
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 22

What happened in Bruldi occurred in every other location around Wyne as well if they had the numbers and potential over the next month. If they surrendered, Jial would bring them under his wing. If not, they were swiftly eliminated by him. With this practice and their reputation spreading, Jial's group had grown to have nearly a thousand members, not including the Storm Troopers or droids.

'Why do they still shoot even after I have deflected every other shot,' Jial deflected a blaster bolt into a different soldier before rushing to impale the one that had just shot him.

"Twins. You guys clear up the north area?" Jial asked over the comms

"Yes, Master," Hash responded. "All of the targets have been eliminated."

"Good. Have the men load what they can find and let's get out of here."

"Sounds perfect, Master," Nott was glad to be heading home. "One of these idiots shot a guy with a slugthrower and now I have blood all over me."

This was the twin's second battle with Jial. After they had completed their basic training under Zilvarth, Jial had officially begun their training in the Force. It took both of the sisters several days to use telekinesis but once they did, he allowed them to join him on the battlefield where Jial wanted them to increase their skills through the most practical exercise, life-or-death situations. 

After their first battle, the pair who could barely use telekinesis were able to use Force Sense in order to block blaster bolts. 

They had just completed where they were tasked with facing a much larger group but with the assistance of some of the men that Jial had recruited. This was the 9th group that had refused to surrender to Jial and were thus wiped out. 

Jial was sitting in the bridge of the ship with the twins while the men loaded the supplies. He was guiding them in another lesson of the force. 

"The Jedi and Sith each agree that there are three basic schools in which Force Abilities can be classified.  The three schools that the Jedi believe in teaching are Alter, Control, and Sense. The Sith's three schools are Body, Mind, and Offense. 

I lean closer to the Jedi in that the three basic schools are Alter, Control, and Sense while the three Sith schools are more intermediate abilities with some abilities mixing in from several of them such as offense being similar or the same as some Alter abilities for example.

What I have been having you three start with are Alter and Sense since those are the ones that one needs in order to survive while Control is what one needs to master in order to grow their abilities to higher levels. 

Today, I want us to practice one control technique. This one is called Altus Sopor. It is to meld oneself with the Force, blending into it and allowing it to cover them. Some use this to help them focus on their meditation while others take it to more advanced levels to use the Force to hide. 

For this, you must feel the energy all around you. Breathe that energy inside of you and let it flow through your veins, bones, and organs. Once it is inside, start to release that energy. Not through your mouth but try to have it pour straight through you like a phantom, exiting through your skin and pores."

The two girls listened to his commands while they were meditating. Each one took long and slow breaths, trying to inhale the energy like what Jial had told them but they were having difficulties. 

Jial nodded as he saw the pair focused on their meditation before walking out of the bridge to check on the progress of the loot. Dozens of crates were brought on board and it seemed like there were only a few more before they could take off. 

"Boss. You busy?" a voice came from Jial's helmet. Sidon was calling him from the western front. He and Boxe had been keeping busy themselves, going from battle to battle while eliminating anyone that they had found. 

"Nope. What's up?" Jial was very casual with Sidon. 

"We found some slaves at this location. Want us to bring them back?"

"Sure. Let them know that they will be temporary slaves. As long as they work hard for us for the next 5 years, they will be given the opportunity to join us or venture out onto their own," Jial did not like having slaves. Not because of any moral reasons but simply because even the mightiest of empires could be brought undone by even the most primitive of slaves. That was how the Yautja had grown to power, at least from what their database had told him. 

"Will do. When will you be returning?"

"We should be back in less than an hour," Jial wanted to head back to base and stay there since the Black Sun should be delivering his supplies any day. He was planning to stay in Wyne until everything was set up to make sure that they did not find out about his true strength or how much they had grown in the short period of time that Ac was gone. 

Once all of the cargo was loaded up, Jial went back to the bridge where he started the shuttle and began flying back to Wyne.

When they got back to the Spaceport, a group of soldiers were already waiting for them to help unload the supplies. Jial allowed them to do so while he stayed on the bridge with the twins, watching over them while they practiced Altus Sopor. 

The trio stayed aboard the ship for 2 days while the duo were in deep mediation with Jial not leaving their side at all during this period. The first to awaken from her meditation was Nott, not surprising Jial at all. 

Of the two, Nott was the one who was the most impatient with a fiery temper, resembling a certain Mandalorian woman. But when it came to The Force, she always picked up on things a little faster than her older sister. 

"Congratulations, Nott. It looks like you have understood the basics of Altus Sopor," Jial smiled at his student, proud that she was able to accomplish it. "You can go back and shower. I will watch over your sister while she is still comprehending."

"No, thank you, Master," Nott shook her head. "I can wait for her."

The duo stood around Hash for the next few minutes, waiting for her to get out of her trance. When Hash opened her eyes, she let out a disappointed yelp as she saw her sister standing above her. 

"Nott beat me again?" she asked Jial

"Unfortunately for you, she did," Jial answered her, holding back his laughter. The twins had a friendly rivalry with one another which Jial actually found helpful for them. Having someone to compete against gave one a goal to surpass while it gave the other a reason to keep improving, in order not to be surpassed. 

"Go shower and eat," Jial told them, glad that he had gotten these two as his students