
Falling from the sky

What Atlas didn't expect was that as soon as he picked the dragon bloodline he fell from the sky. Apparently dragons give birth when flying,if the baby doesnt learn to fly before it hits the ground its considered scum.So Atlas tried moving his little wings as soon as he fell. For the first time in all of the dragon beasts time there was a baby who could fly immediatly after it was born. Sadly that wasn't the case for Atlas. Since he was a human before he couldn't even feel his wings,and (BOOM) he hit the ground hard.

Atlas's new mother despised him cause all of her baby's could fly. So instead of going to help the baby dragon she just left him to die on the ground.Atlas wanted to say screw you too bitch,but he couldn't speak. When he hit the ground he didn't want to move much cause his body hurt.

Soon after a couple of minutes he began to walk towards the mountains which all of the dragons were at. Atlas hated having to walk because he thought if he picked the dragon bloodline he could just fly. When passing by a lake he wanted to see what he looked like. When he noticed himself he was shocked, He looked like toothless from "How to train your Dragon" which toothless was a nightfury. The most badass dragon of all time. But instead of green eyes he had cobalt colored eyes with a lightning strike for his pupils.

He had huge black and gold wings,the wings were mainly black but on the edges were the gold lightning shaped marks. Then his under belly looked like a night sky with millions of stars on it. This color scheme would work so well for him at night time. When he finaly made it to the mountain he saw millions of baby dragons all over the mountain side.They all varried in color and size but what stood out to him were a bunch of dragons next to eachother that all had big wings,dark blue in color and dark themselves. Atlas was guessing this was his family because they all had the same pupils. Atlas's wings were the biggest out of the group. When he walked over to the group they were all sleeping.

So he plopped himself on a rock and went to sleep. When he awoke he noticed a ding sound go off in his head. Then he saw titles on all the dragons next to him.Some said lvl 0 and others showed lvl 1. Atlas couldn't believe he got a system when reborn into this awesome world. He shouted status in his mind and the a voice spoke to him.

[Welcome host to the world of StarHaven here are your stats of now]



Name- Atlas Lightningborn











Race- NightLancer


(Plasma sphere)- shoots out a sphere of Plasma from your mouth,highly destructive

(Lightning armor)- Armor made of lightning

(Alpha)- All dragons listen and obey commands

(Speed gale)- you fly so fast in an instant and then turn invisible




Atlas then went to look at every dragon there and noticed they all were different races.'So I guess this isnt my family' Atlas said in his mind. Atlas wanted to try flying so that way he could eventually become the fastest dragon alive.When he started feeling for his wings a ding popped up and said [new skill created: Flight].Atlas thought if he see other dragons use abilities he could copy them.

When Atlas used flight he was lifting up into the air slowly but steady. When he reached into the clouds he began soaring threw the clouds and was feeling amazing.


The baby that flew as soon as it was born was getting praised by his mother.When the mother began boasting about how her baby was gonna be the king of all dragons, the baby dragon fell onto the ground behind another little dragon. The other dragon had big black wings with gold lightning on the edges.Naturally this other dragon was Atlas.The baby dragon didn't want to mess with him cause it felt that he should obey this dragon no matter what.

He followed the dragon up to the mountain secretly so that way he won't be noticed.When he noticed that Atlas went to sleep he slept too.