
Star Wars: The Wandering Pirate Padawan

I have trained as a Jedi for 16 years, those 16 years were a waste, death was all that waited for me as a Jedi. With the temple burned and Luke presumed dead, What should I do now? I don't really know, A life of a pirate lord? Sure, let's go with that...

DarthTurtle · Movies
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2 Chs

Parasite (1/2)

Adonis awoke in an enclosed space, he tried to use the force to break out of his containment, to his shock, it appeared that his connection to the force had been destroyed as he showed signs of waking a small alarm went of in the room he was in. Immediately two men walked into the room, they were both in standard mercenary uniform , one pointed a blaster rifle at the tank while the other opened the tank.

Adonis let out a small sound as he fell to the ground, lying on the floor, naked and battered, Adonis took three deep breaths before pushing himself up, looking at the two guards, he smiled and asked" Where am I?"

The guard moved closer to Adonis, putting his blaster up against his gut, saying "You are on the pirate ship known as the Whispering Sea. The captain of this ship is called Mistress Alvanta. she can use the force so I would be careful when you interact with her, you will become our slave if you survive the trails we have on the ship."

Adonis tried to mentally force push the guard however he was shocked to find the guard staring at him with hostility in his eyes, grunting "What are you looking at Slave?"

Adonis sighed and pushed the blaster pressed against him to the side, panicking the guard pulled the trigger, only to shot the other guard in the stomach. Adonis then hit the remaining guard in the stomach with his own blaster before grabbing him by the neck and crushing his windpipe with his own hands. Still looking at the dead guard, Adonis snarled" Call me a slave again, go on, do it."

Adonis then rummaged around the room his was being kept in, finding a spare set of the pirates' uniform, he put it on, grabbing one of the blasters and made his way towards what he believed would be the bridge of the ship.

The ship was bigger than Adonis had anticipated, judging by how long it took him to find the bridge, he estimated that it was at least a frigate class ship, he also noted the clear lack of crew aboard the vessel. His time spent wandering the ship felt off to Adonis, there was no one but him moving around, his occasionally caught a glimpse of a camera turning in his direction as he walked down some corridors, eventually he found the sound of people talking behind a reinforced door.

Knowing that without the force he wouldn't be able to break down the door, Adonis simply knelt in front of it and began meditating, trying to stimulate his body and reconnect it the force.

Time passed as he failed again and again and again until finally he couldn't take it anymore and punched the door in front of him, the huge wall became dented. Adonis knew he was strong but not strong enough to do that, he entered a state of meditation again however what he found scared him half to death, his chest that had been hidden from him in his previous meditation attempts was now visible to him, his lungs had mutated, his heart had a deep blue hue to it.

Scared he brought his vision away form his body, looking at the door, he once again punched at it, the metal began to creak as large cracks traveled from the bottom of the door, snaking themselves up until, it exploded. Confused and lost regarding his power, he composed himself and entered the bridge, he was greeted by three pirates and a woman in Jedi robes.

Adonis collected himself and walked into the room, blaster in hand, he simply asked" Another one from Luke's failed order?"

The woman snarled" Luke did not fail, he was betrayed by Ben, he couldn't have known what was going to happen-"

Adonis laughed and cut off the woman "You believe someone as strong as Luke could not feel the dark side within his nephew? We were all put at risk, then Ben betrayed us anyway, not that any of that matters. Tell me, why am I on this ship?"

"We found you floating in space, as far as we know you were dead, imagine my surprise when you started breathing when we placed you in the medical wing, who are you? Why is your body so different? Why were you floating in space?"

Flashes of memories flooded into Adonis' mind, a battle between him and someone in a mask, his defeat and 'death' at the hands of the masked man. The aura of the dark side that suffocated him as he was thrown out of the airlock, his muted screams as he ran out of air to breathe and one thought that ran rampant through his mind 'Kill Skywalker, Kill Skywalker, Kill Skywalker, Kill Skywalker....'

Heavily Grammer/ spell checked, the second chapter will get the same when I get home, the third chapter in production. Sorry for the delay >_>

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