
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · Movies
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26 Chs

Moff of Mandalore

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A big shout out to my patrons once more your support has been giving me the drive to continue to write the story so you and other readers may enjoy it . So a most grateful thankful to you all : Shadow, Dev Polar, Teufelslord, Jacob Hixson, Nathan Just, Benjamin Gollai, Luck George, Left _Nut_Of_Madara, Earnest Everett and Crielle.


Pls note: Sorry for the confusion but I had deleted the previous chapter 18 because it was an error on my end to upload prematurely.

February 7, 9 BBY


Imperial Training Center

"Haven't you guys heard? There's a Moff being appointed to our sector."

"What. where have you been hearing such things Pilo?", the young Sabine questioned her fellow cadet who only shrugged her off.

"It doesn't matter where I've heard it from, just know that what I say is the truth", Pilo voiced recklessly

"Hmph, as if we're supposed to believe you and your shoddy intel, If you don't stop ease dropping at the communications tower, whenever your'e caught the task master will have your hide ", Jeb mocked .

"Oh shut up Jeb, at least something useful has left his mouth, I can't say the same for a shod like you", Said Phaze.

"What did you say to me you semi bald headed bastard!?" ,Jeb inquired looking irritated.

"You wanna fight blondy cause we can do this the old way" uttered Phaze as he smacked his fist

"I can take you on whenever and wherever baldy, right now is no different", Jeb grumbled.

"What's going on in here!? " asked the newly arrived Taskmaster Finnick as he heard their quarrel at the door.

" Ah , nothing task master, we were just settling some small… differences", said Phaze, as he looked slightly nervous as he stood at attention like the other cadets.

"Differences ?, I do not care!, You two can settle your petty squabbles tomorrow in cleaning duty if you want! For today all unoccupied imperials and imperial personnel are to await in the main hangar for the arrival of the new Moff of the Mandalorian over sector, so that means all of you are to get ready in an hour to present yourselves . The Imperial Academy of Mandalore is a place of discipline and excellence , we must display that for our new commanding officers and for our new Governor to see. Is that clear?" , Finnick stated

"Yes sir!" , all four replied simultaneously

"Then get to it!", Finick said before leaving their quarters.

"Can't say I didn't tell you guys", Pilo japped smugly, as Finnick disappeared.

"Whatever!" Jeb hissed .

"As long as the New Governor isn't as bad 'Governing'… as Gar Saxon , then I wont have any problems, " voiced Phaze.

"Finally something sensible I can agree on", Jeb taunted.

"Just you wait blondie , you'll be agreeing with these fists very soon", Phaze grumbled after hearing his nemesis smug remark.

"Come on guys now's not the time, didn't you hear what the task master said, be ready in an 'hour', we don't have time for fights," Sabine pleaded as she stood between the two men , seemingly parting them.

"Hmph, your lucky blondie, we'll continue this tomorrow", said Phaze as he walked away.

We shall see baldy, we shall see, Jeb thought as he glared daggers in the Phaze's back.

Sabine released a heavy sigh , seeing the two go their separate ways. Ever since her first day at the academy , those two had never seen eye to eye. Phaze being from clan Kast while Jeb being from clan Rook , they were like Ice and fire. Wherever they went there would always be some form of heated confrontation or squabble.

A few hours Later in orbit

The Authority's Bridge

"Sir, Regent Gar Saxon has finished his preparations and is now awaiting your arrival. The Tie fighter escorts and your personal Shuttle is also ready to depart", said Captain Valence as he arrived beside the Moff who continuously gazed at the Sand covered planet through the viewport.

"Thank you Captain " , Garoche stated dismissively as he to kept his gaze on the Planet.

William , unfortunately was no longer with the Authority, and with him now being an Admiral warranted him his own flagship. So other Naval officers would replenish that space left in his permanent absence and amongst the Officers of the Authority , one of these men were the newly promoted Captain Beilert Valance. He was Recommended by William two years ago , seemingly as he was in the same year as that trouble maker solo. Valance was a great pilot and a very loyal imperial of the empire, his experience in piloting was only second to William's. And Both men worked closely together over the past few months, developing new offensive and defensive tactics, maneuvers , and highlighting the various flaws of the their standard Tie Fighters which were soon improvised and upgraded.

The other officer and second in command of the Authority ,Rivaling the newly minted General Able or BL-1707 was Admiral Thrax.

Thrax had been on his flagship for 7 years, his loyalty and prowess in naval warfare tactics had caught his eye for some time now. All his hard work and loyalty to the empire has beared fruit , he always made it known on his ship that he will always favor Merit over nepotism, if they wish to climb the ranks while on the authority they must prove themselves but not to the detriment of their peers. Even if such behavior was already prominent within the imperial forces.

But nonetheless . The Emperor has bestowed upon him a 'Great Mission' , one that entails the rooting out of all dissidents that threaten to infect this sectors stability. Over a hundred ships under his command and a thousand planet in this sector to oversee, this would be a hard task but not an impossible one. Fenn Rau had already united many clans under his banner and by default under the Shadow Command's, Regent Saxon has grown envious of his recent rise in power seemingly as they were rivals. But this small set back could be resolved easily , seemingly as the Saxons were Sycophantically loyal to the Empire. He shall allow Gar Saxon to retain a reasonable position amongst his ranks.

There were infinite resources here within this sector that were just waiting to be discovered and exploited. Given time he would make this sector a imperial world so prestigious that it would one day be compared the likes of even Vardos

"Then I shall take my leave. Fleet Admiral shale will Establish a defensive formation around the planet, all entrance and exit lanes, all vastly inhabited planets within the sector shall be monitored and guarded properly ," Garoche stated as he turned around to leave the bridge , his death Troopers following in Tow behind him.

15 minutes later.

The https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Delta-class_T-3c_shuttle moved through the massive Corridors of Sundari City escorted by the Mandalorian Police force which made sure the Shuttle moved smoothly and uninterrupted by traffic. A dozen darkly covered and heavily armed Tie fighters followed closely behind as they made their way towards The Imperial Academy of Mandalore , which soon became visible within sight.

5 minutes later the Dark shuttle touched down, its long dark metallic wings folding upwards as its engines began to power down.

And out of its doors first came two death troopers , blasters in hand, ready for action at any time, followed by them was the Moff of the Mandalorian oversector with another eight death troopers in tow forming a small rectangular protective perimeter around him.

The Moff looked out at the Forefront and saw Imperial walkers, stormtroopers, cadets, imperial officers , all fronted and awaiting his arrival.

At the head of all the imperial hardware and personnel, Mandalorian Imperial Super Commandos stood at attention, all outfitted in white armor showing their allegiance to the empire.

Infront of them was a Mandalorian in his white armor as well but distinct differences could be seen , where large patches of red was over his helmet that was in his hand and his shoulder plates.

"I bid you welcome , Moff Tarkin. Mandalore is honored to be graced by your presence", Gar saxon flattered.

But Garoche kept his face neutral to the regents 'supposed flattery', and replied nonetheless.

"It's an honor being here Vice Regent Saxon , the Emperor sends his regards" Garoche voiced calmly, getting a nod from the mandalorian leader.

"If I may , Moff Tarkin ? It intrigues me that the Emperor would appoint a Moff to a Sector that has always been loyal since the establishment of the new order", Saxon stated Quizzically.

"It is not a question of loyalty , Saxon. The Emperor believes that in order to rid the oppositions to his rule here in the untamed outer rim . A strong presence must be maintained . Dissent shall not be left unanswered any longer, the Rebels shall be terminated once and for all!", Garoche replied sternly iterating his points to the Mandalorian leader, as he balled his gloved hand into a fist.

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