
Star Wars Twists of Fate

Honest, enduring. Introverted, yearning. Talented, sly. The world wasn't fair to him. His sister, one year junior to him, socially outcasted him. Brutally bullied by his peers. Left to rot, by a world of sinners. Dying from shock, he catches the attention of a passing god. This passing god offers him a new life. A life in a universe he is often too familiar with. He is granted three wishes: One Change. One Unique Ability. One Passive Element. 1. Palpatine's Yacht is destroyed in hyperspace during his mission to kill his family given by Darth Plagueis. 2. Indoctrination Force Technique 3. Game Element ( System/Hub ) [ Tags: Action, Adventure, Brutality, Contentious Content, Espionage, Game Elements, Gore, Harem, Important Character Deaths, Kingdom Building, Mature, Reincarnation, Smart MC, Strategic Minded MC, System, Timeline Divergence, Transmigration. ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

InkSavant · Others
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56 Chs

To Rattatak & Back

The Queen was completely stubborn, insisting at coming with him since she assumed everything he was doing was either for her or for himself entirely. So she was able to convince her handmaidens and Panaka to cover for her. It was much easier than she thought.

Usually Panaka would advise against it, saying that it was a security risk. Yet he wasn't at all concerned as long as she was with this man he barely even knew.

She wasn't entirely wrong that he was doing this for her, but he was also mainly doing it for himself. If he was able to alter enough for the known timeline, he would be able to make something different.

If he could prevent the rise of a Sith Empire, he was assuming he could avoid a rebellion. In truth he also wanted to form his own interstellar government. At the same time he didn't like the idea of the amount of work that it called for.

He wasn't an experienced politician, he had no education in the field. To that end he will surround himself with people who will be of use and more.

So since the Queen was coming with him, he had the four storage bays turned into two sleeping compartments with overhead and under the bed storages for food. He was taking the maintenance girl with them and his secretary.

He even had a co-pilots seat added to the upper deck so that Padme could sit near him while the ship flew. It was mainly because he wanted to keep an eye on her; even though he trusted her he wanted to make sure she didn't try to leave the ship without him.

It wasn't a plan to really ever leave the ship.

After using the Protocol Droid Voucher he was given a 3PX-series protocol droid named Z-3PX, which near immediately gained the name ZEP from Valad. It was based on the name of his friend from his past life. It was a very sentimental thing for him to name the protocol droid.

Though what was interesting was that the protocol droid had a feminine programing unlike many of the mainline 3PX droids having a masculine. Her demeanor was also sarcastic and teasing, though went out of her way to please.

He used the Astromech voucher as well and was gifted a black and gold plated R9-series Astromech droid. This droid wasn't supposed to be in this Era of the timeline, yet that is what he got from the voucher. At first it would just look like any other R2 unit, with a fancy customized head. Yet on the inside it had a mind which could enhance itself and its preservation routines. It was a high learning Astromech droid.

Sitting in the main cockpit, the ship was set on autopilot. With crossed legs and closed eyes, he listened to his thoughts. On the other hand, Padme was seated in the co-pilots seat, watching as they left the hangar of the palace.

The first thing she noticed though before the ship was even clear of the palace was that the ship cloaked and completely vanished from view. She stared out the view port at the front of the ship.

"No wonder it suddenly appeared…" She thought out loud, not really caring to keep that observation to herself. The fact that the ship was equipped with a cloaking device would mean that no one would think she had ever left. It also seemed as if the engine and the thrusters were running silently as they were leaving the atmosphere.

While this wouldn't exactly be the first time leaving the planet as she had during her membership within the legislative youth group, the view was quiet amazing.

"So where are we going?" She asked curiously as she looked over towards Valad who was seemingly meditating. At first she didn't think he was even going to answer until she heard his voice in her head. This startled her, even shivered subconsciously at the feeling.

'There's a Jedi and his apprentice stranded on a planet in the Trilon Sector. We're going to Rattatak.' He stated as he tuned his head in her general direction with his eyes closed.

Just how well connected was this man with the force? Padme had no way of knowing.

R9-9D was known as 'REED' and wasn't really that social. He only seemed to talk when needed and was rather secretive. While watching the interactions between its master and the woman, it didn't seem to whistle or chirp.

Reed was situated on the opposite side of Valad than Padmé and was tilted upward slightly towards its elevated master.

After several hours in hyperspace it seemed the infamous Padmé Naberrie had fallen asleep in her chair. Valad himself was still in a meditative state, sifting through the waves of the force. He was searching for information, changes that he could recognize.

He was still foreseeing the Clone Wars, he saw a figure as the Supreme Chancellor, but couldn't quite make out the face. He saw death and destruction between droid and clone armies. Dooku's hand was evident, as was the appearance of General Grievous.

However what brought him out of the meditative state was not this information, but the fact that he foresaw Darth Maul still showing up on Naboo. Why was he there? Did Plagueis go to the Nightsisters?

Narrowing his eyes, he remembered that both Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious saw him more of a disposable warrior than an actual Sith despite his title as Darth. The last thing he needed was to run into his brother, Savage Opress. Even Dooku had to use the force to suppress him as a Master Swordsman.

Dooku had Valad's admiration, but he was going to take the wrong path.

He was contemplating on his next set of moves. He already put Plagueis on his toes and covered his tracks. Though all he had to do was visit Naboo and come across the Royal Palace to find him eventually. Due to everything being changed, he didn't know when or how this would come to happen.

For sure this also made it so Plagueis couldn't make a public stand to become the Chancellor, let alone Co-Chancellor or Vice Chancellor. If he were to try, the Jedi could be notified of his true identity and his plans would be ruined. Especially if Valad managed to get to Kamino and secretly modify the contingency orders of the Clone Army to be.

Coming out of hyperspace, the sudden jolt woke Padmé from her slumber and quickly gazed around before looking out the viewport. She blinked a few time and relaxed in her seat. "We're here?"

Nodding to her question, Valad would order Reed to take over autopilot and bring the ship into synchronized orbit around the planet. They needed to find out where Narec and Assajj were on the planet.

He would assume he would be present in any combat against the Warlords since they were acting like free lancing vigilantes. It was clear there would be strong emotions of aggression. And since she was only around eleven years old at the time, she was definitely being trained in the use of the force.

Reaching out as the ship began to reach synchronized orbit, he reentered his meditative state and listened to the force. The upper deck of the facing the planet, which gave a beautiful view of the brown planet.

If it had any blue, the planet would remind one of earth with its landmasses. It somewhat reminded him of the images he saw from the international space station. He always yearned for deep space exploration even though it was never going to be possible for him in his past life.

As he held his eyes closed he could sense a small battle that they were quickly passing over. Ky and Assajj were fighting raiders who were invading a small village. They were winning, but it was weird seeing a tiny Ventress with her small hands wielding a saber.

"Location found, proceed to these coordinates." Valad reached out and input the coordinates of the location this was occurring on the planet. The cloaking field was still up and so were the thruster trail dampeners. They were virtually undetectable by some of the most advanced security nets.

Doing a barrel roll as they entered into the atmosphere, the ship began to slowly descend.

Both Ky and Assajj had felt the force probing the area, as if someone was looking for them. Assajj thought it could be the Jedi looking for her Master, however Ky could definitely tell the person who was probing the area was not a Jedi.

The emotions of the person coming towards them, were not controlled as good as a Jedi's. He was filled to the brim with passions, excitement and curiosity. Under all those layers it was like a tortured soul hidden beneath rock.

Suddenly in the middle of the battle, as Ky was blocking blaster bolts from an enemy, the Scimitar suddenly uncloaked, baring its weapons and opened fire on the raiders bunched together. Dirt exploded into the air, body flying in all directions, the little Assajj Ventress began to jump and cheer.

Meanwhile Ky remained calm and collected and watched as the transport circled them a few times before slowly coming to a stop and lowering to the ground with its landing gear. As the loading ramp lowered and the airlock opened, a trio of security droids began stepping down from the ramp.

Walking behind the droids were two individuals. A girl who was dressed in a red-orange handmaiden attire and a man dressed in a reddish-brown tunic and black pants with a pair of boots. It was another one of Valad's Imperialistic outfits.

His eyes immediately landed on Ky and Assaj Ventress. No matter what he knew more about Ventress then he did of Ky. There was very little information about this man other than the fact that he would die sometime before the outbreak of the clone wars.

Ky's eyes wandered over the handmaiden who's face was distorted by her cloak's shadows, then over towards the man who had emerged. He could feel the subtle guilt of taking a life, but there was an extreme lack of regret. It appears that this guy was prepared for this.

"Ky Narec. Assaj Ventress," the two of them stared at him after they heard their names spoken as if they were familiar with the duo.

"And who is our Benefactor?" Ky Narec asked as he deactivated his lightsaber, no longer sensing hostiles in the area. "You're clearly not a Jedi."

Assajj looked up at her Master for a few moments as she heard him announce that the neatly dressed savior wasn't a Jedi. She immediately became alert, though they couldn't sense an inch of hostility towards them.

"My name is Valad Katsure," neither of them reacted to the name since there wasn't anything they knew about it. Especially the little Ventress. "I am here to bring you to Naboo. From there you can find your own way back to the Jedi Order."

Ky Narec looked at the little girl who was at his side then back over to Valad, it was a good choice. While this place was teeming with experience, it wasn't safe for a youngling. Should she be left alone should he fall, there was no one to counsel her and stop her from descending into darkness.

Reluctantly he nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "And you have no gain in this?"

"I do, but not directly from you." Valad said with a small chuckle. "Though you could teach me how to use a lightsaber during your stay." Closing one eye he gave him a look, "In turn the Jedi Order will benefit."

"And how w–" He was cut off by Assajj Ventress a little shorter than Padmé, who darted passed the them and the droids and dove inside the ship. "Hm…"

"You'll find out eventually if you live long enough." Valad pointed out, knowing very well being a Jedi in a lucrative time could be rather deadly and bad for the health.

Shaking his head with a small grin forming over his lips looking at the man in front of him. "You're a pessimist."

Valad retorted with a straightforward response of: "No, I'm a realist."