
Stare of the Basilisk King

GodofDeathDragons · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 30: Dancing Serpent part 3

Harry looked indeed was on the dance floor with Daphne Greengrass while those who are Slytherin couldn't believe the sight that is before them.

The music started. He danced so gracefully Daphne would enjoy her time with him. And it was wonderful.

"I'm impressed. You're doing much better than Malfoy" Daphne finally commented.

"Well all that dance practicing paid off and made me a good dancer." Harry replied, Daphne raised a brow with a rare amused expression.

Those who were watching could not believe their eyes, even the Slytherins couldn't believe it. The Ice Queen and Potter are dancing and Daphne is enjoying it!?

Malfoy who is with Pansy looked furious seeing his date dance with Potter!. The nerve of that scar head dares to steal his date.

They continued the dance and eventually he found his rhythm with Daphne as the floor filled with couples. Harry found that, to his surprise, he was really enjoying dancing once the attention had faded off them. This was actually rather wonderful, being close to her.

Daphne looked at Potter's eyes as she noticed something was off, his eyes are Slit like of a snake? She began to ask him what was wrong with his eyes.

"Potter, what is going on with you're eyes, they are snake like...?" Asked Daphne staring into his emerald snake like eyes.

Harry pauses for a bit, could he really explain that to her? In front of all these people? Too risky.

"Can I explain that to you in private..?" He asked seeing her frown at that as she nodded slightly.

He began to lead her out to the gardens while no one wasn't looking, only ones who saw were his wives, and a very angry Malfoy.

"Where do you think he is going with her?" Asked Ginny with Hermione answering for them.

"I believe Daphne must have seen Harry's eyes and probably wants an explanation from him. And he can't explain it here for everyone to hear." Hermione explained

"Maybe so, but the real question is, could she possibly be Lady Slytherin?" Asked Fleur stroking her chin.

Malfoy decided to see what was Potter going to do with his date, as he went after them.

( Out in the gardens)

Harry and Daphne were finally alone and made sure no one followed them, now secluded Harry finally explains his condition to Daphne who looked very surprised at what was told.

"So... You are a magical creature, a Basilisk and Phoenix hybrid? That is why your eyes are snake-like?" Asked Daphne as Harry nodded to her.

"So, Potter, will you include me into your group?." Daphne asked Seeing the boy shift for a bit.

"Well would you really like the honor of being Lady Slytherin?" He asked seeing her calm expression never left her face as she raised a brow slightly.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I know how you're always around Delacour, Granger, Weasley, Lovegood and Bones. So I guess you could say that I am interested in you Potter." Daphne Replied Surprising Harry at that.

"So I will have to let you bite me... To mark me, from the looks of it you marked the others didn't you?" she asked seeing him shake his head.

"No, I've only bitten Fleur, Hermione, Ginny and Luna." He answered surprising her more that he even bitten Lovegood. She wasn't too surprised that he bitten Granger, Delacour and Weasley.

"Then why don't you bite me now potter?" She asked.

"Are you sure that's what you want? You will be-" He asked but she cut him off.

"I am sure Potter, so go ahead bite me." Daphne said leaning closer to him as She felt a magical pull burn brightly in her heart that was telling her to kiss him.

Feeling a magical pull within his heart he could see that Daphne is the right choice to be Lady Slytherin as he wrapped his Hands around her waist as she had her arms around his back holding each other closely he leaned in pressing his lips on hers, she kissed him back holding him in embrace.

Breaking the kiss he sank his fangs into her neck as she winced a bit as a bright light illuminated around them as he took his mouth off her as her bite mark was now replaced with a tattoo of Quetzalcoatl with flaming wings.

Daphne Greengrass is now Lady Slytherin.

Now that He marked her all he has to do is Mark Lady Black and Lady Hufflepuff.

"That is amazing, Potter. I've never felt such magic flow within me before in my life." Daphne said looking into his eyes.

"Fleur and the others said the same thing when I bit them, let's get going the last thing we need is someone coming here and find us." He said as she nodded as they held hands and started to leave the area and head back to the ballroom.


As soon as they got to the entrance Malfoy caught them.

"Stealing my date potter? You should be with your own date!" The blonde boy sneered.

"Bugger off Malfoy, I was just escorting her back here." Harry said with an annoyed look.

"Actually Draco, he was, so leave him alone." Daphne said back in her icy tone.

"Why were you with him in the first place? I saw how you danced with him! you seemed to be enjoying it!" Malfoy said growling with Daphne narrowing her eyes at him

"What I did with him is none of your concern Draco. And the reason I danced with him is because he is a much better dancer than you, I wasn't satisfied with you." She told him off with everyone looking at her in shock when she said these words.

Malfoy saw red as he was just going to draw his wand out only to stop when a voice stopped him.

"Is there a problem here?" Asked Severus Snape who also returned to the entrance, as he looked at Malfoy, Potter and Daphne.

"No problem at all Professor Snape, Draco was just leaving me and Potter alone, is that right Draco?" Daphne said with a Stoic ice-cold look.

Malfoy could only look upset as he glared at her and Potter. He stormed off knowing he lost, and the look his head of the house sent him told him to stand down.

"I trust that you are having a Good time with Mr. Potter, Miss Greengrass?." He said in his monotonous voice as she nodded his gaze then turn towards Harry.

"And I trust you are treating her fairly Mr. Potter?" Snape said as the boy nodded.

"Yes I am sir." Harry answered

"Well then, best move on." He said letting the two go.

"Well Potter, you impressed me tonight, it seems I will be going and let you dance with your date." She said with a light smile on her face

"Thanks, dancing with you, wasn't so bad either." Harry replied she smiled and walked away to go sit down while her friend Tracey Davis came to her asking her a thousand questions on how was Harry and what did she do with him.

Shaking his head he walked off to go see who else should he dance, Maybe Luna or Susan.

He stopped when he saw Luna Lovegood coming his way.

Now in a deep green dress toward them, her pale blue eyes sparkling. Her hair was beautifully curled and cast over one shoulder and there were strange green earring hanging from her earlobes that only seemed to add to the overall essence that was Luna Lovegood.

Her skin appeared ivory but warm to the touch and for the first time in her life, Luna felt truly elegant walking slowly to Harry.

Harry took Luna into his arms and slowly began to sway, Luna's eyes sparkled as she met Harry's eyes. It was a simple whimsical dance swaying, she loved his Emerald green eyes.

"Your very handsome up close Harry." Commented Luna in her ever so dreamy voice.

"And you look very Stunning yourself Luna." He complimented

Luna beamed and leaned against Harry's chest, refusing to let go. Harry blushed but wrapped his arms around her protectively, he hopped this moment would never end.

After a few songs, they parted and Harry led her to a table where the Pumpkin punch was being served. Harry helped Luna into a seat and quickly grabbed some drinks When he returned he saw Susan Bones.

He saw her Her red hair was raised in a bun with strands falling around her face, strands that Harry wanted to reach forward to and feel in his fingers. There was minimum makeup on her face, just enough to make her shine all the more. Her dress was a dark orange like color that was like that of the Sunset.

"My Susan you look great." He complimented seeing her blush.

"Why thanks Harry. Shall we dance now?" She asked seeing him nod and took her arms in hand on waist and the other joined with her hand as the next musical tune played. This was going to be Harry's last dance then goes back with Fleur.

Susan was blushing as she looked into Harry's eyes and noticed they were different. Like that of a Snake.

"Harry, what's with your eyes?" Susan asked looking into his eyes.

"I'll explain why my eyes are like this. Later on when I have the chance for now let's just enjoy this dance." He replied seeing her nod.

And so they danced swaying in rhythm to the music as were a few other students. He seemed to enjoy dancing with Susan.

Turns out that Susan is Lady Hufflepuff and Daphne is already Lady Slytherin. He will have to mark Susan, but not right now but very soon.

Now that they danced. It was time for Harry to go back with Fleur and escort her to her carriage seeing that everyone was leaving and going to bed.

Before he could go to bed he and Fleur had one last dance for themselves and after he danced with her he escorts her back to her carriage.

( With Harry and Fleur)

Now out of the castle leading her back to the carriage she stood close to him and held his arm

"I had a very good time with you Arry." Said Fleur with a smile sighing happily

"I did too along with the others." He said back as they continued to walk.

Once they made it she gave him a kiss on lips. As he returned the kiss, holding her.

"I love you Arry Potter." said Fleur as she smiled walking inside of her carriage

"I love you too." He said smiling now pleased as he looked around to see if anyone was around he flame teleported back to the chamber of secrets.