
Starlight Over Sunshine

Philip is just a normal high school teenager in a slightly abnormal town. He has friends, a crush, a dream of making music. But on one fateful night, when everything seemed normal, the sky started to fall. When the stars start to collide and the earth begins to shake, Philip decides on a whim to sneak out of his house and chase after a falling star. But to his surprise instead of finding a star, he finds a girl.

Lua_Kai · Urban
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3 Chs

You're an Alien?

"What?" I asked confused by this naked girl's question.

She looked down at her naked body. Her exposed parts.

I looked at them. I looked at them. I looked at them.

"Sorry! I'll... I'll... Sorry!"

I pulled off my t-shit and handed it to her. She grabbed it.

"What is this?" she asked.

I turned away hiding my eyes.

"It's... It's clothing."

"Do I put it on? How useless. Why do you wear such restraints?"

"Wha, what are you saying, you're naked!"

She stepped closer to me.

I covered my eyes and started backing away, "just... Just put it on!"

She picked up the shirt and placed it over her head, "how does this work?"

I covered my eyes in embarrassment, "are you done yet?"

"Do I put my arms through these holes? What is this smell?"

"Sorry, I was biking a lot."

"Can you help me? I don't understand how this works?"

"What do you mean? Just... Fine... I'll... Fine..."

While covering my eyes I extended out my right hand. I grabbed the t-shirt. I held the sleeves up above her head.

"You put your arms through here. And your head through here."

"Oh, I see. Thank you, Alien."


"Sorry, what did you just call me?" I asked confused.

She put on my plain black t-shirt as I opened up my eyes. I looked at her thin pale legs that stuck out from the bottom. I looked at her thin neck and thin arms. I looked at her chest. I should stop looking.

I recollected myself, "sorry, you called me something just then?"

"You mean an Alien?"

"An Alien... I'm not a..." I put two and two together. The falling sky. The stars. The bright light. What she said to me when we first met. "Don't tell me... You're an Alien!"

"To you I am. To me, you are... We are both Aliens."

"Then you... You... You..."

I started to freak out.

"You came from. Space?"


"The... The sky... Space..."

My life. My normal life. In this abnormal town. With my friends. My life with my family. My mother, my father. My life with my music. My dreams. My crush. Sophia.

I looked at the beautiful white-haired girl in front of me. My naked upper torso. Her naked legs. A beautiful Alien girl... Space... I... I started to feel light-headed.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

I can't take all this. Too much. Too much... I think... All that walking, biking. I feel... Exhauste-

I passed out.


I fell back into the muddy dirt, my bare back against the walls of the crater.

The white-haired Alien girl looked down at me.

"Are you ok?" she asked again poking my face.

I didn't answer, my eyes half-open, falling in and out of councousness.

"Hmmmm... This species is quite perplexing?"

She poked at my face some more, before the dark tree line around us lit up in flashlights. Footsteps marching back and forth. The police started circling the area.

The white-haired Alien girl looked up at the incoming strangers.

"This seems like a bad situation..." She grabbed my unconscious body by the arm and pulled me onto her shoulder, "I will help you escape, Alien boy. But in return, you must tell me of your world."

Everything after that one sentence became a blur. I couldn't remember a thing. It was all a daze, like my mind wandered off into the stars. But along my wander, I started to remember something. As the Alien girl carried me to safety I started to remember her smell.

She smelled like the sea. Like salt. Like a fresh mineral-type of smell. She smelled like a diamond. Like she was grounded up into a pit of quarts. Turned to sparkling dust.

I don't know why that single smell was so powerful to me. Why it stuck out to me out of all the other smells. But as she carried me through the forest, that smell kept entering my nose. And unconsciously I became hooked. It made me feel like I was in space, but also at home. Like she was always right next door, but always on the move.

I liked that smell.


"Are you awake?"

I woke up in the grass, my face covered in dirt and leaves.

"What... What happened?" I asked flipping myself over and staring at the glittering sky.

The Alien girl laid down next to me. She looked at it with me. In unison. It was beautiful.

"Did you do that? Did you make the sky fall?" I asked.

"No, I was only escaping the space police."

"The space police?"

She pointed to the pink flickering specks shattering across the atmosphere.

"And those sparks... Those are very powerful lasers. They were after me. And am lucky I was able to escape to this planet in time, before the rupture."

"Wha... The rupture...? Can you... Can you slow down for a second, let me breathe. Let me breathe... I need to breathe and think for a second."


I took in two deep breaths. I looked at the hill I sat on, as it overlooked the lit-up town. I looked at the cute half-naked girl laying next to me. her white hair flushed out in a spider web across the grass. She looked at me straight in the eyes. Her stunning white eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The Alien girl extended out her pointer finger and pointed at me, "I am Yuu."


"No Yuu."

"But you're pointing at me?"

"You're language is confusing. My name is Yuu, Y... U... U..."

She pointed at me again.

"On my planet, we speak through our actions. One finger is our name. Two fingers is the object. A language is just a complex of both." She extended out another finger and pointed at a tree, "that is tree."

"So, wait... I don't get it. If you're an Alien how are you speaking my language?"

She shook her head like I was supposed to know the answer immediately.

"No-no-no, in our world we do not speak a language. Our words are universal. We can only speak to those we are connected to. Telepathically. So we are connecting. When you touched me and woke me from my slumber, we made a connection. You are Yuu. And I am... Philip."

Did she just say my name?

"How do you...? Wait... That's scary! Nah, that's really really scary! How do you know my name?!"

"I thought, and I saw you're thoughts. To hear my thoughts, you must think about me. Think about when we first met."

"About when we first met?"


"Ok... I'll try..."

I thought back to when I first touched her, to when the flash of white light dissipated into a small explosion, sending me flying back. I thought back to when she first woke up. To when she stood up. To when I saw her nake- Whooooah! No-no, stop thinking. That's too far. If you go any further your gonna- Naked... Why is that popping up in my head. I'm gonna get hard!

"What does hard mean?" she asked abruptly.

Oh my god, she can hear my thoughts.

"I can hear your thoughts."

Get out of my head!

"Think Philip. Think harder."

I thought harder. I thought about her. About touching. Touching. Touching. Touching. Naked. Sophia.


A short white light appeared in my head. I felt myself fall back. My mind flashing.

Yuu looked at me disappointed, "another failed one."

"What are you talking about? I don't-"

Yuu sat up, her thin neck and beautiful face looking down at me. She turned to the forest, to the town in the distance, to the cops searching the area.

"It seems I must wait for Roo." She turned back to me, "Philip. Take me to your shelter."

"You mean my home?"

"Yes, your home."

I thought about it for a second. My mom, my dad. Tomorrow I don't have school...

"Uhhhh... Fine... Fine, screw it!"

I have no clue what's happening, but screw it! I can't just leave a half-naked girl without underwear alone in the woods. Plus, she's super sexy. She's so skinny, so smooth. That hair, those eyes, those long eye-lashes, those legs... Her face is so beautiful. I'd say she's even more pretty than Sophia- No-no! Stop Philip. Stop thinking like that. It's just your guy parts thinking. You like Sophia. You've liked her for years. A new girl can't just say you like that.

"Who's Sophia?" asked Yuu as she stood up.

"Stop looking into my head. She has nothing to do with you." I stood up, the breeze against my naked torso, "just follow me. I'll take you back to my place. But be quiet. My parents can't know that you exist."