
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 18

(Wolfgirls for the win! And me and Jial are not horny! I just want a more balanced gender ratio lol. Jial's only female companion is currently Boxe)

Boxe and Zilvarth left the room to go and handle some management duties, leaving Jial to take care of Hash and Nott. Jial brought both of the girls to a pair of rooms that were across from one. Their rooms were on the same floor as Jial, Sidon, and the Mandalorians, being between Jial's room at the end of the hall and Boxe and Suxon's rooms. The others had kept these rooms empty for VIP guests such as Master Fay and Trujj who had stayed with them previously.

"These are going to be your rooms. You can pick whichever one you want, though they are both similar. You have your own bathrooms as well with some clothes already prepared but those things are pretty dull. Just let someone know if you need anything else," Jial was glad that these rooms were already prepared. He wasn't sure how to prepare stuff for young ladies as he was a single child and was no parent himself.

"Thank you, Master," the twins spoke at the same time while bowing

"No problem. I'll have Boxe or Zilvarth be in charge of your training for the next month or so to get you both right physically. As long as you get strong enough, I'll start teaching you both about the Force and help you create your lightsabers," Jial had already learned what the Hyperbolic Time Chamber was from the system.

The Chamber had a compression effect on time, making 1 year inside of the chamber only last a single day outside of it. Using the full 10 days, Jial would be able to stay within the chamber for 10 years. He figured that if he used that to study the Holocrons and practice his abilities, he would be able to be a half-decent Force-user and be able to teach them properly.

He had even considered bringing both of the girls inside of the room with him but he figured that would not benefit them or him. 10 years of studying, training, and teaching all at the same time would not be worth even a year outside. Jial was planning to enter the room in order to get some peace so he could truly improve at a fast rate and not impede his progress or the progress of Yautja.

"We understand, Master. We will work hard to live up to your expectations," Hash was eager to start learning under him. She silently swore to herself that she would improve as much as she could so that she could get Jial's approval.

"No worries, Master. You'll see just how capable we are," Nott was not afraid of any tests that came their way. 

Jial nodded before walking into his room and picking up both Holocrons that were sitting at his desk. 

"Zilvarth. You there?" Jial called Zilvarth over the comms to let him know that he would be going into seclusion again. Hopefully, it would be the last time in a long time. 

"Go for Zilvarth," the older man responded

"I'm going into seclusion again. This time will be 10 days but I will be completely unable to help or respond to anyone. Are you guys able to hold it down while I am inside?"

"No worries, Boss. Any orders you got for us while you're inside?"

"I need you or Boxe to train the twins. Put them through the same intensity that you would put a Mandalorian-in-training through at their age. Boxe can also use the Phantom as she pleases," Jial did not want him to go easy on the girls at all. He needed them to be strong since when they performed The Hunt, he was not going to let them use the Force.

Zilvarth was surprised by what Jial was asking.

'Since he seemed so familiar with Mandalorian traditions and their skillsets, he must know how intensely we train our brats. I feel bad for those kids but guess they need to be strong to be a part of his group.'

"Got it. We will handle everything. Good luck with your training, Boss. May the Force be with you," the man joked

Jial clicked his teeth before ending the communication. He then had the system activate the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. A door suddenly appeared in Jial's room and he walked through it. 

Once the door was closed, Jial took a close look at the environment. He was standing in a small room with a primitive-looking console next to a bed and with a small kitchen across from it. 

Beyond that, Jial saw an endless white void. 

'So this is what the time chamber is like,' Jial walked over to the console and began looking over it. 

This console was how the room was controlled. It allowed Jial to change the temperature, air pressure, gravity, and even the environment itself, allowing Jial to train in all types of environments ranging from jungles to deserts to even a plane of pure water. 

It also had the additional function of being able to simulate lifeforms. As long as Jial could input enough data, he could battle Jedi, Sith, or even Praetomorphs here.

Jial was about to start studying the Great Holocron when a blue screen appeared before him yet again. 

[7 Missions available 


Mission: Gain skills and knowledge worthy of a Padawan

Rewards: 50x Soldier Summon 


Mission: Gain skills and knowledge worth of a Jedi Knight

Rewards: 1x Premium Frigate Summon


Mission: Gain skills and knowledge worthy of a Jedi Master

Rewards: 1x Premium Companion Summon

Mission: Gain skills and knowledge worthy of a Sith Warrior

Rewards: The Cloak of Hate

Mission: Gain skills and knowledge worthy of a Sith Lord

Rewards: 1x Premium Companion Summon

Mission: Do not fall to the Dark Side for 10 years

Rewards: The Kazerath

Mission: Gain skills and knowledge worthy of an Elite Yautja

Rewards: 2x Smart Discs & 1x Plasma Caster]

'System. Why didn't I get a mission to become a Sith Acolyte? Isn't that the first rank of Sith?'

[The Host already has knowledge and skills comparable to a Sith Acolyte. The mission is not required.]

'Huh? Then how come I am not qualified as a Padawan? I should have enough knowledge about the Light and Dark side of the Force to qualify.'

[The Host lacks fundamental knowledge of the Light Side of the Force from the perspective of Jedi. Therefore, Host is still qualified to become a Padawan.]

'I'm not sure if I should be happy or upset about that. But whatever. Guess it's time to get to studying.'

With a new motivation to gain some more rewards from the missions, Jial began to dive into his studies, starting with the Great Holocron.

--- 8 years remaining in the Chamber ---

Jial was meditating on a rock, his breath steady. Several boulders all around him were levitating in the air, moving up and down without touching the ground or making a sound. 

-- 6 years remaining in the Chamber --

"Agh!" Jial yelled as his lightsaber came down on the Xenomorph's head, bisecting it and cauterizing the wound, preventing any of its acidic blood from landing on him, 

The 10s of Xenomorphs in front of Jial saw this but did not back down. They all charged toward Jial, eager to take his head. The Feeorin met their charge, leaving the 8 dead Xenomorphs' bodies to rot in the desert sands.

-- 4 years remaining in the Chamber --

A purple and several red blades swung through the air, constantly clashing with one another. Even though he was surrounded by several Sith, Jial was not afraid. The blood pumping through his body would not allow him to be. 

With a powerful Force Push, he was able to send the 4 Sith flying before striking them all with a barrage of lightning from his fingertips.

As soon as they had died, the Jedi that had been pursuing Jial appeared from the treelines. Not able to take them on after he had just finished a fight, Jial lifted his hand before a ball of light appeared within it.

The ball erupted into a bright flash, blinding all of the Jedi. They recovered their vision not even a second later, but by the time they looked to where Jial had been standing, he had disappeared. 

-- 1 year remaining in the Chamber --

Jial stood between a Jedi and a Sith, each with their lightsaber ignited.  The three looked at one another, each one waiting for the other to have an opening, none of them willing to be the first to be struck down. 

They had been like that for nearly 10 minutes and Jial was tired of waiting. He sent a barrage of lightning toward the Jedi while sending a wave of Dark Side energy at the Sith. 

The pair were able to block his attacks easily before sending one back of their own. Unable to withstand both blows, the Force Push and Lightning sent Jial flying several meters back. With him gone, they engaged one another in an epic battle of sword skill.

Jial stood up from his crash zone, feeling his body hurting all over. But he also felt excited.

"Damn," Jial felt the blood rising in his throat. "As expected of these two. But that doesn't mean I'm out of the fight yet!"

Jial's blade extended into pike mode before he began running back toward the pair and jumping in the air to join in on the fray.

-- 1 minute left in the Chamber --

Jial looked at the white expanse before him before bowing down to show his respect. 'Thanks to you, I believe I am able to properly lead my people now.'

[Congratulations, Host. All 7 missions have been completed. Rewards have been sent to your storage.]