
Starbound: A Space Odyssey

As red tentacles burst from the ground, the whole planet trembled and fell into chaos. It was the beginning....the beginning of the end. Earth was destroyed with the attack of the mysterious creature. The Terrene Protectorate, the defenders of the universe, were left in shambles after the attack on Earth. Only a few people were able to flee from the planet before its complete destruction. John Connor, an 18 years old fresh graduate Protector, was one of those lucky enough to survive and escape. Armed only with his dubious expertise and a few tools, he will have to avoid the dangers the universe without the Terrene Protectorate can offer, repair his ship, restore the symbol of a defunct organisation and carry the burdens of the fate of the world that lies on his shoulders. Surviving in this turbulent era won't be easy for our inexperienced John Connor. With the end of the Terrene Protectorate, numerous factions that were once dormant, will rise and start to fight for power. Outlaws, fanatics, greedy corporations, and governments, the conflict of interests of those groups and factions will lead to an incredible amount of deaths. Follow John Connor as he explores the wonders of the endless universe, and discover how harsh and unforgiving reality can be. --------------- Chapters will be about 1000 to 1500 words. (Except for some special chapters.) ------------------ * YOU CAN READ THIS WITHOUT EVER PLAYING THE GAME OR KNOWING THE LORE! EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED THROUGHOUT THE CHAPTERS, AND EVEN HAVE SOME AUXILIARY CHAPTERS WITH MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION. I also had to change a lot about the lore of the game to fit in the format of a novel, I really mean a lot, since the game itself doesn't give a lot about its lore and neither have detailed storytelling, since the focus of the game was in exploration and doing whatever the player wants. ------------------- Disclaimer: This Novel is based on the videogame Starbound by Chuckle Fish. The image is from the artist LemanRush; I downloaded it from the site DeviantArt. Also, sorry about my English, it isn't my primary language. Enjoy... :D

ArthurHFSS · Sci-fi
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185 Chs

Star Systems, Planets, Biomes and Minerals

Star Systems:

1) Gentle Star (Yellow Star):

- Star Tier: 2

- Planets: Garden, Forest and Desert

2) Temperate Star (Orange Star):

- Star Tier: 3

- Planets: Savannah, Snow and Ocean

3) Radioactive Star (Light Green Star):

- Star Tier: 4

- Planets: Toxic, Mutated, Jungle

4) Frozen Star (White Star):

- Star Tier: 5

- Planets: Artic, Tundra

5) Fiery Star (Blue Star):

- Star Tier: 6

- Planets: Volcanic, Decayed, Magma


Planets Overall:

Threat Levels:

0) Unknown Threat (Tier 0)

1) Low Threat (Tier 1)

2) Moderate Threat (Tier 2)

3) Risky Threat (Tier 3)

4) Dangerous Threat (Tier 4)

5) Extreme Threat (Tier 5)

6) Inconceivable Threat (Tier 6)

Geological Analysis of Planets:

0) Planet Tier 0: Erchius Fuel

1) Planet Tier 1: Coal, Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold Ores

2) Planet Tier 2: Coal, Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Tungsten Ores

3) Planet Tier 3: Coal, Copper, Silver, Gold, Tungsten, Titanium Ores

4) Planet Tier 4: Coal, Copper, Silver, Gold, Titanium, Durasteel Ores

5) Planet Tier 5: Coal, Copper, Silver, Gold, Durasteel, Ferozium, Aegisalt, Violium Ores

6) Planet Tier 6: Coal, Copper, Silver, Gold, Ferozium, Aegisalt, Violium, Solarium Ores


Planet Biome Types:

1) Moons:

- Moon is a primary biome type characterized by dead airless worlds with no plants or life. Because moons have no atmosphere there is no color in the sky, simply a view of nearby planets and stars day and night.

- Moons are an 'Unknown' threat level, the ghosts on moons are deadly to any living being. Tier 0.

- Moons often have low gravity.

- The primary reason to travel to moons is to gather fuel for ship travel. There's an abundance of glowing Crystal Erchius Fuel and Liquid Erchius Fuel located on moons.

- Most systems has a moon, usually orbiting a larger planet type.

2) Garden:

- Garden is a primary biome type characterized by grass and pine trees. Garden planets are a 'low' threat level, geared toward tier 1.

- There is only the weakest creatures in the universe.

- Garden planets can only be found orbiting gentle star types. There are no environmental hazards in garden biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack.

3) Forest:

- Forest is a primary biome type characterized by mild temperature with many trees growing closely together. Forest planets are a 'moderate' threat level, geared toward tier 2.

- Densely colonized by trees and other flora.

- More agressive and stronger creatures.

- Forest planets can be found orbiting temperate star type.

- There are no environmental hazards in forest biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack.

4) Desert:

- Desert is a primary biome type characterized by sand, clear weather, cacti, and palm trees. Desert planets are a 'moderate' threat level, geared toward tier 2.

- There is limited flora, but life still claimed this type of planet, wild and agressive creatures loom the surface.

- Desert planets can be found orbiting temperate star type. There are no environmental hazards in desert biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack.

- Weather in desert biomes is mostly clear, with occasional sandstorms. These storms, in addition to slowing down living things caught inside them.

5) Ocean:

- Ocean is a primary biome type characterized by a vast expanse of water with small scattered sandy islands.

- Traversing the surface is best done with boats or by swimming.

- The ocean floor is covered with plantlife, breakable shells, and possibly submerged ruins.

- Ocean planets are a 'risky' threat level, geared toward tier 3.

- Ocean planets can be found orbiting temperate star type.

- There are no environmental hazards in ocean biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack.

6) Savannah:

- Savannah is a primary biome type. It's characterized by grasslands, trees, and wide open spaces.

- It is a "dry grassland" planet, not to be confused with the decayed biome.

- Savannah planets can be found orbiting temperate star type.

- There are no environmental hazards in Savannah biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack.

- Savannah planets have a Risky threat level and a planetary Tier of 3.

7) Snow:

- Snow is a planetary biome type. It's characterized by snow, trees and lower temperature. Not to be confused with the more dangerous Tundra planetary biome.

- Snow planets can be found orbiting temperate and frozen star types.

- There are no environmental hazards in Snow biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack.

- Snow planets have a Risky threat level and a planetary Tier of 3.

8) Jungle:

- Jungle is a primary biome type characterized by many tropical trees and ground growth growing closely together.

- Jungle planets are a 'dangerous' threat level, geared toward tier 4.

- Jungle planets can be found orbiting radioactive star type.

- Exploration without Radiation EPP Upgrade can be very dangerous because of the deadly radiation while on the planet.

9) Mutated:

- Mutated is a primary biome type characterized by large colorful striped or spotted trees made from striped wood.

- Mutated planets are a 'dangerous' threat level, geared toward tier 4.

- Mutated planets can be found orbiting radioactive star type.

- Exploration without Radiation EPP Upgrade can be very dangerous because of the deadly radiation while on the planet.

- The Mutated biome is characterised by odd flora, aggressive fauna and sickeningly high levels of radiation. The area's inhabitants are severely mutated.

10) Toxic:

- Toxic is a primary biome type characterized by a vast expanse of poison ocean with small scattered islands made of mud, raw sewage and waste.

- Traversing the surface is best done with boats rather than swimming because coming in contact with the poison can be deadly without the right protections.

- The ocean floor is covered with plant life, pipes and glowing waste.

- Toxic planets are a 'dangerous' threat level, geared toward tier 4.

- Exploration without Radiation EPP Upgrade can be very dangerous because of the deadly radiation while on the planet.

11) Artic:

- Arctic is a primary biome type characterized by a vast expanse of ocean with small scattered islands made of ice, and slush.

- Traversing the surface is best done with boats.

- The ocean floor is covered with coral and glowing oshrooms.

- Arctic planets are an 'extreme' threat level, geared toward tier 5.

- Arctic planets can be found orbiting frozen star.

- Exploration without an Heating EPP Upgrade equipped can be deadly because of the extreme chill of the planet.

12) Tundra:

- Tundra is a planetary biome, signified by a cold, frozen plains.

- Not to be confused with the less dangerous Snow Planetary Biome, the surface of the biome proper is dotted with trees holding orbs of ice with their branches.

- Tundra planets are most frequently found orbiting Frozen stars.

- Tundra planets have an Extreme threat level and a planetary Tier of 5.

13) Decayed:

- Decayed is a primary biome characterized by its burnt, post-apocalyptic look and urban garbage.

- It has dry weather, warm temperatures, little or no trees, and no other plant life.

- Decayed planets are notable by having ruined cities in the background suggesting that the planets were once populated and may still have some inhabitants.

- Decayed planets are a 'inconceivable' threat level, geared towards tier 6.

- Decayed planets can only be found orbiting fiery star type.

- Exploration without a Cooling EPP Upgrade equipped can be deadly because of the extreme heat on the surface of the planet.

14) Magma:

- Magma is a primary biome type characterized by vast oceans of deadly lava.

- Magma planets are an 'inconceivable' threat level, geared toward tier 6.

- Not to be confused with the also hot volcanic biome, this biome is primarily lava ocean.

- Magma planets can only be found orbiting fiery star type.

- Exploration without a Cooling EPP Upgrade equipped can be deadly because of the extreme heat on the surface of the planet.

15) Vulcanic:

- Volcanic is a primary biome type characterized by intensely hot temperature with hard scorched Magmarock, ash and scattered pools of lava.

- Volcanic planets are an 'inconceivable' threat level, geared toward tier 6.

- It is similar in appearance and temperature to Magma planets, but doesn't have oceans of lava.

- Exploration without a Cooling EPP Upgrade equipped can be deadly because of the extreme heat on the surface of the planet.