
Starks of Winterfell

Eddard Stark was raised to be honorable and chivalrous by Jon Arryn, breaking thousands of years of Stark ruthlessness and pragmatism. His eldest son and heir, however, is a true Starks of Winterfell. Winter is coming.

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36 Chs

Chapter 04

Robb POV (Age 06), 286 AC

The old man smiled seeing Robb's determination. 

"You cannot stay in this place for long and we cannot interfere much with the mortal realms. We have become weak since the seven gods guided Andals to cut Weirwoods and burn our emissaries. However, we can guide you. To face the Other's, you have to prepare yourself and North.

When you came to us, we mentioned that your family has been blessed by us. You haven't asked us the questions about that. Don't miss the subtle information given like you did here." The old man said in a serious voice.

"Anyway, we blessed Magnar Brandon 'The Stark' with three abilities, first was an improved mind to learn things faster and comprehend them and if your mind is stimulated right can rival any Archmaester alive or long dead, second was improved physical qualities that make you stronger, faster and helps learn weapon of choice, if trained relentlessly one rival any legends of old even Theon 'The Hungry Wolf' Stark or Cregan Stark. Third, Stark blood is stronger in nature magic than any human which means Starks are the most powerful wargs & rune crafter. Yes, your family members are warg & rune crafters. To be a greenseer is up to fate.

These blessings were tied to the Ancient Winter Throne which was lost during the time of Brandon 'The Breaker' Stark. Yes, those stories your Old Nan tells were true. Usually, without the thrones to connect and maintain power it is the second ability that awakens within your family to ensure survival and may or may not get a weak form of the first ability and the third ability stays dormant. We will first guide you to the throne. Everything can come after that.

For the Ancient Winter Throne, you will find at the lowest level the crypts in the branch that extends towards the godswood. Just clear a path so you and only you can go into those areas for now. We will talk after you have sat down the throne" Informed the old man. Robb was having a headache hearing all this information all at once.

"Lastly, you will have to find Three-Eyed Raven to teach you the true history of first man, children & giants. Unfortunately, while hiding from the Others he also hides from us. Its exact location is unknown but Head southeast, away from Fist of the First Men. Our messengers are hiding with three-eye raven as well. We will tell the giants to gather and search for their exact location and wait for you there. It will be easier that way. The fates of Free Folks are in the hands of your friend Mance Ryder. You're beyond-the-wall adventures will have to wait for a few years." The old man said getting up and walking away.

With the jerk, he woke up and looked around to find that he was back again in Winterfell godswood but it was closer to feast time. He got up and went to his room walking slowly thinking about the conversation he just had with the old gods. When he came to his room, he cleaned himself up changed his clothes, and went to feast. The celebration was nothing loud like the harvest feast two years ago. It was small but merry. He thanked his family and servants for being there for him and supporting him.

"Robb, you have learned all you can from maester luwin. From tomorrow you will come to my solar after breaking your fast for your Lord's lesson" informed Father before retiring us to beds.

Timeskip 6 moons

It had been six moons since the nameday celebration feast. Mother was six months pregnant. He was pretty sure his little sibling was conceived on the night of the feast. As his nameday was in the second moon of the year his sibling should have been born during the tenth and one moon of this year. Which was still three moons away.

He had learned everything his father taught him. Father had imparted all his knowledge regarding ruling North and the duties of Warden to him. This also included his lessons during his fostering and he agreed completely or partially with all these lessons. Save for one, his father had tried to instill in him that honor is above everything else. But we aren't Arryn's. 'As high as honor' are not our words but 'Winter is coming' are. We are Starks. Still, I kept silent and pretended to follow as his father would've liked. Just like he pretended in front of his mother that he follows her Andal religion.

On a side note, he had cleared out Winterfell library. He had read all the tomes & scrolls present. His favorite book was in High Valyrian, it was a translation of the Yi-Ti book of the same name called "Art of War" written by a great Yi-Ti general and strategist Sun Tzu.

Father had given him today because, on the morrow, he will witness his first execution. He had broken his fast and ran straight to the crypt. On progress regarding finding the Winter Throne, he cleared his way to the lowest level of Godswood's branch of crypts. The entrance and exit of every level were blocked and made to look like crypts after the points had collapsed. It had taken him three moons to make a path on the first level as he was working assuming the area forward had collapsed. After passing through the first block, he felt like kicking himself for wasting time. The last three months were spent making a path through every block.

Today, he could explore the last level of crypts and find the throne. It had taken an hour to fully explore the last level of the crypt giving a small prayer to statues of his ancestors. At the end, there was a statue of a man with a faded face like all the other faces of his ancient ancestor, and in front of his statue was the Ancient Winter Throne, it looked like it was made out of Ice. Glowing in darkness. Its armrest was shaped in direwolves with rubies for its eyes, and its backrest was easily matching his father's height.