
Star Wars: The Wandering Pirate Padawan

I have trained as a Jedi for 16 years, those 16 years were a waste, death was all that waited for me as a Jedi. With the temple burned and Luke presumed dead, What should I do now? I don't really know, A life of a pirate lord? Sure, let's go with that...

DarthTurtle · Movies
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2 Chs

Parasite 2/2

"I seemed to be a part of a battle that took part here on a large ship, when I lost, I was ejected from the airlock, as to why I'm not dead, I'm not really sure."

'Although it most likely has something to do with my fucked up body, I mean the insides of my body are fucked, is it a good or bad thing? Why can I not use the force like I could before? Why is it warped? Like it is attached to my body? Changing and mutating me? So many questions and no answers, like my life in the temple.'

The woman signaled for the pirates to lower their weapons, they looked at her in confusion before ignoring her and keeping them pointed at Adonis.

She sighed and said" Sorry for the lack of hospitality, you have killed two members of my crew, why did you do that?"

"Feed her your blood, do it, do it now."

Adonis took a deep breath and said" Before I was taken into the Temple, I and my sister were slaves, she was 3 years older than I, she was essentially a prostitute before we were found to be force sensitive, I was a thief, slave to a hutt, engaged in all sorts of schemes. Master Almiyor Daltera, she saved us when she visited our master, little did I know that joining her would kill my sister."

The woman paused and said" How is any of this relevant?"

The floor around Adonis began to crack as his feet slowly sank into the metal, a cold voice said" Your men called me a slave, rage rose from within me to silence them. I'm no longer a defenseless boy, a boy others can whip into submission. I'm now a broken man instead, my one light in the universe extinguished. "

"You are wrong, we have each other now, we both belong to the void, we belong with one another."

"So for such a small slight, you killed them both?"

Adonis broke out into chilling laughter, a demonic yellow hue appeared in his eyes, a small whisper leaked from his lips "A small slight is a slight nonetheless, I love it when you all choose to feed my appetite."

The woman's left hand hovered over her lightsaber as she calmly responded with "Your appetite? appetite for what?"

A small wind appeared out of nowhere, carrying the words that followed directly into the Jedi's ears.

"The one thing that matters, my appetite for destruction."

As the words disappeared along with the sudden breeze, the metal once again began to creak, and slither around the feet of the pirates, like a cobra slowly tasting it's prey. Brushing up against the feet of the now panicked pirates who began to open fire on the floor below them as well as the stone faced Adonis, who hadn't moved from his slightly sunken position.

Moving his left hand, Adonis dissapated the bolts like the didn't exist on the first place, his body moved at unnatural speeds, as if it was no longer human, his voice and mind silent as he clicked his fingers.

In response, the dromant, dog like metal leapt out, two giant spikes erupted from under the pirates, killing the two of them instantly. 'Adonis' then turned his attention to the woman, frozen in fea, her hand still twitching above her lightsaber, a quiet voice sounded out in her mind "Drink my blood and i will spare you."

The woman fell on her knees, weak with fear, she looked up at the monster standing over her.

"What will happen to me? Will I also become a monster?"

'Adonis' shifted his body to lean over her, he simply responded

"You will become a captain under me, an agent of the force like I am."

The woman began to cry a small sobbing echoed around the room, as a lone man fed his blood to a woman. Slicing open his finger,'Adonis' dripped the blood into the woman. Her eyes rolled back into her skull as she fell onto the floor with a thud, her body began to heavily spasm, her mind slowly consumed by emotions that were not her own.

Rage like a flowing river, hatred as deep as an ocean, fear, the fear of all consuming death and finally nothing, a deep feeling of nothingness washed over her. her rationale returned as she lifted herself up, her eyes turning a deep yellow colur before turning back into a purple one.

"What do we do next master?"

'Adonis' Smiled and said" The other me is in control, I'm simply acting on his behalf as he ignored my advice earlier on. I will be passing you back over now."

Adonis' yellow eyes returned to their natural blue hue, his mind cleared, he looked around him, his mind ran many different situations, as to what power he had gained, what had happened to his body, what this meant and what he could do.

"We are one now mortal, let the fun begin"

2/2 edited, third will be out soon.

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