
Star Wizard

One of the most dangerous galactic criminals is finally caught and sentenced to death. But during the execution something goes wrong and his soul, or whatever it was, is transferred into Harry Potter. - And the body... Nothing, the main thing is that he is alive... The game starts again. The story was written back in Feb for my patrons. I'm putting it up now. You can read it in full at: patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Part 41

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A week after taming Bella, Potter was being pinned to the wall by Ginny. The redhead was itching to start getting more intimate with Hermione, but the latter was avoiding it, reasoning that Ginny wasn't sixteen yet. Mephistopheles thought - and shoved the girl into a time warp in the Chamber of Secrets for twelve hours. The ritual that Emyr had performed had malfunctioned a little and Ginny had grown up a little more than necessary. The redhead was overjoyed by this and immediately ran to Hermione, while the Prince wondered.

Why did he need Ginny in the first place? If he pressured the Weasleys, he could use it to nail Ron to the wall. Although Ginny's frenzied temper and her willingness to kill could come in handy. As for a relationship with Hermione, Mephistopheles was fine with it. It's not like it's a boyfriend.


Draco stomped restlessly into the Boar's Head pub. Potter had made an appointment to meet here, which meant he needed something again. Potter walked into the room, and some girl with him. Not too brilliantly beautiful, but quite pretty.

- Draco, meet Eva Laurel. Eve to Draco. So, Malfoy, I have an unusual but pleasant task for you today. Though if you're gay, there's not much I can do about it," Mephistopheles chuckled.

- Me? I'm straight, actually," Draco replied resentfully.

- That's fine. Your assignment is to make this lady a baby. Can you do that? - Draco froze in amazement. And then it hit him.

- You want to kill all the Malfoys and have our money and power go to her! That's not going to happen! - Draco shouted and was immediately hit in the ribs with his tail.

- Firstly Draco, your family's money and power doesn't matter anymore. Secondly, you cannot disobey a direct order or you will die. I repeat, get your clothes off and get going. I'll leave you two alone. Eva, if he fights back, I authorise the use of force," the Prince left the room, leaving the pair alone.


While Malfoy was carrying out Mephistopheles' orders, the Prince himself moved to the Necromancer's castle. Bella was already waiting for him. The day before, he had infused the woman with some of his magic, as his abilities allowed. With each passing day, Mephistopheles felt the shackles break and he regained control of his powers. He hadn't regained his powers, and he wasn't likely to anytime soon, but his abilities were a significant advantage.

Bellatrix was in the training room. Trying out some new magic. The prince had not increased her strength, but had given her power over the shadow world, given her the ability to control the lower demons and contact with another reality.

- You're doing great, Bells," the Prince appeared suddenly behind her back, but the woman was no longer afraid of him.

- Harry, I've missed you," Bella was holding the shadow blades she'd used a few minutes ago to deal with the mannequins.

- What do you think of the new magic? More interesting than fiddling with a wand? - The prince didn't come alone. Eliza was still in the shadows, but thanks to her new powers, Bella could see her clearly.

- I didn't think this was even possible, Harry. It's amazing. What's she doing here? - There was no contempt or anger in her voice, just interest and a little jealousy.

- By the way, Eliza's the first person to know about a secret of mine. I brought her here because I want to see a woman fight," Mephistopheles chuckled, "and seriously, I'm curious to see how you'll use your new power against someone who lives in the darkness of night.

- Enjoy the spectacle, my lord," Bella bowed and walked to the centre of the court. The vampiress stepped closer and got into a fighting stance. The Prince took a seat next to the court, sitting comfortably in a chair.

- Begin, ladies. - The vampiress attacked first, lunging at the witch with a short dagger. Bella dodged the attack, moving into the shadows, but it was not to be. Eliza was much more experienced, so she simply knocked the sorceress out of the shadows and struck several blows, spilling the first blood into the arena.

Bella was not confused and sent several curses and a couple of explosive spells at the vampiress. It was only afterwards that she realised her mistake. Firing a spell at vampires was like shooting down an aeroplane with a slingshot. Eliza simply dodged the spells and, cutting the distance, slammed into Bella's ribs. The witch wheezed and materialised a shadowy blade in her hand, which she plunged into her opponent's thigh. Eliza only grimaced in pain and easily pulled the weapon out and held it to Bellatrix's throat. There was a rare round of applause.

- Bravo, ladies, a fascinating spectacle. Too bad it was so short. - Mephistopheles took Eliza's hand away from the knife and put his arm around both girls and led them away from the hall. Eliza began to undress on the way, before reaching the bedroom. Bella was patient, but as soon as they entered the room, Bellatrix pushed them onto the bed and climbed on top of Potter. The vampiress did not like this course of events, and she shoved her rival off. A struggle ensued between the women, but the vampiress had the upper hand and pinned the witch to the bed rather quickly. The prince didn't interfere.

- I want to be first," the witch growled and twisted out from under the vampire.

- You asked for it, Bells," Mephistopheles grinned, tearing the witch's clothes to shreds. The woman moaned contentedly as her legs were roughly spread apart.

- Lizzie, shut her up! - Shouted Potter and the vampiress shut the witch up with a kiss. At the same second, the Prince entered Bella and began to move. The witch moaned contentedly into Eliza's mouth, spreading her legs wider. The vampiress moved a little lower and nuzzled into the brunette's neck. Bella cried out, but Mephistopheles soon pulled her attention back to herself, wrapping her tail around the woman, scratching her back with the sharp tip.

- My turn," Eliza flopped Potter onto the bed and jumped on top of the boy. She set the pace herself, and Mephistopheles didn't mind. Bellatrix, meanwhile, reached up and climbed under the couple, licking the vampire's arse and her master's cock. Moans echoed throughout the room. The vampiress and Bella melded together in a kiss. They changed positions. The prince knelt on the vampiress' knees and entered her from behind. Bellatrix pressed her breasts against Potter's back, fidgeting with her crotch on the smooth side of his tail. Mephistopheles growled contentedly and began pounding Eliza harder, holding her by the hair.

- Harry, I want blood," the vampiress whispered, and the Prince immediately craned his neck. Eliza greedily bit into the artery, dropping drops of blood onto the bed.

Bella lowered herself to Potter's cock and began sucking it greedily. Eliza joined her afterwards. Together they brought the guy to orgasm in just a few minutes. A satisfied Potter stretched out on the bed.

- Well done, girls. You'll have to train Hermione and Daphne. And get to know Nymphadora a little better.

- My niece? - Bella said.

- Exactly. Mind you, magically, she's my little sister. I took her into the clan to stabilise her metamorphic gift. She's as good in bed as you are, Bella.

Bellatrix snorted unhappily, but said nothing. It was already night outside the window, and Mephistopheles decided not to run to school anymore, but to stay the night in the castle. The two women snuggled up to him on both sides and the trio fell asleep.


When Potter returned to the castle, the first thing he did was go to check on Draco. Upon entering the bedroom, he found the younger Malfoy on the bed.

- Draco, did you make it? - A mocking tone.

- You bastard, Potter! - There were tears in the white-haired man's eyes. Realising that the little one was not in the mood to talk, Potter simply went into his memory. Draco's performance was a three. Eve eventually just tied Draco to the bed and finished what she had started. And apparently, purely out of dislike for Draco, she played with him a little bit in a bdsm style. A humiliated Draco was nearly crying by the end. Weakling. Mephistopheles snapped out of Draco's memories. -- By the way, Malfoy, your mother is spying for me to keep you miserable. Do you think if I ordered her to blow me, she'd do it? Maybe we really should turn your mummy into an obedient whore -- The Prince was clearly mocking the student.

- Bitch! I hate you, Potter! You scum! - Yelled Draco and swung at Potter with his wand. But with a lazy motion, the Prince simply threw Draco back on the bed.

- Don't ever threaten me, Draco. I don't care about you or your family. You are a slave. Your place is at my feet and the sooner you realise that, the more painless your punishments will be. And if you get violent, I'll give you to Eva as a toy.

- If you touch my mother-" Draco wheezed and collapsed to the floor. Mephistopheles held him under the spell for half a minute and released him.

- I will, Draco. When I want and how I want. Stay here and don't let me see you again tonight," The Prince left the bedroom and headed for the Chamber of Secrets.


- I didn't call all of you today. Only those who can be useful in the upcoming mission," Mephistopheles paced back and forth in front of the students. The goal is to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic, the Hall of Prophecies and seize it. We will most likely encounter resistance from Voldemort's agents, and maybe even the devourers.

- Should we kill them? - Tracey asked businesslike.

- They're the enemy, so yes. If any of you aren't ready for that, you can go, I guarantee it won't affect the way I treat you. - No one left, and the Prince continued.

- We will set out tonight. We'll take only our wands and a few artefacts with us, so you won't be recognised and there won't be any problems.

- What if we run into the Dark Lord? - Cormac asked.

- Then you will escape using special portals. They are made in such a way that they can break through the Ministry's defences from the inside.

- And we're supposed to leave you there? - Pansy asked perplexed.

- You don't stand a chance against the Lord, unlike me. You've got my back, but stay out of the thick of it. Is that clear? - The Prince looked at them sternly.

- Yes, we are," the voices chorused.

- Good. Here are the artefacts, - Mephistopheles took out a pile of stones from the bag. Sort them out. The emeralds are portals, the sapphires are combat artefacts.

The students began to dismantle the artefacts and get ready, while the Prince went to Daphne's room. Upon entering her room, he found a lewd sight. Nymphadora had used her powers to grow an impressive sized cock and she was fucking Daphne's throat at a steady pace. On their first wedding night, Daphne had taken it shallowly, it was obvious that she was not experienced enough. But here Nymphadora acted roughly, holding the girl by the head, not giving her a chance to turn away. The prince decided not to interrupt the girls and quietly walked out. let them have their fun, and it was good for Daphne.


The Ministry was entered through the shadows. Once in the atrium, we had to keep walking on our own. There were too many signalling charms to even trace shadow magic. Mephistopheles didn't bring many people with him. With him were Hermione, Marcus Flint, Viktor Neucev, Tracey, Pansy, Cormac, and Romilda. They entered one of the lifts and descended to the Mystery Department level.

When the students stepped out of the lift they were faced with many doors that looked identical. But Mephistopheles was hard to fool in this way. Without difficulty, he found the direction and led the way.

Soon the group arrived at their destination. The Hall of Prophecies. It looked impressive. The columns went upwards, and on the shelves were hundreds or even thousands of prophecies. Each one carried a secret meaning, a prediction that could save or destroy the one who read it. Mephistopheles strode purposefully towards his goal. Passing the rows one by one, he searched for the regiment he had often seen in his dreams. His Army had seen rows with an infinite number of shelves - he had seen magic itself.

Finally they arrived at the spot. This was it. The orb was like it was filled with smoke, and on its stand was the inscription *Tom Marvolo Riddle and? Harry Potter*.

Mephistopheles didn't hesitate. He took the prophecy. Immediately, a cold voice spoke up.

- Very good, Mr Potter. Now if you would be so kind as to hand over the prophecy," the voice was familiar. Barty Crouch.

- Ah, Mr Crouch. Long time no see. How do you wish to die? - Mephistopheles asked, tossing the ball in his hand, making his opponent nervous.

- Don't be impertinent, boy. You're surrounded," to confirm his words, wizards started coming from everywhere, surrounding the students. Those turned around and waited for the commander's order.

- And if I suddenly break the prophecy? What then? - The prince squeezed the ball gently and cracks appeared on it. Barty tensed up.

- 'Let's listen here then, shall we? Just us,' Potter suggested, to Crouch's amazement.

- Deal. - Barty had no intention of refusing. The Lord had ordered the information to be brought to him, not a glass ball. Could it be that Potter wanted to leave alive?

Mephistopheles placed one hand on the prophecy ball, and Barty did the same. Smoke billowed inside the balloon and in the wizards head a voice began to speak.

- * One who can defeat the Dark Lord is coming. Born at the end of the seventh month. And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will not know his full power. And one is destined to fall by the hand of the other, for one cannot live in peace while the other lives. But if the king of the dead world returns, he is destined to wear the crown again. And the Lord will help him to do so* - The voice fell silent, and Mephistopheles exulted. The King of the Dead World - that's what he is, for his home planet has been destroyed. And the Lord? And the Lord will help him with his death.

Barty came to his senses quickly, but had no time to do anything. A clawed paw pierced his chest, ripping his heart from his chest.

- Kill them all! - The Prince ordered and threw Avada at the nearest enemy. The Eaters didn't expect it and were confused at first. It cost the lives of two of them, who were killed by Pansy's shadow. The Eaters scattered around the hall, dismantling their opponents. Mephistopheles, on the other hand, remained standing still, releasing chains all around the room. Some of the devourers were able to defend themselves, others were less fortunate.

Victor, wounded in the arm, instantly became enraged and transformed into a berserker. He lunged at the nearest opponents and began tearing them apart. Tracey killed the mage who sneaked up on him from behind by launching an arrow of ashes at him. Afterwards, the girl turned on her heels and sent a cloud of poisonous smoke at Lucius Malfoy before adding a couple of Avads. But even though Lucius was a financier, he also had a knack for battle magic and simply deflected all the spells, sending back transfigured steel stakes. The stakes melted before they reached the girl - Cormac sent a jet of flame at them. Marcus Flint, meanwhile, was mentally striking all the opponents he could reach. Romilda covered him, hiding in the shadows.

Tracey sent another gift from higher necromancy at Lucius, but the lord managed to block that blow as well. Davies was angry. But suddenly Malfoy wheezed and sank to the ground. A wheezing sound was coming out of his chest. Malfoy was dying from the loss of air in his lungs. Flint had mastered such curses well. Lucius' eyes read pleading, but Tracey paid no attention to it. Pulling a short dagger from her belt, she slashed the lord's throat. He twitched and died.

The fight gradually moved to another room. It was a spacious hall with an archway in the middle. The Eaters were no longer ceremonious. They were throwing curses left and right, trying to hurt anyone. But Mephistopheles was intercepting spells that his students didn't notice or didn't have time to deflect.

Suddenly a barrage of combat spells descended on Potter himself and the Prince was forced into a deafening defence. Dolokhov managed to get him with a slashing curse, but the Prince regenerated the damage with a nonchalant look, much to his opponent's bewilderment.

Dolokhov was confused for a moment. Potter should have fallen and died, he had slit his throat, but he just healed the wound without even casting a spell! And then Dolohov took a sharp roll to the side. In the place where he was standing a second ago there was a monster. Mephistopheles turned around sharply and swung at Dolokhov again. The chitin protected him from curses, even Avada would not penetrate, but fire spells could do damage. But there was nothing Dolokhov could do. His wand flew off to the side, blood gushing from his cut thigh. And the monster's face was bent over him. The last thing Dolokhov saw was green slime flying at his forehead. Afterwards his face burned with terrible pain, and the wizard died. The scalp, skull and brain simply melted, unable to withstand contact with the strongest acid.

The prince jumped up and rushed to the next opponent, but before he could run a couple of metres, he collapsed, shrieking with pain and rage. Someone had severed his forelimb. Potter turned round sharply and saw an unfamiliar red-haired mage. Not bothering to bother, he simply spat acid at him. While the mage screamed in pain, Mephistopheles hissed and reattached the paw. Painful, but better than growing a new limb.

There was a scream from upstairs. Some mage had knocked Romilda out and thrown her down. The girl's body was covered in blood and soot, but she was alive. The mage who threw her down jumped down next and attacked Flint. He went on the defensive, and Mephistopheles aimed his chains at the girl's abuser. But the mage swung them away playfully and knocked Marcus out with one precise spell. Mephistopheles stood in front of the mage. He threw a competent chain of spells at the Prince, but Mephistopheles simply ignored it, becoming intangible. The mage whirled his head around, trying to see where his opponent had gone, as the Prince threw off his invisibility cloak right in front of the mage's nose and plunged his blade into his stomach, twisting it several times. The opponent wheezed but didn't fall and even managed to punch Potter in the face a few times. The Prince retaliated and both opponents rolled towards the centre of the hall. The opponent was pounding Potter with his hands and ignoring the dagger blows.

They jumped up from the floor in front of the arch of death. Mephistopheles was starting to get angry. It looked like he'd gotten a vampire turned wizard. Guys like that were pretty dangerous. With a lightning-fast movement, the prince grabbed a pistol from his spatial pocket and fired, aiming for his head. But the vampire just caught the bullet and lunged at Potter. Mephistopheles shifted again and retaliated with a precise swipe of his tail, setting the vampire on him.

The one roared, but didn't drop his weapon as he tried to cut off the tail. Mephistopheles did not hinder. Soon blood gushed from the wound, and the vampire screamed. The arms separated from his body and melted to the floor. Mephistopheles blew his opponent's head off with a single blow of his paw.

The battle was coming to an end. The prince was winning. His students had successfully defeated almost all of their opponents. Crouch, Lucius, Avery, and Yaxley were all dead. The rest of the dead Potter didn't know, but there were vampires among them. Hermione had personally killed three of the bloodsuckers. They couldn't resist the blood curses and died of exhaustion.

- That's it, let's go," Mephistopheles looked thoughtfully into the archway of death. Without a moment's hesitation, he dumped the bodies of the slain into it. The squad left the scene of the battle.