
Starks of Winterfell

Eddard Stark was raised to be honorable and chivalrous by Jon Arryn, breaking thousands of years of Stark ruthlessness and pragmatism. His eldest son and heir, however, is a true Starks of Winterfell. Winter is coming.

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36 Chs

Chapter 03

Robb POV (Age 06), 286 AC

His light sleep was interrupted by Maester Luwin who had gently woken him up.

"Young lord, a letter from Mance Ryder for you" Luwin gave him the scroll and went away. And almost too happily Septa Mordane found the excuse for going away from Godswood taking the twins with her. He had opened the scroll and started reading it.

"Dear Robb,

I am happy to learn of your achievement in completing your studies early. I wish I could tell you some good news too but I am afraid I can't. I have returned from ranging beyond the wall and it might sound crazy to hear this but I believe white walkers have risen again. While out on ranging I was attacked by a group of wights. While escaping them I was attacked by a shadowcat and after getting injured I was able to drive away the beast. I was found injured by a young free folk woman named Dalla, she tended to my injury and sewed my clocks. I have not broken my vows but I keep thinking about her.

When I told Night's Watch about wights they ignored me saying I went mad beyond the wall. Robb, I know what I saw. You have to prepare the North for facing the crisis. As you receive this letter, I would have already abandoned the Watch. I am going to save Dalla as she had once saved me. I will try to gather free folks to fight off the enemy but I am not confident in that. While wights numbers are low for now and white walkers have not been sighted. It may take more than a decade for the Army of the Dead to attack the wall.

If I am successful in gathering the free folks but unable to fight of white walkers, I will march to the wall to seek shelter for Dalla. Night's Watch is in no position to defend they are just a gathering of rapists & thieves now. You would have to come to the wall and act as a peacekeeper.

If you are wondering, why have I not informed your father about this? Then you need to know that the whole North loves and respects Eddard Stark. They also believe that he is an Arryn in all but blood. I also believe that. Travel everywhere in the north and you will find what's it to be a Stark.

Prepare the North, Robb.

Your faithful, 

Mance Ryder"

After reading the letter, he felt like all the blood had been drained from his body. He frantically ran to his father's solar. "Father, do you believe White Walkers will someday come back and attack us?" he said catching his breath as he sat down in the chair across from his father. His father looked surprised by the question and after some thinking answered in measured words. "Robb, once in past times thousands of years ago there may have been white walkers. But all the magic is gone now. White Walkers, Children of the Forest, and Giants are all extinct. They are never coming back. They are children's tales now" His father, Eddard Stark, has replied.

And Robb had confirmed what was written in the Mance letter about his father. He didn't know what he was going to do. He nodded and left Father Solar. Going outside he saw his mother playing with the twins and felt like crying about what he did to prepare North. But he walked hastily to godswood.

In front of the heart tree, he knelt put both his hands on the bark below the carved face, and said in all but beggingly "Old gods, help me. Help me make the North strong to prepare for fighting the dead". He knew his prayer had been heard when a gust of wind blew over and the weirwood shook. When he opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded by hundreds of weirwood trees, all with carved faces, and the sky was overcast.

"Where am I?" He might as well have asked the wind.

"In a place where words mean something" voices came from every direction

"Introduce yourself to us" spoke the voices

"I am Robert Stark, Son of Eddard Stark, heir to Winterfell" he spoke loudly.

"So this what a family blessed by us has become. It is of no matter. You are a child you can still learn of things that are of consequences" an old man said coming out of the weirwood groove and sitting in front of him.

Robb blinked. "Who are you?' he asked.

"You know who we are. Say it" The old man said. Voices again came from every direction but his mouth wasn't moving.

"You are the old gods. The God of Forest, Wind, River, Stone, and Earth. The Gods of my ancestors and my people" Robb answered.

"Good. You can learn and think. Many don't. Words have meaning here. Names are even more so. Stark. What does it mean?"

"It...It is my name" Robb said, confused.

The old man rolled his eyes. "No. You do not see. Stark. It means plain, the plainest of possible views. Strip things down to the basics, boy. See things as they are. Winter is always coming. That is the strength of your house. Every Stark after Cregan has let them weaken that view"

"Them?" Robb asked, bewildered.

"The fools of the south, with their fripperies and their jealousies and their foolishness. Your eyes should always be in the North. Winter is coming. That's why there must always be a Stark in Winterfell"

Robb stared at the old man. Then he swallowed. "My friend wrote to me that he fought off the wights. How can white walkers come back? What can be done?"

The old man smiled. "At last, a good question. The Others are coming, boy. They were exiled to Lands of Always Winter but not defeated. The North must be ready, but to do so the South must be at peace or burned down. The choice will be yours to make. You could be Warden of the North or King of Winter"

"King? Me? I am just Robb" asked Robb, confused.

"In time, you will be at a crossroads. The decision will be yours to make. To kneel and be Warden or break away from the monstrosity called Iron Throne and become King" the answer came soothingly.

Robb was silent for some time. Then asked, "What can I do to prepare?"