
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · Movies
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26 Chs


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A big shout out to my patrons once more your support has been giving me the drive to continue to write the story so you and other readers may enjoy it . So a most grateful thankful to you all : Shadow, Dev Polar, Crielle, Teufelslord, Jacob Hixson, Nathan Just, Benjamin Gollai, Luck George, Left _Nut_Of_Madara and Earnest Everett.

A bigger shout out to Tuefelsord the first member of our crown tier! Thank you my friend.


Pls note: Sorry for the confusion but I had deleted the previous chapter 18 because it was an error on my end to upload prematurely.

1 Year Later

September 10, 7 BBY

Sundari Royal Palace

"How're your people, Valance? I planned to give them another visit…; but as you can see i have been rather… preoccupied with my duties".

"It's fine sir. You have done more than enough for my people . Thanks to you my family and friends are now safer and happier than never before. These past few months have proven to be prosperous. Concordia is now our new home and forever will be," Valance responded contentedly.

Valance was always… or for the most part a serious man, he hardly smiles . Not that the guy had anything to smile about, seemingly as his family and people were being harassed and abused back on Chorin while he was a Tie fighter pilot; but that was then. Now, his family and people are all safe and content with their new home on Concordia.

"You are a valuable member of the Empire valance , loyalty must always be rewarded . You have lost an eye for the empire already , its the least I can do for you. Your people already work in my mines, in good conditions and with good pay; but as another reward Valance. I shall give you the Rusken Mines, this shall be your legacy, one to hand down to your sons or daughters and his/her child after them. A new start for House Valance."

"SIR!?", The fellow captain gasped out in astonishment.

"Yesss. You will now have the means to further develop the community for your people, more houses , schools clinics, factories all of the sort. You see Valance i intend to make my sector as prosperous and rebel free as possible and in doing so I must make the local population affluent and comfortable as possible, suffering breeds rebellion my friend, so I won't have my people suffer under me. I'll have the paperwork drawn up for you to sign but in the meantime, you may return to Concordia , spend some time with your father , a break is long due don't you think?", the Moff voiced almost dismissively.

"Thank you sir , thank you", Valance replied gratefully while he now firmly shook the moff's hand , getting a small smile and a pat on the shoulder from his superior in return.

Valance endowed the qualities for what an true imperial soldier should be and men like him must be kept within imperial ranks, there were many like him who defected from the Empire. The empire always abandoned its people in their greatest times of need and Valance's former home planet of Chorin was an example.

"I have many things to do Captain so you may take your leave"

"Yes Sir," the Captain gave a firm reply, then turnt on his heel and left the Governor's office, the door closing with a small hiss behind him.

"Sir, Admiral Tarkin is here to see you", the voice of his aid/secretary sounded out through the comms device on his desk.

"Let him in", Garoche replied flatly.

"Yes sir".


"William",he called out, greeting his brother, both men now shaking hands.

"I just saw Valance on his way out, so you've given him the Rusken mines as we discussed?" His brother asked as he got comfortable in the leather chair.

"Yes , his loyalty is all now acquired . Valance now owes us a debt, one I will make sure to collect on when the time is right".

"Indeed; but Valance wont betray us , not now not ever , the livelihood of his people are at risk if he ever does. He needs us more than ever now and he'll do anything to make sure things last as they are", william intoned,

getting an agreeing nod from his older brother.

"Now that Valance's people are settled. The mines on concordia rebuilt and running smoothly, the people of the city are Content with their… privileges so far and I am already winning over their favor ; but to think that saxon would use his own forces and the soldiers appointed to him by the imperial council to harass his own people is mind boggling".

"Indeed Saxon is a fool when it comes to ruling, he's a soldier down to heart , politics is not his forte . He still doesn't realize that not all matters need a heavy hand , sometimes subtlety is the best option. Speaking of politics, I heard the Council members from Keldabe City came to see you again, what did those old coots want now?", William asked.

"Well other than the ship maintenance contracts and the steady stream of speeder bikes supplied by Mandal Motors , we discussed some other particular … investments. They wish for me to move to their city of Keldabe or should I say make it the main point of interest, they've seen the major changes taking place in Sundari and they want the same for their city, I can understand their request seemingly as keldabe was the capital not too long ago; but Sundari is the capital now. We've personally invested over 150 million credits in our business ventures and escapades here so far, so we cant just up and leave", the moff finished.

"That's true but it doesn't deny the fact that we need keldabe's loyalty just as Sundari, even after buying weapons and supplies from them for the past few months and a military base stationed in their city ,it still hasn't guaranteed their absolute loyalty. To them their city needs to have some sort of influence amongst our ranks, and its best if we give it to them… at least for the time been", the young Tarkin voiced.

"I already did. I bought 11% of the stocks from Mandal Motors. I've also drawn up a contract with their Executives, one in which they'll manufacture all our advanced Tie fighters, troop transports and cargo crafts. In exchange for a member of their city ruling council to be appointed to our Joint board. A 12 % reduction in tax fees for the next 5 years and some Military presence on their off world mining companies."

"Hmmm, it doesn't sound too bad to me; but how much credits did you spend on those shares?", William asked while still contemplating the deals made by his brother.

"198.7 million credits"



"Chewie I know!, you need to man the guns while I plot a course for hyperspace, hurry before those ugly banthas blow us up".


"How was it my fault?"han asked nonchalantly

"Just go man the damn guns before we are blown to space dust, hurry you furball".


"The bastard shot at me first how should I know he was working with the Pykes!"

Damn it all, he thought. Every since Qi'ra took over crimson dawn , everything has gotten rather intense, even for himself. He was doing jobs none stop like a slave. Qi'ra was definitely not a fan of him anymore. There was an ongoing war between the Crimson Dawn and the Pyke syndicate. How it officially started, he didn't know. All he knew was that Crimson Dawn and the Pyke Syndicate were now enemies .

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