
Star Wizard

One of the most dangerous galactic criminals is finally caught and sentenced to death. But during the execution something goes wrong and his soul, or whatever it was, is transferred into Harry Potter. - And the body... Nothing, the main thing is that he is alive... The game starts again. The story was written back in Feb for my patrons. I'm putting it up now. You can read it in full at: patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Part 40

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Potter woke up in bed with Nymphadora. The previous day had exhausted him. The wedding to Daphne was looming. And then there was that prophecy. The danger was that there might be information in the prophecy that would give away his nature. And then Mephistopheles went cold. Dumbledore knows about the prophecy. And if there really was information about the Prince's real nature, it would complicate matters.

Mephistopheles stirred next to him. Mephistopheles had barely let the girl sleep this night. Too bad he had been too lazy to go get Hermione or Daphne.

But what was needed now was a plan of action. A wedding with Daphne was planned for this weekend. And then he could deal with the prophecy. But first, there was one more person to check on....



Lucius fell into a deep sleep unable to control the spell. A shadow appeared on the wall, remotely resembling Potter.

- Narcissa, it's time to get up," the whisper echoed through the room, and the woman stretched sweetly, feeling the familiar magic and immediately jumped up when she realised who was talking to her.

- Lord Potter? And my husband-" She trailed off, looking at Lucius snoring.

- We could use him," she chuckled softly, "what is the Lord going to do soon? Speak!

- He's ordered Rookwood to prepare something in the department of mysteries. I don't know what it is, but it has to do with the Hall of Prophecies.

- Good. Very good," the shadow moved to the bed, touching Narcissa. She flinched, but didn't pull away.

- Lord Potter... What's wrong with my son?

- I've told you before. You will not go against me, and I will not hurt you. Calm down, Narsi," the shadow whispered. The woman trembled and strangely enough, calmed down.

- I have to go, don't miss me, - a weightless touch and the shadow dissolved. Narcissa laid back down tiredly. What on earth was happening to her?


Potions room.

- Good morning, Professor," Mephistopheles entered without knocking, reasonably deciding it was unnecessary.

- Potter. What do you want? - Snape's tone was irritated, not even a hint of fear in it. Iron man.

- I want to know what Voldemort is planning about the prophecy. I know he ordered something to Rookwood, but I don't know the details. He trusts you, strange why. So?

- The Dark Lord wants to lure you to the Department of Mysteries to take the prophecy, and the devourers will be waiting for you to take it. - Snape spoke up after a moment's silence.

- Why doesn't he take it himself? - The Prince asked perplexed.

- I don't know, the Dark Lord doesn't answer to me," Snape muttered.

- 'Well, how does he want to lure me out?

- I don't know. Wait, how did you Potter know about this in the first place? You have a spy in your inner circle," Snape stated, and Mephistopheles just shrugged, "Guess who.

- The prophecy you delivered to Voldemort may give whoever listens to it a chance to kill his opponent. I'm convinced there's a catch. I'm sure the Headmaster knows. But he won't tell me. What do you know about it? - Potter asked sharply.

- Dumbledore rarely shared his secrets. I don't know anything about it," Mephistopheles glanced at Snape, but didn't sense the lie. Though Snape could easily deceive him.

- Well, I'll see you around, Professor. - Mephistopheles left the study and headed for the Chamber of Secrets. His army was already gathered there, but not for class. The prince sometimes gathered everyone together to share information or make an announcement.

- 'I'm glad you've gathered so quickly,' Mephistopheles began to say. - 'I only have one announcement to make today. As you know, I am engaged to Daphne. The wedding is this weekend, and you are all invited. I'll give you your portkey on Friday. That's it, you're all free to go.

The students began to discuss the event as they left the room, and Mephistopheles turned to Daphne, who was blushing.

- Don't be embarrassed, they are with us now, they are my army. It wouldn't be nice if I invited the hypocrites of the aristocracy, but I won't invite them.

- I know, Harry, I'm just not used to being the centre of attention. I'm the Ice Queen," the girl kissed Potter weightlessly and headed out.

- You girls are always in a hurry," the Prince followed.


The week flew by. There were two more classes with the Potter's Army and the lessons were paying off. Several students had already mastered animagic, but as predicted, the clothing mishaps could not be avoided. When Pansy successfully transformed into a viper she was applauded, and when she transformed back she received an even louder ovation. The sight of the half-naked heiress of an ancient family shocked the representatives of no less ancient families.

Mephistopheles himself was already impatient. He wanted to get into active combat and was looking forward to the weekend. We'll play the wedding and then we'll go into action.


When the portkey worked, the Potter's Army gasped in delight. The Necromancer Castle loomed before them and was far more imposing than Hogwarts. It didn't surpass the school in size, but it looked exactly like a fortress. Several towers that seemed to reach to the heavens. High walls, powerful gates. To the left of the castle was either the sea or the lake. Several ships that looked like Dumstrang's Galleon stood at the dock. There were a few modern frigates there as well.

The disciples scattered about. The wedding was still about three hours away, and the guests should have arrived not much sooner. Mephistopheles took the students inside the castle and left to oversee the final preparations for the feast.

Daphne was in the process of getting things ready, with Nymphadora, Hermione, and Eliza actively helping her.

The Legion had long since been moved into the castle and now they were just waiting for the signal. All avenues of retreat in case of an attack had been prepared, but it was unlikely that Potter would use them. It was not for nothing that he had brought Marcus's men and their equipment and his own army to the castle.

Gellert Grindelwald was also present at the feast, Potter had failed to talk him out of it, even failing to give him another identity. Grindelwald had stated that the time of peace was coming to an end, and a greater excuse than an attack at a wedding could not be thought of. Of course, there was no guarantee that Voldemort would attack him, but there were fears.

The guests began to arrive. What was their amazement when, instead of the familiar Potter's Menorah, they were greeted by the gloomy Necromancer's Castle that was the stuff of legends. At last everyone gathered. Mephistopheles walked arm in arm with Daphne, and they were escorted by the envious stares of the aristocrats. Everyone had already realised that Lord Potter was also a Peverell, and now they were lamenting to themselves that they had not ringed the boy sooner. The mage in charge of the couple's wedding was saying something, but no one but Potter and Daphne could hear him. Everyone was engaging in self-obsession.

- Harold James Potter Peverell, do you consent to marry Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass?

- I do.

- Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass, do you consent to marry Harold James Potter Peverell?

- I do.

- You may kiss," the couple kissed, to which they received a faint applause from the aristocracy and a loud ovation from the Potter's Army.

When the applause died down, Potter stepped up to the podium and made a long speech about the unity of the country and the difficult times. Frankly speaking, the Prince was stalling for time, but when he was tired of standing on the stage he smiled and finished his speech with the phrase.

- And now a few words will be said by a friend and ally of the Peverell family, Gellert Grindelwald. - It was as if the hall had turned off the sound. Grindelwald walked slowly onto the stage and looked round at the mages. Those involuntarily stepped back a little. Even the devourers, who had come to the event with almost the entire cast, got quite a chill.

- Ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I want to express my gratitude to this young man who got me out of jail. I know that many of you were afraid of me and still are. Why? I have fought for the rights of muggles and continue to do so. I have always considered Muggles to be second-class creatures, fit only to serve wizards. I know almost all of you share my opinion. But here's the thing that's been bugging me. You aristocrats, so eager to have obedient servants, have willingly allowed yourselves to be put in slave collars. And to whom? A pathetic half-breed, an inexperienced young man, who played you for a fool. I am disappointed," the dark mage shook his head. The aristocrats listened unable to bring themselves to move.

The Malfoy couple stood as if they were statues. The Goyles, the Notts, the Averys, the Yaxleys were not far behind them either. The Lestrains froze, looking at Grindelwald with admiring glances, and Bellatrix fixed her gaze on Potter.

Gellert continued to speak, putting the audience into a trance. But it didn't last long. A lone applause was heard in the silence, and Voldemort appeared before all the guests. In his armour, with his aura, he literally suppressed the surrounding magic.

- Dear guests. Let the slaughter begin! - Potter announced and sent a shaft of fire at Voldemort. A mess ensued. Guests jumped up from their seats, throwing spells around. Potter's army acted coherently, covering their commander. Daphne and Hermione stood at the Prince's sides, ducking Voldemort's blows with a combined shield. But the magic of the two girls was clearly not enough to contain the Dark Lord's magic.

Grindelwald stepped into the fray. With one swing of his wand, he threw Tom back against the wall and immediately sent a cloud of ashes at him. Voldemort managed to defend himself with a superior shield of light and then attacked himself. Grindelwald went on the defensive. While the two were fighting each other, it was problematic to approach from the side and Potter and his squad concentrated on the devourers.

And the devourers were in quite a bit of trouble. Potter and his chains were forcing the enemies to keep up a physical shield at all times, which took energy. Marcus's men opened fire with plasma pistols and conventional weapons. Everywhere they looked, the devourers were retreating, unable to do anything to counter the enemy. An explosion was heard from the direction of the lake. One of the ships opened fire on the werewolves running towards it. It looked like Voldemort had found a way to bring some of his men with him. A fight broke out on the pier. Marcus's men and a couple of Legion mercenaries were dealing with the werewolves in cold blood, shooting them before they reached the stern.

Marcus himself was firing continuously from the machine gun at the bow of the ship. At his signal, several helicopters took to the air and sent missiles into the enemy ranks.

Potter himself was doing a little worse. He was opposed by some militant from the Lord's inner circle. He was good. Confidently blocking spells, dodging some of them. Mephistopheles shortened the distance. His reactions were much better than the fighter's and he had a hard time. He had to take curses on the shield, which was already beginning to flicker. The mage's strength was running out. Mephistopheles took another step towards his opponent and for a moment the man didn't even realise what had happened. A second ago Potter was ten metres away and now he was right in front of him, piercing him through with his pike-sharp tail.

Astartes wheezed, spitting out blood. The life was leaving the fighter, and the Prince threw the dying man under the feet of the retreating devourers with a victorious shout.

The Potter's Army had managed to drive several of the devourers into the cauldron of fire and they were being actively pursued. But devourers were not considered dangerous opponents for nothing. No matter how well Potter trained his students, they were still 16 to 17 years old, and their opponents were much older and more experienced. Several Eaters broke through the encirclement and attacked Angelina and Flint from the side. But the girl orientated herself in time and stabbed a short dagger into her opponent's eye, and Marcus knocked him out with a powerful blow.

- Take that, you bastards! - Tracey sent a spell from the field of necromancy at the mages. The spell wasn't too dangerous, but the weakened mages put up their shields too late and quickly paid for it. Two lost their sight, already permanently, and the third had his head blown off.

Alric Solt decided to put his berserk abilities to the test in the field and charged at the nearest devourer. He didn't expect it, but was even more surprised when the boy tore off his leg with a slight movement of his hand. The mage screamed, but his scream soon turned into a gurgle, and the chain that came out of the air cut off his life.

Katie hid behind Wood and Stanley's backs, and from this improvised hiding place, hurled curses.

The fight began to subside. Most of the devourers had been killed, but the inner circle was almost unscathed. They had lost about two, three men, and the rest of the dead were mostly minnows, with only the occasional dangerous character.

On the pier, the gunfire had long since fallen silent, the helicopters and ships had turned off their engines. The shore was strewn with the bodies of werewolves and vampires. A few giants lay here and there with limbs torn off.

Grindelwald was still fighting the Lord, but Potter soon joined them. Paired with Gellert, they overwhelmed Voldemort, but couldn't quite break through his defences. The other mages didn't dare to get too close, they could just be smeared by the magic. Voldemort retreated to the very edge of the abyss as he suddenly straightened up and attacked with determination. His spells had not lost their power, but it was obvious that the speed of their creation was no longer the same.

Potter and Gellred erected a shield of shadows, the strongest spell in the realm of shadow magic. Hermione at this time got close enough and slashed herself on the arm and muttered a spell. Red lightning bolts flew at the Dark Lord, which were extinguished by his armour. But it was clear that this attack had distracted the mage. It was as if Potter's army had woken up. It began to shower the Dark Lord with enchantments. The inner circle held the shield, preventing their opponents from getting close to their lord, but in some places the shield was weak and a few curses reached their target. But the armour successfully repelled everything. Suddenly, the order to retreat under the castle gates resounded in the students' heads, which they did. Potter and Gellert were transported there as well, and Voldemort hesitated for only a second. That second was enough for the projectile to hit the Dark Lord's feet. The blast wave scattered his companions across the courtyard, and the Lord himself was thrown to the fountain. His armour was smoking, but there was no visible external damage. A second volley hit the fountain, but the Lord was no longer there. The dark mage retreated, leading his companions away from the battlefield. This battle was left to their enemies.


People were running around the castle courtyard, picking up the wounded and carrying away the dead. A few of the devourers had been taken alive. But most of them were small cunts who obviously knew nothing. But it was the last find that pleased Potter immensely. A concussed Bellatrix lay unconscious in a pile of bricks. She was lifted up and carried to her cell. Nothing serious, much less fatal, had happened to the woman, so there was nothing to waste time on her.

Hermione received a few curses and was sent to the hospital. Eliza got a couple of fractures and a bunch of cuts, but that was nothing to her. Daphne was unharmed, as she was protected by three mercenaries as Potter's fiancée, preventing anyone from getting close to the girl. It was not without casualties. Ferdinand, one of the Legion, died after failing to defend himself against a mob of werewolves and two close-circle mages. As he died, he took a dozen werewolves and one mage with him. Several of the mercenaries on the side, also died.

Marcus was unharmed, as were his men. The equipment was fine, only one of the ships had deep scratches on its hull, as the werewolves had boarded it. Marcus's men had only three days to repair the castle and the equipment.


Bellatrix tried the cage once more for strength. It was useless. Her magic was almost nil, her wand was gone, and the bars were made of adamantium. The only way to open it was with a key or to break it open with force. The witch wasn't capable of that. The attack on the castle almost immediately went awry. The Overlord was supposed to kill Potter and break the spirit of the defenders. But Grindelwald, who had thrown everyone into shock at the beginning, drew the Lord's attention away, and in the meantime Potter was killing the devourers. He was powerful. Bellatrix personally saw how the boy blocked four combat spells at once. And he was quick with his sorcery.

His fiancée was also quite dangerous, just like the dirty-blooded Grainger Draco had told her about. The girl had blood magic. And a bunch of students who massacred rank and file Eaters with little to no effort. Bellartis had always been attracted to power. And until today, no one could outshine the Lord for her.


Dumbledore sat in his office. His spies had already informed him of what had happened at Peverell Castle. The Headmaster didn't know what to do. There was no way to order Potter around now. He's a Peverell, come to think of it. So he released Gellert. While the Headmaster had chatted with Potter, he didn't seem like a fool, but freeing Grindelwald? A wizard who'd drenched half of Europe in blood? No, Potter wasn't an idiot. I'll have to talk to him.


A scream echoed through the dungeons of the necromancer's castle, then another and another. The screams continued, screams of pain. Bellatrix screamed in unbearable pain, and the Prince methodically, channel by channel, cut the connections to the marker. It was a long process, but Potter paid no attention to the screams. It was only when Bellatrix was down to a pleading voice that he looked up at her and grinned and moved his hand over the mark. It went up in smoke and came off his hand.

- Congratulations, Bella. You have a new master from now on," Mephistopheles smiled, running his wand over the woman's hand. The woman whimpered in pain again, and in place of the old mark was the image of a crossed scythe and wand. The woman stared at the new branding with all her eyes. The prince stood up.

- You will stay in the cell until you kneel. I will not tolerate disobedience, do you understand? - Mephistopheles left the cell, throwing his robe on the floor. It was cold in the dungeons after all. The woman wrapped herself in the robe and huddled in a corner.


- Why didn't you kill her, Harry? - Hermione asked, slumping back in her chair. Daphne, in her underwear was lying on the bed and Eliza was snoozing next to her.

- 'She's a good fighter. Strong. And what's more, she's a hottie.

- Aren't we enough for you? - Hermione asked unhappily.

- A few, a lot, what does it matter? I was just stating a fact. If you don't want to, I won't drag her to bed," Potter said.

- Are you so sure she'll comply?

- I am. She's dragging herself from the force. And she followed the Lord in search of that power. I've already demonstrated some of my powers. Let's see what she decides. If she refuses, you, Daphne, will have a necromancy manual. - Nymphadora entered the room.

- Harry, Dumbledore wants to talk to you," the girl blurted out.

- Well, that was to be expected. Have fun without me, girls," Mephistopheles left the room, and Nymphadora grinned vulgarly and climbed into Hermione's arms.


Mephistopheles entered the Headmaster's office cautiously. It was hard to predict how Dumbledore would react to the news that Pottekr had freed his enemy.

- Come in, my boy. We have much to discuss. First and foremost, why did you free Gellert? - There was no anger in the old wizard's eyes, only reproach.

- Professor, I'm sorry I had to do that, but you left me no choice. I was being hunted by the most dangerous dark wizard and you refused to tell me why. You clearly know more than anyone else, but for some reason you're unwilling to share it. I understand - really, I understand that you're a politician and you're already playing another game with my participation, but I don't want to die to suit your desires. - Potter spoke up.

Dumbledore looked at Potter glumly and sighed, agreeing with the arguments.

- 'And you hid your title from me.

- You, Headmaster, promote the light so much that I reasonably decided. If I confess, you can put me in Azkaban. Besides, it's my own business. And while we're on the subject of innuendo, what about the prophecy? I haven't heard the full text.

- Harry, I'm not sure that prophecy is true at all. Voldemort believed it, and he paid for it. - Dumbledore began to dodge the question.

- I don't care! I want to hear the full text! I have the right! - The Prince began to boil.

- Harry, I'm sorry, but I don't remember. It's a peculiarity of some prophecies. It starts like this: *The one who can challenge the Dark Lord is coming. Born at the end of the seventh month. And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but will not know his full power. And one of them must die by the hand of the other, for they cannot live in peace while the other lives...*. That's what I remember. But a distinctive lapse in memory suggests that something else was said. And that you or Voldemort can find out if you read the prophecy in the magic ball. They're kept in the Department of Mysteries," the Headmaster said, somehow slumped, as if he had aged.

- I understand you, Professor. Can I legally get the prophecy?

- I'm afraid the Ministry is full of Voldemort's agents. You'll never get in. The only other option is to force your way in. I know you won't listen to me, but still. Don't go in there, it's probably a trap. And another thing. The Dark Lord can affect you mentally.

- Because of Horcruxes? - The Headmaster's face stretched in surprise. - Yes, Headmaster, I'm aware of that. But Voldemort collected his soul back, a long time ago. I'm surprised you don't know that already. But we still have a mental link," Potter admitted.

- Harry, but how did you know that?

- I have my sources," Mephistopheles dismissed him.

- Now, Harry, you understand why I kept quiet about it. Alas, I didn't know how to get the Horcrux out of you without killing you. And neither does anyone else. But if Voldemort himself took a part of your soul, then you are free indeed. But then what about the prophecy? Wasn't the Horcrux connected to the power that the Dark Lord doesn't know about? - The Headmaster wondered.

- I think we'll only know when I take the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries. We can't let the Lord get to it first. Even if it's nothing, I have to see for myself," the Prince said jubilantly. 'Whatever the prophecy says, the Headmaster doesn't know anything.

- All right, Harry, you may go. And please don't drag the other students into your games. - To this, the Prince only hummed. The door slammed shut and the Headmaster closed his eyes tiredly.



The headlines of the newspapers the next morning began with that very phrase. The fact of the attack on Potter could be extracted from the articles, but who had attacked remained behind the scenes. Nothing was written about the Lord, which was not surprising, for he must have half the Ministry under his thumb. Potter himself was amazed at the scattering of information. The number of victims ranged from five to a hundred. And not a word about the aristocrats involved in the attack. But there was a note that Hogwarts students had taken part in the battle. There were no names, which was for the best. After lunch, Potter announced a gathering in the Chamber of Secrets.

Chamber of Secrets.

When everyone had arrived, Potter began to speak.

- I have to tell you, I knew about the attack beforehand. And I brought you out to the wedding not only because you're not strangers to me, but also to test you in combat. What I have to say is, you did very well. I'm sure some of you were sick after the murders and you numbed the pain with alcohol and sex. Or both. Whatever. You're facing the realities of what's going on.

- Is it true you broke Grindelwald out of prison? - Roger asked.

- Yes, it is. I needed an ally, someone to turn on Voldemort. Headmaster Dumbledore refused to give me the information I needed about the Lord, so I resorted to a backup plan. I made a pact with Gellert.

- And what happens to us? The prophet said the students were in the battle," Tracey clarified.

- They won't hurt you. They can't get names, or they'll have to explain how they got that information. And if they do, I'll make sure you're safe," Potter said.

- Now I want to see your results on your animagic training. Demonstrate," Mephistopheles sat down in his chair. The students looked at each other and began to flip around. The prince looked at the students with satisfaction. To master animagic in such a short time - one had to work very hard indeed. Giving the go-ahead to reverse the transformation, the Prince began to speak.

- I would not recommend that you register your anima with the Ministry. That you're an animagus wouldn't be known without your knowledge anyway. And such a trump card could save your life one day.


When the Prince entered Bellatrix's cell, she looked at him wolfishly. The magic in the dungeons was like a hoover, sucking the last of the prisoners' strength out of them. Right now, the woman was no more dangerous than a muggle.

- Well, Bella? What have you decided? Will you serve me? - The prince conjured a chair out of thin air and sat down in it, tucking his leg behind his leg.

- You're strong, Potter. But can you defeat HIM? HE, the most powerful wizard of the last few centuries, HE is immortal. And you're just a schoolboy," the woman choked on a laugh as Potter's eyes changed colour to blue and glowed in the darkness. It was as if his height had increased, it was visible even as Potter sat up. Something resembling a crown formed on her head.

- Silly Bells. Sooner or later everyone dies and your former lord is no exception. He'll die. I don't think I will," Potter's face contorted into a grin, and the boy smelled as cold as a dementor. Bellatrix felt a strong urge to fall at the boy's feet, but restrained the impulse.

- Who the hell are you? - The woman whispered in astonishment.

- Oh, you're not the first person to ask me that. - The prince let out his tail and slightly increased in height. - I'm no ordinary human. I'm much stronger than you. More alive. Smarter. If you serve me, I will reveal the secrets of magic to you. You will gain power and authority. You deserve it, Bells," his voice took on a slightly husky tone, "soon this world will fall at my feet, Bells, it's time to choose sides," his tail wrapped around the woman's waist, and the Prince's fingers burrowed into her hair, "decide, Bella, decide," the magic swirled around them.

Bellatrix snuggled into Potter's side, whispering her agreement.

- Good girl," Mephistopheles effortlessly lifted the woman into his arms and carried her out of the dungeon. Carrying her to one of the guest rooms, he laid her on the bed.

- Unfortunately I have to go back to school. The facilities are here. If you need anything, call the housekeeper. I'll come and see you soon. And Bella... - Mephistopheles pressed a hard kiss to Bella's lips, - you are mine now! - A frightening smile blossomed on both of their faces.