
Starbound: A Space Odyssey

As red tentacles burst from the ground, the whole planet trembled and fell into chaos. It was the beginning....the beginning of the end. Earth was destroyed with the attack of the mysterious creature. The Terrene Protectorate, the defenders of the universe, were left in shambles after the attack on Earth. Only a few people were able to flee from the planet before its complete destruction. John Connor, an 18 years old fresh graduate Protector, was one of those lucky enough to survive and escape. Armed only with his dubious expertise and a few tools, he will have to avoid the dangers the universe without the Terrene Protectorate can offer, repair his ship, restore the symbol of a defunct organisation and carry the burdens of the fate of the world that lies on his shoulders. Surviving in this turbulent era won't be easy for our inexperienced John Connor. With the end of the Terrene Protectorate, numerous factions that were once dormant, will rise and start to fight for power. Outlaws, fanatics, greedy corporations, and governments, the conflict of interests of those groups and factions will lead to an incredible amount of deaths. Follow John Connor as he explores the wonders of the endless universe, and discover how harsh and unforgiving reality can be. --------------- Chapters will be about 1000 to 1500 words. (Except for some special chapters.) ------------------ * YOU CAN READ THIS WITHOUT EVER PLAYING THE GAME OR KNOWING THE LORE! EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED THROUGHOUT THE CHAPTERS, AND EVEN HAVE SOME AUXILIARY CHAPTERS WITH MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION. I also had to change a lot about the lore of the game to fit in the format of a novel, I really mean a lot, since the game itself doesn't give a lot about its lore and neither have detailed storytelling, since the focus of the game was in exploration and doing whatever the player wants. ------------------- Disclaimer: This Novel is based on the videogame Starbound by Chuckle Fish. The image is from the artist LemanRush; I downloaded it from the site DeviantArt. Also, sorry about my English, it isn't my primary language. Enjoy... :D

ArthurHFSS · Sci-fi
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185 Chs

Armors and Weapons

Weapons Overall:

1) Weapon Types:

*Ranged Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Pistols, Revolvers, Machine Pistols, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Granade Launchers, Shotgun and Bows*

- Physical Projectile Weapons: It is a type of projectile accelerator consisting of one or more coils used as electromagnets in the configuration of a linear motor that accelerate a ferromagnetic or conducting projectile to high velocity. They use physical and expendable bullets, rockets or granades.

- Energy Weapon: They use the energy stored inside the PIPS of the host (Unit of Energy, UE). They use energy bullets. They can be highly augmentated.

- Melee Weapons: They are close combat weapons. They are separated into various groups (Daggers, Knifes, Shortsword, Gauntlet, Broadsword, Spear, Axe, Halberd, Hammers)

2)Weapon Tiers:

- Tier 1: Weaponry capable of piercing Steel metal plate without problem. They can penetrate Tier 1 and damage Tier 2 Armors. However, they almost useless against Armor any higher than Tier 2. These weapons are mostly made of Steel metal.

- Tier 2: Weaponry capable of piercing Tungsten metal plate without problem. They can penetrate Tier 1, 2 and damage Tier 3 Armors. However, they almost useless against Armor any higher than Tier 3. These weapons are mostly made of Tungsten metal.

- Tier 3: Weaponry capable of piercing Titanium metal plate without problem. They can penetrate Tier 1, 2, 3 and damage Tier 4 Armors. However, they almost useless against Armor any higher than Tier 4. These weapons are mostly made of Titanium metal.

- Tier 4: Weaponry capable of piercing Durasteel metal plate without problem. They can penetrate Tier 1, 2, 3, 4 and damage Tier 5 Armors. However, they almost useless against Armor any higher than Tier 5. These weapons are mostly made of Durasteel metal.

- Tier 5: Weaponry capable of piercing Ferozium, Aegisalt and Violium metal plate without problem. They can penetrate Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and damage Tier 6 Armors. These weapons are mostly made of Ferozium, Aegisalt and Violium metal.

- Tier 6: Weaponry capable of piercing Solarium metal plate without problem. They can penetrate Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Tier 6 Armors. These weapons are mostly made of Solarium metal.

3) Weapon Upgrades:

- Piercing Mod: It increase the piercing power of Physical Projectile and Energy weapons.

- Fire Rate Mod: It increase the fire rate of Physical Projectile and Energy weapons without increasing, in energy weapons, the Energy Cost.

- Energy Cost Reducer Mod: It decrease the energy cost per shot of energy weapons.

- Durability Mod: It increase the durability of both Energy and Physical Projectile weapons.

- Recoil Reducer Mod: It decrease the recoil of Physical Projectile and Energy Weapons.

- Sharpness Mod: It increase the sharpness of melee weapons

- Weight Increase Mod: It increase the weight of Melee, Energy and Physical Projectile Weapons.

- Weight Decrease Mod: It decrease the weight of Melee, Energy and Physical Projectile Weapons.

- Augmentation Enabler Mod: It makes it possible to put Augmentation into the Energy, Physical Projectile and Melee Weapon.

4) Weapon Augmentations:

- Fire: It shoot fire projectiles.

- Frost: It shoot freezing projectiles.

- Electricity: It shoot electrified projectiles.

- Explosion: It shoot explosive projectiles.

- Corrosion: It shoot corrosive projectiles.


Armors Overall:

1) Armor Tiers:

- Tier 0: Clothing without any type of protection.

- Tier 1: Armors made primarily of Steel. They can offer protection against Tier 1 Weapons and a reasonably protection against Tier 2 Weapons.

- Tier 2: Armors made primarily of Tungsten. They can offer protection against Tier 1, 2 Weapons and a reasonably protection against Tier 3 Weapons.

- Tier 3: Armors made primarily of Titanium. They can offer protection against Tier 1, 2, 3 Weapons and a reasonably protection against Tier 4 Weapons.

- Tier 4: Armors made primarily of Durasteel. They can offer protection against Tier 1, 2, 3, 4 Weapons and a reasonably protection against Tier 5 Weapons.

- Tier 5: Armors made primarily of Ferozium, Aegisalt or Violium. They can offer protection against Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Weapons and a reasonably protection against Tier 6 Weapons.

- Tier 6: Armors made primarily of Solarium. They can offer protection against Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Weapons.

2) Armor Upgrades:

- Hardness Mod: It increases the hardness of the Armor's material and thus increasing the overall protection in can provide.

- Weight Decrease Mod: It decrease the weight of the Armor, without decreasing the overall protection the Armor give.

- Radiation Protection Mod: It give the Armor the protection against Radiation hazards.

- Heat Protection Mod: It gives the Armor the ability to adapt into any given change of tempeture situation.

- Fire Protection Mod: It gives the Armor the protection against Fire Augmented Weaponry.

- Frost Protection Mod: It gives the Armor the protection against Frost Augmented Weaponry.

- Electric Protection Mod: It gives the Armor the protection against Electric Augmented Weaponry.

- Corrosion Protection Mod: It gives the Armor the protection against Corrosion Augmented Weaponry.

- Energy Regeneration Mod: It increase the regeneration of energy by absorbing the energy from outside the host's body.

- Energy Storage Mod: It increase the energy storage a Armor can have.


Tech Abilities: Techs are enhancements that can be equipped into the PIPS to enhance movement and provide new abilities to the user. These Tech can effect the user's body in a molecular level making it possible to use fantastic powers and break their limits. They use the UE (Units of Energy) stored inside the PIPS to be activated.

1) Dash: A tech that use UE to create a propulsion that move the user forward. Can be used multiple times.

2) Blink Dash: A tech that uses UE to create a propulsion that blink the user forward, possible to pass even through solid barriers. Cannot be used multiple times, it have a cooldown time.

3) Pulse Jump: A tech that uses UE to create a propulsion that move the user upward. Can be used multiple times to reach higher height.

4) Rocket Jump: A tech that uses UE to create a extremely powerful propulsion that move the user upward for less UE than using multiples Pulse Jumps. Cannot be used multiple times, it have a cooldown time.

5) Healing Zone: A tech that uses UE to create a zone that influence the user's body and the others around to make the body accelerate the natural healing process. Cannot be used multiple times, it have a cooldown time.

6) Phase Attack: A tech that uses UE to allow the user to launch a attack that can bypass almost all type of Armors and solid barriers. Cannot be used multiple times, it have a cooldown time.

7) Telekinesis: A tech that uses UE to allow the user to control objects from distance. Can be used multiple times.

8) Pyrokineses: A tech that uses UE to allow the user to have control over the element of fire. Can be used multiple times.

9) Cryokinesis: A tech that uses UE to allow the user to have control over the element of ice. Can be used multiple times.

10) Stimulant: A tech that uses UE to make the user temporarily enchant the strength, thought speed and senses. Cannot be used multiple times, it has a cooldown time.

11) Rebound: A tech that uses UE to create a forcefield that rebound any type of attack directed toward the user. Cannot be used multiple times, it has a cooldown time.

12) Thorns: A tech that uses UE to create a forcefield capable of hurting anything that touch it. Cannot be used multiple times, it has cooldown time.

13) Singularity: A tech that uses UE to create a small black hole capable of absorbing Energy and Physical projectiles, and even absorb living beings. Cannot be used multiple times, it have a cooldown time.

14) Barrier: A tech that uses UE to create a forcefield around the user that block any type of attack against the user. Cannot be used multiple times, it have a cooldown time.

15) Wrath: A tech that uses UE to make the user break the limitations of his body by greatly enchanting the strength and senses, but it make the user temporarily lose his rationality.

16) Overload: A tech that uses UE to create an electromagnetic pulse capable of disabling electronic devises. Can be used multiple times.

17) Tactical Cloak: A tech that uses UE to create a cloak around the user that enable him to blend with the area around him. Cannot be used multiple times, it has a cooldown time.

18) Gravity Field: A tech that uses UE to allow the user to control the gravity around a specific place for a limited time. Cannot be used multiple times, it has a cooldown time.

19) Predator: A tech that uses UE to allow the user to see the heat of other living beings even through solid barriers. Can be used multiple time.