
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 63

Jial sat in bed with Talon clinging to his body while reading over the datapad in his hands. In less than 12 hours, Ashri had already managed to gather all the information on his brother. Not only were they able to find him but they had even captured him. 

The fool had taken all the money from the deal that they had made and wasted it on the casinos on Nar Shaddaa. He had lost all the money and had been hiding out on the moon to try and find some jobs that would let him earn back all the cash he was supposed to bring back for the family.

After reading over all the data, Jial pressed a button to send it to one of his droids and was planning on having them deliver it to his family. 

'And this is why I hate blood family,' Jial thought to himself while Talon started to squirm under the blanket, signifying that she was about to awaken. When the Sith opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Jial's muscular blueish-green figure. She took in the sight while rubbing her hands up and down his chest and back, feeling each muscle while trying to find a soft spot. The Twi'lek began to pout when she saw that nothing was particularly soft on him. Except for one thing that was starting to get hard under the blankets.

"Morning, Master," Talon greeted while sitting up and allowing the blanket to fall off of her. Jial looked over her smooth body that was covered in tattoos and felt tempted to stay in bed with her but he had more work to deal with. Several of the groups that he worked with found out he was on the planet and they each wanted a meeting with him, including the Techno Union and Trade Federation. Weirdly enough, both wanted to meet with him at the same time. 

So Jial and Talon got dressed and began making their way over to the business district where the Techno Union owned several blocks' worth of real estate, easily something that costs 100s of billions of credits just for the land alone. The buildings on top of it were all state-of-the-art and advanced, creations of the various groups in the union. 

The pair entered the main building and took an elevator up to the top floor where the meeting was supposed to take place. And surprisingly, just the normal representatives of the Techno Union and Trade Federation were not there. There was also someone from the Intergalactic Banking Clans present. 

The two took a seat at their section of the table after giving some basic greetings. He knew that all 3 groups were present for a reason so he wanted to see what they were up to.

"Greetings, Lord Jial. It has been a while since we have seen each other," the Muun who represented the IGBC said. The man had come to Jial before about getting loans but thanks to Jial's immense amount of wealth from his various raids and the countless sales that he produced, he never had to worry about finances. He could be said to be one of the few planets in the Outer Rim that did not owe them money.

"Indeed. I am wondering what brings me here," Jial wanted to get straight to the point

'I could never be a politician,' Jial thought to himself while being the ruler of the planet. He handed off most civil matters to his people, only looking over the documents and giving the final say over them. 

The three looked at one another and felt annoyed. Most people would feel pressured in front of all 3 of them but Jial did not. Techno Union? He created all of his own tech. Trade Federation? The best smugglers in the Galaxy were either part of Yautja or worked for Yautja. IGBC? He never needed a loan and had plenty of Stygium or tech he could sell if he needed credits.

"Well, we can get straight to the point then, Lord Jial," the Techno Union representative said. "We are planning on forming our own private fleet and army that we would provide to our members as well as sell. This would be a joint venture with the three of us and while we have starships, land vehicles, and weapons from other groups, we lack an actual army. We wanted you to create the patent for us and we would buy it from you."

"I see," Jial nodded. Several groups had asked him to design droids over the years but he denied them all. Everyone wanted droids on the same level as the Goufs but for the price of the Necron Warriors. "How much are you trying to spend?"

The 3 shared looks with one another, each one trying to get the others to answer. After doing this for a minute, Jial slammed his hands on the table, causing some cracks to appear on it. 

"We want something that could be made for 200 credits. We would sell it for 1000," the Techno Union representative finally said

"Those droids are going to be shit," Talon commented but Jial made no effort to stop her. She was right. Any droids that were only made with 200 credits worth of product were not going to be anything amazing.

"We don't expect something like the Zaku II or even the Necron. The point of the droids is overwhelming force through overwhelming numbers," the Techno rep explained. "We also mean 200 credits by our standards. That would be about 1,000 for others."

The three groups owned plenty of planets. They had enough materials that they could get them at cost instead of the inflated prices that most businesses had to pay to get them.

Thinking of the new price limit he was given, Jial thought that it was possible. A thousand credits wouldn't let him create anything amazing but he could make something decent that wouldn't drag down his reputation. 

"How much are you paying for the patent?"

"1 Quadrillion credits," the IGBC representative offered. "We want total rights and ownership of the design."

"Time limit?" Jial asked

"5 years. Is that long enough?" the Techno Union Rep asked

"Plenty. I'll start creating prototypes when I get back to Yautja Prime," Jial stood up with Talon next to him and walked out of the office

When the pair got into the elevator, Talon looked around to see if there were any cameras. When she noticed there were none, she decided to speak.

"They want an army?" Talon asked, her voice pointing out how suspicious of them she was

"I know it sounds suspicious but I truly don't care what they do with it. If they try to drag me into whatever scheme they are planning, I don't mind giving the other members of the Shadow Collective some more businesses to run," Jial told her

He could tell that they wanted more out of him than just droid designs but he was not worried about anything like that. With his current strength, he couldn't be dragged into power struggles unless he wanted to join. If anyone was crazy enough to try, he had a hidden army of creatures created by Seviss that he could unleash on planets without anything being traced back to him. He also had the Yautja Purebloods and Bad Blood droids that could do some work in secret. 

And those were just his secretive methods. If he had to fight them out in the open, Jial's forces were more than prepared to battle. 

Just as the duo walked out of the square in front of the building, two figures were standing before him. One was an old man nearing 100 while the other looked the same as the day he met her.

'Jedi,' Jial groaned mentally before greeting the pair

"Kirk. Fay. Such a coincidence," Jial put on his worst fake smile to let them know he did not want to talk

"Not at all. We are here specifically for you," Master Kirk told him. After interacting with Jial for so many years, Kirk learned he could talk freely with him. That actually made the conversations go much better.

"And what do you need from me?" Jial asked

"We want to conduct some trials using some of the creatures at your colosseum," Master Fay told him. "Many of our Padawans and Knights have been trying to visit in secret for years but we have managed to hold them back. But we can't do so forever. So we want to conduct some 'trials' there so that we can calm them down."

"Can the Jedi afford it? I thought you guys were poor," Jial told them frankly

Kirk and Fay's lips twitched when they heard his words. They were indeed quite poor but Jial pointing it out almost every time they met still stung. 

"The Republic would fund it," Kirk told him

"Fine. You guys can discuss the details with Talon or Kroq later. For now, I need to get some other work done," Jial told them while walking away

The two Jedi Masters eyed Talon's Sith tattoos but didn't make any comment. They could tell that although she practiced the Dark Side, she did not feel anything like the Sith that Master Yoda had killed. Even now, that Sith's body radiated with the Dark Side. 

But what they didn't know was that Talon was simply skilled at hiding her Dark Side presence. She was a talented assassin so she had to in order to kill targets with Force-sensitivity