
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 2

The barren lands of Lok were harsh. The constant sandstorms, packs of fauna that wanted to kill everything there, and pools of death made it difficult for a person to cross them unaided. If not for the bio-mask on Jial's face and the various weapons he had on him, he would have suffered. But the journey soon became fruitful. After 2 days of travel, Jial reached a small town called Wyne. 


Wyne was a small town formed by several large pirate factions in the area and was considered a safe zone by most who came by it but that was a relative term. It was the 3 big pirate groups that had absolute rule over the area. Their members treated most of the people that came through like 2nd-class citizens unless they came from their own powerful group such as Republic soldiers or members of the Black Sun. One example of how they took advantage of others was how much of an entrance fee they had charged Jial. He had to pay 500 credits just to enter the town. That would cover 10 days' worth of decent lodging on most planets. 


One of the good parts about the town was the fact that they did not take away weapons like most civilized places would so Jial was able to carry his blasters openly. 


As he was walking through the town, Jial took in the sights. Most of the buildings were made of the local rocks, making them resistant to heat but still very brittle. Very few buildings were made of better materials. The only locations that were made of higher-grade material were the various headquarters that powerful factions made as well as the limited service spaceport where most ships parked if they needed repairs and were willing to pay the 5000 credits to bring their ships into the town.


'Looks like my luck is better than I thought. I just need to commandeer myself a ship and I should be able to start making money again.'


To try and take one of the ships while on the planet was foolish. Not only would it earn Jial the wrath of everyone who would want to make an example out of thieves but there were also the laser turrets around the town that would cause additional issues if he were to try and fly out. So he was planning to do the next best thing. Jial was planning to be a stowaway on one of the ships at the port and wait for them to leave the planet before taking the ship for himself. With the cloaking abilities that his wrist gauntlet provided, it would be easy to hide aboard a ship. 


But just as he started to walk toward the port, a blue screen appeared before him.


[Multiple Paths Detected


Path 1: Commandeer a ship and leave Lok

Rewards: 50,000 Credits, 2 Yautja Smart-Discs, and 1 Yautja Plasma Caster

Consequences: Become an enemy of the various factions that control Wyne and the Black Sun Syndicate


Path 2: Remain on Lok and grow your power 

Rewards: 20,000 Credits, 1 Premium Starship Summon, and 1 Premium Companion Summon

Consequences: Inability to leave the Karthakk Sector for 20 years]


Jial had to pause his step when he saw the screen before him. Both choices were very tempting. 


For the first option, he could get more of the Yautja technology that he was already enjoying. The three items he had already received were very useful and more could help him grow his personal power by a lot. And becoming an enemy of these few factions on Lok was no big deal. These were just the local lords, not even ranked within the 10 most powerful groups on the planet. The issue was the Black Sun group. They were a large crime group that rivaled even the Hutts. But while the Hutts ruled out in the open, the Black Sun ruled from the shadows. No one knew exactly how powerful they were but that was what made them even scarier. When one planet offended a member of their high command, a fleet appeared out of nowhere and turned the planet into a wasteland before the Republic could even respond. By the time the Republic arrived, the planet was decimated and the fleet was nowhere to be seen. It was only because of the few survivors that anyone knew what had happened. 


This made the second path more tempting. Even if he could not get any more Yautja technology, he would be getting a ship without offending anyone and a new member for his crew. The main issue was the consequences. 


'If there is a large conflict here, that means I will be stuck here and have to deal with it. So either I risk my life on the run like a rat from the Black Sun members or I take the risk here and hope that nothing happens.'


The choice was pretty obvious to Jial once he thought about it that way.


'System. I choose the 2nd Path.'


[Host choice confirmed. Rewards are placed in storage. They can be used whenever the host wishes. If the host leaves the Karthakk System during the time period, the system shall be revoked from the user.]


With his choice made, Jial turned to find a hotel or inn that he could stay at for a short period of time while he decided on what his next move would be. But as he was walking toward the area where he saw many pirates and bounty hunters going, he heard someone calling out to him. 


"Feeorin there! One moment," a voice called out from behind. Jial turned to see a male Mirialan calling out to him. His purple skin and geometric tattoos stood out in the environment which was mostly dull and brown. 


"Yes?" Jial responded, one of his hands placed on his holster, ready to take action if he needed to. The Mirialan held up his hands to show that he meant no harm while smiling at Jian.


"No need to worry, friend. My name is Ac Tunn. I'm here looking for someone and wonder if you have seen them. A Feeorin like you but with green skin. He goes by Nym."


Jial relaxed hearing that he was not trying to find trouble with him. He kept his hand on his holster but he was no longer as tense. 


"I met another Feeorin that was green but didn't learn his name before killing him. His body is a two day's walk north of here but I am not sure how much remains. I killed a few Kusak before I left. I'm not sure if they came back or others came for the bodies," Jial gave him the information freely. He wasn't the type to take another's bounty and keeping it a secret gave him no benefits. 


"I see. Then I must hurry," Ac said before reaching into his pocket and throwing 200 credits toward Jial. "Thank you, friend. May I learn your name and affiliation?"


Jial accepted the credits and put them away without counting. This was common courtesy between mercenaries and bounty hunters. When credits were given as a gift, they were not to be counted in front of the other party unless one wanted to offend them. 


"I am Jial but I have no affiliation. My crew was killed during my skirmish with that other Feeorin but I am planning to rebuild it."


"I see," Ac smiled once again. "If you are still around when I return, I shall buy you a drink."


Ac did not wait for Jial's response before rushing to the Black Sun base. Jial was surprised that he met a member of the group so soon. Ac soon exited the base on a speeder bike and sped through the town and out of the gates heading in the direction that Jial gave him.


With Ac gone, Jial continued on his way to the hotel to rest for the night and also see what kind of companion he would be able to summon.