
Start making Honkai Impact III, my boss is Da Bronya.

Su Mu, who just graduated from college, suddenly traveled to the world of Honkai Impact III. It's just that this world is completely different from what he expected. Otto, the president of the Schicksal Foundation, announced his entry into the idol industry to contribute to his granddaughter's career. Anti-Entropy Entertainments newly released Homu movie has become the No. 1 box office hit worldwide. World Snake Security Company has launched a new funeral service. The highest standard service will have six gray snakes carrying the coffin. In response, the weak, pitiful and helpless Su Mu could only hug his big duck tightly. If you want to leave your own traces in this world, then start by making games! Honkai Impact III, Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Legend of Sword and Fairy, Resident Evil, Elden's Ring ... That day, Su Mu looked at the game list dominated by a certain yellow-skinned rabbit and secretly swore. One day, he will break the world's obsession with yellow-skinned rabbits and let them know that beautiful girls are the right ones! This is a MTL, I will try to touch up a little. Like names gender etc. OG: 开局制作崩坏三,我的老板是鸭鸭

BloodAngel_San · Video Games
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149 Chs

Chapter 070 Kallen: Otto, don’t come to bed tonight!

Most of the people's feelings about this ending are regretful.

I regret Kallen's death and Otto's incompetence.

" It's such a pity that such a good person like Kallen died like this. If she could still be alive, would Otto still be what he was five hundred years later?"

Sirin couldn't help but sigh,

" Maybe you can see another ending of Otto along the line. "

Su Mu raised his eyebrows and smiled.

" Eh? What do you mean? "

Hearing Su Mu's words, Sirin suddenly opened her eyes curiously.

" You will know later, so I won't spoil it. "

Su Mu smiled and gave up.

" No, old thief Su Mu! Are you trying to trick us at this time? Then don't say it in the first place! "

Sirin was so filled with hatred that even the title "old thief" popped out of her mind.

" Tehe ~~ Indeed, I'm sorry, I won't say it next time. "

" Depend on! "

Sirin was speechless for a moment, and the audience in the live broadcast room also wanted to punch Su Mu.

This person is too cheap!

He whets people's appetites and then doesn't say anything anymore. The level of despicableness is comparable to Fang Tangjing's repeated leaps!

" By the way, Su Mu, Kallen sealed Heijomaru and Yae Sakura together, right? Is she still alive now? "

Sirin shook her head and suddenly thought of something. Even the teacher and the old thief were too lazy to call Su Mu by his name.

" It's considered alive. "

Su Mu nodded,

" It's just another form of living. You'll know it later when you play the open world. "

" That's good. "

Sirin sighed,

" But this Yae Sakura is also a miserable person. For some ignorant villagers, her father forced her to sacrifice her sister ... If this were not the case, she would not have been controlled by Heigomaru. It eroded her heart. "

In this chapter of Saint Kallen, except for the regrettable story between Kallen and Otto, the story of Yae Sakura is also unforgettable.

[Yae Sakura is indeed miserable. I think the most correct thing Higuomaru did was to kill all the unruly people in Yae Village! ]

[Yae Sakura is too kind, that's why she has been morally kidnapped by those scumbags, and by the way, her damn father! He actually let his eldest daughter kill his younger sister. I have never seen such a crazy person! ]

[It can only be said that 'unruly people come out of poor mountains and harsh waters'. This sentence is not unreasonable. ]

[The time spent with Kallen was probably the happiest time Yae Sakura had after her sister died, right? After all, that was the first friend she made. ]

[I suddenly realized that Yae Sakura and Kallen were in similar situations when they met. Yae Sakura is like a zombie, living like a machine, with no hope for the future; while Kallen has seen through the corrupt nature of Schicksal, and her faith since she was a child has been impacted, as if she is in an abyss of despair. .

When two people meet like this, they both get their own salvation from each other, so it's no wonder they become close friends. ]

The audience complained one after another, feeling unworthy of Yae Sakura.

It's a pity that Yae Sakura was too young at the time and didn't have the strength to resist, otherwise she wouldn't have watched her sister be sacrificed by the ignorant villagers.

Then Sirin started playing the open world at the urging of the audience.

Because Su Mu said that there is a story about Yae Sakura in the open world, and they all want to see if this miserable girl can be redeemed in the end.

And while Sirin was playing the open world, somewhere on the other side, two people were playing the chapter of Saint Kallen.

" How do you feel? Kallen. "

Seeing the game-end settlement interface displayed on the screen, Otto turned to look at the white-haired girl who was putting down the game controller with a somewhat unspeakable expression.

" Well ... how should I put it? Being written as a saint or something, it really makes people feel a little embarrassed. "

Kallen scratched her cheek, feeling a little shy.

That's right, after our Lord Otto kidnapped Kallen from St. Freya Academy, he happily took her to play Honkai Impact III.

Kallen was a little uncomfortable with it at first, but as she played, she became fascinated and finished Chapter 9 of the main plot in one go.

And now I'm playing the Saint Kallen chapter with Otto.

To be honest, Kallen felt quite ashamed while playing this chapter.

Because the protagonist here is her own character.

Watching her in two-dimensional style speaking and doing things in the game gave Kallen a strong sense of immersion.

Especially the character of Kallen in the game, it even makes her feel like she is herself.

" Really? I think this screenwriter wrote you very well. "

Otto said with a smile.

" That is to say, he wrote me so well that it didn't even feel real to me. "

Kallen was a little dumbfounded and shook her head.

" Speaking of which, Otto, aren't you angry? Your evaluation in this game seems not to be very good. "

When she reached Chapter 9 of the main story, even Kallen couldn't help but want to punch Otto, which showed how much hatred Otto gathered.

But in this chapter of Saint Kallen, players are able to see another side of Otto, one that is hard to hate and even somewhat sympathetic.

" I think it's very good, especially in the chapter about Saint Kallen. "

Otto said nonchalantly.

He doesn't care much about whether he is a good guy or a bad guy in the game, he only cares about Kallen's image.

From the current point of view, he is very satisfied with the screenwriter's portrayal of the character of Kallen.

" Your heart is really big enough. "

Kallen seemed to remember something and curled her lips again,

" But this screenwriter bullied Sakura a little too much. He actually made Sakura's character so tragic. It's a good thing that Sakura didn't play Honkai Impact 3. Otherwise, if she knew someone dared to write her sister to death, I'd probably have to give this screenwriter a blow. . "

" There is nothing we can do about it. After all, the core of Honkai Impact III is tragedy. "

Otto leisurely said,

" Have you not discovered it yet Kallen? All the characters that have appeared in this game so far have tragic stories, and this is one of the reasons why Honkai Impact III is so popular right now. "

" People are used to comedies and family reunion endings. After laughing, they forget the story. The character interpretation of Honkai Impact 3 will definitely make players remember it fresh and leave a deep impression on them. . "

" I have to say that Su Mu really awakened me and gave me a new understanding for Kallen's fantasy script. "

"... Where does all this logic come from? Look, that Su Mu is a guy who likes to play with other people's feelings! If you have to make some kind of tragedy, wouldn't comedy be good? "

Remembering how she cried while watching the last lesson, Kallen felt very angry.

Although she had to admit that the last lesson was really good-looking and the story was very exciting, this did not stop her from wanting to send a blade to the screenwriter.

She glared at Otto and said in a warning tone,

" Otto, let me put my words first. I have no objection to you using my image to create a new game of Kallen's fantasy, but don't follow Su Mu's example and cause any tragedy. Otherwise, I will ignore you! "

" Well ....."

Hearing this, Otto suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression.

" My good Kallen, it's just a game, you can't be so serious, right? "

" Hmph, I just don't like tragedies anyway. I can't interfere in the game Bronya makes. But in your game cant I still not be able to interfere? "

" Ahem, Kallen, I can rely on you in other matters, but when it comes to creation, I have my own respect ..."

" Then don't come to bed at night. "

"... forget it. "

Under Kallen's ' threat ' , Lord Otto's dignity failed after only holding on for less than three seconds.

And many of the knives that Lord Otto planned to design for Kallen's fantasy were aborted before they even started.


Kiana and her group went back after having a good time in Tianqiong City for a few days. During this period, Su Mu also formed a deep friendship with them. They all exchanged contact information with each other and added TT for convenience. To Contact later.

For Kiana and her party, the biggest reward of this trip was naturally knowing the ambiguous relationship between Bronya and Su Mu.

If Bronya hadn't asked them to keep it secret for the time being, Kiana would have couldn't help but post it to Moments.

After Kiana and others left, the lives of Su Mu and Bronya returned to what they were before.

After work and get off work every day, we go to Brother Kalpas's house to have dinner together, play games, and watch movies together.

At the same time, the content of the Honkai Impact III version is also being produced, and everything is so orderly.

Until one day, Su Mu saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the Golden Courtyard.

The reason why it is said to be familiar is because Su Mu has seen her in the game in the previous world. The reason why it is said to be strange is naturally because this is the first time that Su Mu has seen her since he lived in the Golden Courtyard.

" Oh? This gentleman is a new face. What do you want to do in Golden Courtyard? "

The woman who exuded a sense of mystery and technology raised her hat on her head and gave Su Mu a fitting smile.

"... I didn't expect to meet you at this time, Vill-Vi. "

Su Mu looked at the woman in front of him speechlessly.

Yes, this is Vill-Vi, a talented engineer with multiple personalities.

Due to her personality, Vill-Vii either stays in her underground laboratory making inventions all day long, or runs out to perform her magic show. She rarely appears in the Golden Courtyard, so this is also the first time Su Mu has meet her after living for more than months. 

" You know me? Are you my fan? "

Vill-Vi's eyes suddenly lit up, and the next second she turned into an afterimage, and rushed to Su Mu. The sudden burst of speed made Su Mu almost unable to react.

I'm super! What kind of speed is this?

Bolt will have to kneel down for you!

" Let me guess, you must have watched my great magic show, and then you couldn't help being excited and followed me to the Golden Courtyard, right? "

Vill-Vi said excitedly.

"... How did you rush over here just now? "

Su Mu swallowed and pointed to where Vill-Vi was standing just now.

You must know that the distance between them was about thirty meters before, but Vill-Vi rushed in front of him in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for the certainty that the world does not have honkai, Su Mu would have doubted whether Vill-Vi was a fusion warrior.

" This is simple, because I wear Amplifier Rocket Boots 636. "

Vill-Vi raised her feet and pointed to the shoes she was wearing.

" This piece of equipment can instantly increase my burst speed, allowing me to escape at an extremely fast speed every time I am caught by the city management during a magic show. "

" ….."

Being arrested by the urban management is too hasty!

But think about it, with Vill-Vi's character, she definitely won't stay in one place performing magic all the time.

So based on her urinary nature, she would most likely set up a stage in a crowded place and start performing directly.

In this case, it is not surprising that he would be arrested by the urban management.

" This invention of yours is quite powerful ..."

Su Mu said from the bottom of his heart.

Shouldn't this be called a great engineer?

Even in a world without honkai, Vill-Vi's ability to invent and create is still at the forefront of the world.

And Su Mu doesn't think that this is the only invention that Vill-Vi has.

Who knows how many things she made.

" Of course, you don't even know who I am. "

Vill-Vi puffed out her chest proudly.

The power of this shaking immediately made Su Mu look sideways.

Worthy of being the only one among the Thirteen Heroes who can compete with Aponya, Vill-Vi is indeed fierce!

" By the way, I haven't talked about you yet. Not everyone can enter the Golden Courtyard, but since you are my fan, I can send you out later. Don't sneak in again next time. . "

Vill-Vi said.

" Uh ... wait a minute, I'm not an outsider, I'm a resident of Golden Courtyard. My name is Su Mu, I just moved in not long ago. "

Su Mu quickly explained.

" Eh? Are you also a resident? .... Oh, I remembered it. It seems that Eden said before that there is a new person moving into the Golden Courtyard. I didn't take it to heart and forgot about it. It turned out to be you. "

Vill-Vi slapped her forehead,

" Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier? I thought you were my fan. "

" No, according to normal logic, most people wouldn't think that someone is their fan at the first sight, right? "

Su Mu complained.

" Uh-huh ~~ Did you think I am an ordinary person? But I am not an ordinary person. I am the master of the Spiral Workshop, the most outstanding magician of the century! A person who overlooks the stars, and - loves to make many ' genius's little things' Rubbish, Vill-Vi ! "

Vill-Vi put one hand on her chest and raised the other hand high forward, as if she was standing on a stage where stars were shining, facing the whole world and making a declaration.

" Uh ... that's right, but having said that, I did watch your magic show. "

Su Mu raised his eyebrows and said.

He still remembered how outrageous Vill-Vi's magic show was, playing Mei like a fool and almost killing people, even though everything was under her control.

" Haha, I just said you are my fan! It's true! "

Vill-Vi suddenly laughed.

" It doesn't mean that I am your fan just because I have seen your magic show ... Hey! Where are you taking me? "

Before Su Mu finished speaking, his hand was grabbed by Vill-Vi, and then he was pulled away like a little chicken.

Vill-Vi's power was so amazing that Su Mu, a grown man, didn't even have the strength to resist.

But Su Mu could also guess that this must be another invention of Vill-Vi.

" Hey, I recently conceived a new magic trick, and I just need an audience. "

" Shit! "

Soon, Su Mu was taken to her home by Vill-Vi.

No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe it as a workshop.

Then Vill-Vi forced Su Mu into a box, with only his head exposed.

" Hey, Vill-Vi, didn't you ask me to watch magic? Why did you lock me in a box? "

Su Mu felt something was wrong.

" Oh, I forgot to tell you, my magic requires the cooperation of the audience. "

Vill-Vi smiled mysteriously with glints in her eyes, and then pulled out a long sword with a cold light from the side.

" By the way, the name of my magic is: Ten Thousand Swords Pierce the Body, please stay still "

" Fuck! Vill-Vi, what the hell are you doing? Put your sword down for me!!! "


Fortunately, Vill-Vi didn't insert the sword in the end. In her words, she just mading a joke to the newcomers in the Golden Courtyard.

This can be considered a tradition.

Of course, Su Mu doesn't recognize this tradition at all.

" Sorry, did the magician scare you just now? "

While Su Mu was sitting on the chair to catch his breath, Vill-Vi came over with a bottle of water and handed the water to Su Mu.

" Um? "

Su Mu looked at Velvi in front of him in surprise. At this time, she no longer had the aggressive feeling before. It was obvious that she had changed her personality.

" Are you surprised? Eden or Alicia should have told you about me, right? "

Vivi sat down in front of Su Mu,

" I am a bit special. Using current medical knowledge to explain it, I have schizophrenia. Do you understand what I mean? "

" I know, so now you are ..."

" Conductor. "

" I see. "

Su Mu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with the great magician who is unpredictable and has wild ideas, it is obviously easier to communicate with the Conductor.

And this is indeed the case.

Perhaps it was because he was also from Golden Courtyard, so the Conductor was willing to chat with him. If it were an outsider, he might not have this opportunity.

After chatting with the Conductor for a while, Su Mu found that Vill-Vi was still easy to talk to. Of course, this may be because the world has not collapsed, and Vill-Vi is not as chaotic as shown in the game.

As they chatted, the topic of the two naturally turned to Vill-Vi's inventions.

After all, Su Mu was still very curious about Vill-Vi's inventions and creations, and felt that she was like a Tinker Bell.

Vill-Vi was also willing to show others her inventions and creations, so the two hit it off immediately, and Vill-Vi took Su Mu directly to her underground laboratory.

Vill-Vi's underground laboratory is more like a small factory than a laboratory!

Here, Su Mu saw many inventions. To put it bluntly, any invention here would cause quite a stir if taken outside!

This also allowed Su Mu to truly see the level of Vill-Vi's genius.

After looking around, Su Mu suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

He looked at Vill-Vi and asked excitedly,

" Vilvi, do you know about virtual reality? "

Virtual reality is a technology that uses computers to combine virtuality and reality.

This technology has been proposed since the last century and has progressed step by step with the advancement of modern technology.

In Su Mu's world, VR technology has developed relatively maturely, but it is still far from the technology in online novels that allows people to experience the virtual world immersively.

The virtual reality technology in this world is similar to the original world.

As a worker in the game industry, Su Mu has long imagined developing a VR game by himself. Not the immature VR games on the market today, but a real VR game like Sword Art Online and Ready Player One. .

In other words, anyone working in the gaming industry has had such a fantasy.

Yes, fantasy.

Because this technology is so difficult, no one knows how long it will take before virtual reality technology can be perfectly used.

But in Vill-Vi, Su Mu saw this possibility.

If it were her, it would be entirely possible to create real virtual reality!

VR game that will truly shock the entire world !

" Virtual reality? Of course I know that. Is there any problem? "

Vill-Vi asked curiously.

" Then have you ever thought about using virtual reality to create a second world? "

Su Mu stared into Vill-Vi's eyes and said word by word,

" It's not the VR glasses in the world now , nor the half-baked virtual reality, but the real virtual reality, a virtual world that is indistinguishable from reality. "

" ….."

The look on Vill-Vi's face changed several times in an instant.

From confusion to surprise, from surprise to surprise ... In the end, her eyes when she looked at Su Mu became much more fanatical.

" Interesting, your idea is good .... No, it's great! "

Vivi's whole body became excited.

Yes, why hasn't she thought of using virtual reality technology to create another world before?

This is much more interesting than her inventions!

And once she succeeds, her name Vill-Vi will truly be heard in every corner of the world!

Of course, it is undoubtedly very difficult to successfully do this, and even she will have a headache for a long time.

However, it is precisely because of the difficulty that we have to challenge it. If it is easy to complete, what is the point?

" Su Mu, let's have a good chat about this virtual reality. "

Vill-Vi stretched out her hand towards Su Mu. At this moment, she already regarded the man in front of her whom she had just known for less than an hour as her best friend.

If not for anything else, it was for Su Mu's idea that was so bold that it was almost crazy! It's just too much to her liking!

Vill-Vi likes to be friends with people like this!