monster and madman.

Moreover, she often wanders on the edge of the law and uses some people for human experiments, but she is not as cruel as in the game, and she will kill people at every turn.

" It's precisely because I know you that I'm not afraid of you. "

Su Mu said nonchalantly.

Although Mebius does look terrifying and inhumane on the surface, that's just her appearance.

She also has a gentle side. Even the snake who tried to occupy Me's body in the Elysian realm gave up the hope of living for Klein in the end.

Although Su Mu certainly cannot be compared with Klein, he is not afraid that Snake will be detrimental to him.

At first it was a peaceful, everyday world.

Secondly, Snake is not an unreasonable person. Everyone who goes to her operating table has voluntarily signed an agreement with her, so it's not like Snake forcibly catching people on the experimental table. This argument was just used by her to scare people.

".... What a strange guy. I really don't know where you got the confidence to say such things. "

Mebius shook his head, but couldn't help but glance at Su Mu.

For so long, she has long been accustomed to all kinds of doubts and fearful looks cast by others towards her, but this is the first time that Su Mu is completely unguarded against her ... No, it should be the second time Seeing.

The first time was Elysia.

" Because I know Dr. Mebius that you are actually a good person. "

Su Mu said with a smile.

" Me? Good person? Hahaha, little white mouse, are you okay with your brain? This is the first time I have heard the term "good person" from other people. If those who know me know, they will definitely think you are a monster. "

Mebius wanted to laugh.

" Really? So, Griseo, do you think Dr. Mebius is a good person? "

Su Mu raised his eyebrows, looked at Griseo and asked.

" Well, Aunt Mebius is a good person. "

Griseo nodded without hesitation.

Mebius: " ….."

" Look? Can you still say that there is something wrong with Griseo's brain? "

" Children are the best at judging people, Dr. Mebius ~~"

".... Where did you come from? "

Mebius was speechless for a moment. This was the first time that she was rendered speechless by someone other than Elysia.

Could this Su Mu be the same type of person as that Elysia?

What an annoying guy!

" Well ... for now, I can be regarded as Bronya's part-time worker. "

" Bronya? That little girl? "

Mebius was a little surprised,

" I thought you and Elysia were a couple. "

" Ah? Why do you think so? "

The corner of Su Mu's mouth twitched. How could he and that fat pink woman be a couple?

" Because you're both equally annoying. "

Mebius hummed.

" I see. "

Su Mu suddenly realized that Snake was being tough again.

This smells so right.

In this way, Su Mu and Snake spent the parent-teacher meeting while chatting.

By the time the parent-teacher meeting was over, it was almost noon.

Su Mu took Grexiu and Snake out of the school gate together.

" Griseo, do you want to go to the laboratory with me? "

Mebius looked at the time and said to Griseo.

" But, I have promised to go out with brother Su Mu. "

Griseo hesitated, but still rejected Mebius. After all, she had promised Su Mu first, and Griseo had to keep her promise.

" It doesn't matter. If Griseo wants to go, we can go together, as long as Dr. Mebius welcomes me. "

Su Mu said.

He is still very interested in Mebius's laboratory. He has seen Eden's music room and Vill-Vi's workshop. How could he miss Snake's laboratory?

" Hmph, come if you want, as long as you're not afraid of becoming my guinea pig. "

Mebius crossed his arms and his tone was still not very friendly.

But Su Mu knew that this was Snake's unique way of welcoming.

After all, Snake's mouth is so hard that when the paradise will be destroyed, and she still has a mouth left to say things like that's why I hate you the most.

After confirming the itinerary, Su Mu and the other three went to a nearby restaurant to have lunch. Mebius also asked the boss to pack three meals. Needless to say, Su Mu also knew who she was bringing them to.

So Su Mu bought a few cups of milk tea on the nearby roadside.

".... Little guinea pig, I'm really getting more and more curious about you now. "

Looking at the cups of milk tea in Su Mu's hand, Mebius's eyes became deeper and deeper.

You must know that Klein likes to drink milk tea, but only a few people in their laboratory know this.

But if Su Mu just bought the milk tea coincidentally, then Mebius would have to think so if her IQ was reduced by 100.

Mebius is sure that she has never met Su Mu, but he knows her and Klein very well. Why is this?

" Noway, you must not be curious about me, Dr. Mebius. I don't know if you have ever heard of a saying that when a woman becomes curious about a man, that is when she begins to fall. "

Su Mu made a joke casually.

Of course, this sentence may be useful for most women, but it is not suitable for women like Mebius.

Because if she was curious about anything, she would definitely be thinking about how to trick him into dissecting him on the experimental table.

" Haha, then little guinea pig, do you want me to fall for you? "

Mebius had a weird smile on her lips, and then under Su Mu's gaze, he stuck out his pink little tongue and licked her lips lightly.

" Uh ... let's forget it, I already have my heart set on someone. "

Su Mu shuddered and shook his head quickly.

How to say.

Although snakes are very cute, they are also very dangerous.

But when he was stared at by her, he really felt like he was being stared at by a snake, and his back was all hairy.

It's better to have your own big duck.

Under the leadership of Snake, Su Mu and Griseo came to her research institute.

World Snake Biotechnology.

This is Snake's research institute.

At the same time, she is also the head of the World Snake Security Company, and Gray Snake, Raven all works for her.

And she founded World Snake Security Company to make money for her research institute.

Otherwise, if she only relies on sponsorship, the progress of her research institute will be much slower.

Su Mu didn't find anything surprising about this.

Snake swiped her card in front of the elevator, and then the three of them took the elevator to the second floor and walked into the laboratory.

" Doctor! You are back. "

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Nuwa and Fuxi immediately raised their heads and saw Mebius walking in.

But soon they were surprised to find that there were two people following Mebius.

One of them is Griseo, whom they are all familiar with. When Griseo was young, Blanca often sent her to them to help take care of her.

Later, the number of people in the Golden Courtyard increased, and Blanca and Hen left Griseo in the Golden Courtyard, where there were more people who could take care of her.

But the other person was an unfamiliar face, and he was also a man, which surprised both Nuwa and Fuxi.

" Doctor, this is ..."

Fuxi and Nuwa rushed forward, looking at Su Mu with curious eyes, and asked Mebius.

" I know, he must be the unlucky guy that Dr. Mebius invited to sponsor him! "

Nuwa clapped his hands suddenly and said happily.

Su Mu: " ….."

Putting aside the fact that I am not here to sponsor your research institute, even if it is true, is it really okay if you say this to me in front of me?

"... Nuwa, half of your bonus will be deducted this month. "

Mebius said calmly.

" Ah?! Doctor! How could you do this! "

Nuwa was immediately shocked and almost knelt down on the spot before Mebius. In the end, Fuxi, the elder sister, couldn't stand it anymore and pulled her aside.

" Hello, my name is Su Mu. Like Mebius, I am from the Golden Courtyard. I am here today to accompany little Griseo to Dr. Mebius's laboratory. "

Su Mu didn't bother to complain about Nuwa, a living treasure. He handed them the milk tea he bought and introduced himself.

" It turns out you are from Golden Courtyard. Sorry, sorry, we thought you were ... Hahaha. "

Nuwa scratched his head in embarrassment.

" Thank you for the milk tea. My name is Fuxi and her name is Nuwa. We are both assistants in the Mebius Laboratory. By the way, we also have a senior sister named Klein. She went out just now and should be back soon. "

Fuxi took the milk tea handed over by Su Mu and greeted him politely.

" Sister Fuxi, sister Nuwa, hello. "

Little Gracie also greeted the two obediently.

" Little Gracie, you haven't come to the lab to play for a long time. I miss you so much! "

Nuwa squatted down and hugged Griseo, rubbing her face and shouting excitedly,

" You are getting cuter and cuter now! "

" Well ....."

" Idiot, let her go quickly. You are scaring her. "

Mebius picked up the document bag angrily and hit Nuwa on the head. Nuwa was immediately hurt and quickly let go. After getting away, Griseo quickly ran behind Su Mu and hid.

" Ugh ... I'm sorry, Griseo, I just haven't seen you for a long time, so I'm a little excited. "

Nuwa apologized pitifully to Griseo.

" It doesn't matter. "

Griseo shook her head and generously forgave Nuwa.

" Doctor, are you back? "

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the door, and then, a girl with green hair like Mebius walked in.

" Su Mu, she is our senior sister Klein, and she is also Dr. Mebius's most valued assistant. "

Fuxi introduced to Su Mu.

" Senior sister, senior sister, do you want to drink milk tea? "

Nuwa came up with the milk tea and handed it to Klein like a treasure.

" milk tea! "

Klein's eyes, which were a little confused, suddenly lit up, and he quickly took the milk tea and started drinking it.

" Great ... With this, I can work harder for a while longer ..."

Su Mu: " ….."

Although I thought Klein was outrageous in the game, I didn't expect it to be even more outrageous after seeing it in reality!

Su Mu really couldn't understand why there were people in this world who actually likes to work overtime!

If all migrant workers in the world were like Klein, then the capitalists would probably set off firecrackers every day to celebrate.

" Sister, this milk tea was given to us by Mr. Su Mu. "

Nuwa pointed to Su Mu standing next to him and said.

" Eh? "

Klein, who was enjoying the sweetness of milk tea, heard this and subconsciously raised his head, only then did he notice that Su Mu and Graceu were still in the laboratory.

Later, after Fuxi's introduction, Klein got to know Su Mu and thanked him.

" Klein, have you eaten yet? "

At this time, Mebius put the bag with the lunch box on the table and motioned for them to come over and eat.

" Thank you, doctor! "

Nuwa immediately cheered and ran over.

" It's really strange. The doctor will actually bring us normal meals today. I thought you would buy a few packs of instant noodles. "

Fuxi looked at the food in the lunch box with some surprise and couldn't help but be moved.

" Oh, it's the guy's invitation anyway, so I brought you one. "

Mebius didn't take any credit and nuzzled at Su Mu.

" Su Mu, you are such a good person! We will be friends from now on! "

Nuwa is a straightforward person. If others are good to her, she will also be good to others.

In addition, Su Mu was brought in by Mebius, and his character must be fine, so Nuwa easily made friends with Su Mu.

" Because it's my first time here, I don't know what you like to eat. I'll treat you to a delicious meal next time when I have a chance. "

Su Mu also has a good impression of the two living treasures Nuwa and Fuxi. After all, it is because of their presence that Mebius's laboratory is filled with laughter and laughter.

" That's so embarrassing ..."

" Really?! Then let's make a deal! "

"... Nuwa, why are you so thick-skinned? "

Fuxi was speechless. With such a younger sister on his side, she, the elder sister, was also embarrassed.

" Find a seat and sit down. "

Mebius said to Su Mu, and then he went to boil water to make coffee.

Su Mu was not polite and casually found a chair at the table to sit down.

Griseo looked at the chair and then sat directly on Su Mu's lap.

" Griseo? "

" It's very comfortable in brother Su Mu's arms. "

Griseo rubbed Su Mu's chest, her voice soft.

" Then just sit down. "

Naturally, Su Mu would not refuse Griseo. Anyway, Griseo was small and light, so there was basically no pressure to hold it.

But I don't know if it's because Griswo often paints. She has a faint smell of paint. It's not unpleasant.

" Su Mu, how long have you known Grexiu? Why are Grexiu so close to you? "

While Nuwa was eating, he looked enviously at Griseo, who was sitting on Su Mu.

She also really wanted to hold Griseo.

" It's been more than a few month. I just moved to Golden Courtyard not long ago. "

Su Mu replied.

" Only more than a month? "

Nuwa and Fuxi were both a little surprised.

They thought Su Mu and Griseo had known each other for at least a year.

Unexpectedly, it was only more than a month old. You must know that Gracie is not an ordinary child. She has a strong sense of other people's emotions. She can easily identify whether the other person is good or bad.

Since the relationship between Griseo and Su Mu can be so good after only knowing each other for more than a month, it can only show that Su Mu is a truly good person.

" By the way, Su Mu, when did you meet the doctor? I've never heard her talk about you before. "

At this time, Klein also asked curiously.

She is the person who knows Mebius best and knows how much she hates getting along with others. But today, Mebius suddenly brought a man to the laboratory, and she had never heard from Mebius before, which was strange.