
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 87

"Calling Jacen to the bridge. Calling Jacen to the bridge," the speakers rang out across the ship

A lethan twi'lek jumped out of the under a starfighter while smiling. Some oil appeared on his red skin but that just added to his badboy vibe, with his black clothes, leather vest, and piercings. Strapped to one side of his belt was a curved-hilt lightsaber while a blaster was on the other. Both of his wrists had metal gauntlets on them while his right side also had a small wristband.He appeared to be no older than 16 or 17.

Sitting on his right shoulder was a small, golden dragonoid that had 3 heads, a set of wings, 2 tails, and 2 legs.

The heads on both sides let out small roars while the middle head appeared to be dozing off.

"Yeah, yeah. I heard them calling me," Jacen told the small creature. "Probably just reminding me not to get myself killed, King. No need to worry about them too much."

Jacen didn't head to the bridge but stayed in the hangar while working on his fighter. He was hoping that he would be able to sneak away and take part in the space battle before joining the battle on the ground.

Jacen was about to get back to work when he felt his body was surrounded by an invisible shell before he began to levitate and was turned around.

"Hey, big sis. Funny seeing you here."

Nott was not smiling. Jial and Talon were both good parents but Jacen still turned out the way he was somehow. He was a literal rebel without a cause. He tried to go against everything or disobey orders given to him for no reason other than that they were orders.

And she had to wrangle him and make sure he survived his first battle.

King flew off of Jacen's shoulder before landing on Nott's. She was his true partner, not Jacen.

"Traitor," Jacen spat out at the creature

"I'm going to say this once and only once. You keep your ass within 5 meters of me. You step even a centimeter away and I will have you taken down and sent back to the ship where you will remain in a cell until I return to Yautja Prime. Am I understood?"

The air around Nott recoiled and shook. Flames of various colors and shapes all appeared around her before being sucked into a void of darkness. King shook all his heads and tails in excitement as he felt the power coming off of her body.

'Shit. She's mastered the Pyromancy Discipline!'

Jacen saw this and realized that his eldest sister was even more terrifying that he had first believed. Nott had been going through the various psyker disciples of different groups. While she was currently working on the Eldar Runes, she had already converted the Psyker Abilities from the Imperium into Force Powers and mastered them.

"I asked a question. Am I clear?" Nott knew that she couldn't be soft with him

"Transparent," Jacen gave up resisting. "Pops really sent his best to keep me in line. Actually impressed with myself."

"You shouldn't be," Nott didn't want him to feel proud at all. "King. Watch him for me. I need to make sure the rest of the fleet is ready."

King let out a roar of agreement before flying over to Jacen and landing on him like he was before. King released some electricity from his body and gave Jacen a friendly shock and warning while sticking all 3 of its tongues out.

Nott released her hold on Jacen and let him fall to the floor before turning away to head back to the bridge.

Jacen saw her depart before looking at King on his shoulder. "Fuck you, traitor."

King hissed at him before laying down and falling asleep. The teen shook his head while standing up and getting a can of spray paint.

"Let's make this thing look cool."

While Jacen was painting his fighter, Nott was on the bridge and looking at a projection.

It showed the formation of the Trade Federation ships as well as their capabilities.

"Those bastards are borrowing our tech, just on a lower level," Nott complained when she read how the Lucrehulk-class performed.

Each of these had a supercomputer that would control their various droids but they were very redundant. One droid may receive orders from up to 7 of the various ships, slowing down their processing power.

The 15 ships that wete acting as the blockade group were controlling not only 22 thousand vulture droids but also their massive army on the ground. But that was not the most concerning thing.

"How long as that storm been there?" Nott was pointing one of her fingers at Theed where a large number of dark clouds had appeared.

An officer ran up to her and passed her a data pad with all the relevant information on it. "It Hass been there 3 days ma'am. Looks bad but we see little water vapor in it. Shouldn't interfere with the battle much."

"It'll interfere in the battle plenty. The Trade Federation has a Camazotz. They are blocking out the sun for it," Nott felt annoyed. She had to deal with her rebellious little brother and a powerful Titan. "Why did my Father sell these guys? Why couldn't he stick to Warbats and Skullcrawlers?"

'Luckily, King is ready for some action. We also have Doug and, if we get it close to the water, Na Kika as well.'

"Camazotz changes the battle plan. To keep that weather generator going, they must have something on the ground. Which needs to be heavily guarded. Which means they probably also have another supercomputer on the ground to lift the burden of the ships."

All that meant that the droids were more dangerous than they had first expected. With a supercomputer on the ground, the ships would be able to cut off contact with the ground droids and give their vultures more attention.

While this couldn't be maintained forever and would cause the droids on the ground to act slower, the vultures would be at peak performance.

"How are we to proceed?" one of the officers asked. They could also see that the battle would not go according to their initial projections.

"Stick to the opening salvo, and then fight it out from there. Have our ship with transports enter atmosphere during the battle and start deploying to Theed. We are going to be too outgunned to fight them in the open like we planned. The city has the cover we need. King will act as defense against the Camazotz."

She had expected to focus on a naval battle and ending the fight quickly but if they had something on the ground that could control the droids, staying in the air would only endanger the people of Naboo.

"The queen and Sice had just boarded the ship, ma'am. We are ready to begin the operation."

All the officers looked to Nott nervously. For many of them this would be their first major battle. None were Astartes so they hadn't been apart of Yautja during its warring era. It was same for all of the soldiers.

Jial had asked her to bring along nothing but normal members, except for a few Astartes to act as guards. He wanted them to get some real experience for the chaos he expected to arrive soon.

To the soldiers and officers, Nott was the commander and they were looking to her for inspiration.

"Then let's get this over with. I wanna get back to my library," and unfortunately for them, she never was great at motivational speeches.