

The weather outside was raining quite ferociously. Atlas,a young man,walked towards the window to watch the rain drops hit the road.He quietly thought to himself,"If one were to invent something so wonderful as to upgrade your genes what would it be?" Atlas had an idea to create a game called StarHaven.This game would turn the player into a spirit.The spirit would then have to fight creatures and other spirits to start to upgrade their real life genes.

Atlas then walked back to his bed to sleep and dream of what could happen. Suddenly a blasting noise came from nowhere and caused Atlas to wake up.When Atlas awoke he found out that he no longer had a body.As he soon came to realise what was happening a screen appeared in front of him. The screen stated,"Please choose your class and your bloodline."Atlas was confused to the point to where he nearly passed out.The screen showed 4 classes which were spirit,beast, cloud, and human. Atlas picked beast cause he thought it sounded cool to become what most people feared.He then looked at the bloodlines,it showed 4 to choose from. The first was a dragon bloodline,"the dragon is the most noble beast to have been conquered.The bloodline includes birth with different sized wings, the colors vary,breathe fire,immune to fire,have scales once reached maturity,Once reached a certain age it can transform into a human." The next bloodline is fantasia,this bloodline is involved with birth of a core in your body.When you turn 5 you can gather mana into it.Once reached maturity....all of a sudden the screen showed classified. Atlas was surprised that he couldn't see the next bloodline so he chose the dragon bloodline.